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A utility set of pre-configured Polybar module templates to build fancy Powerline-style bars


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Powerline for Polybar


Powerline for Polybar is a utility set of pre-configured Polybar module templates.

An example being better than words, here’s a quick look :



Some complete example configurations :


Prerequisites and dependencies

As this utility library is dedicated to be used with Polybar, i strongly advice you to install it. From now, I will assume you know the basis of Polybar configuration.


Installation is pretty straightforward: this repository is only composed of text files and Polybar configuration files. You only have to clone/download/rewrite files to somewhere on your system.

git clone powerline-for-polybar


Beginner’s guide

The file powerline-for-polybar.config contains pre-configured templates to be inherited by your Polybar modules in order to your own build fancy Powerline setup. A good start is to include this file to your Polybar configuration file :

; My configuration file

include-file = /path/to/powerline-for-polybar/powerline-for-polybar.config

In order to use a template for your modules, you have to make your module inherits from the template, and set a few parameters. In case examples in this document aren’t comprehensive enough, don’t hesitate to look inside powerline-for-polybar.config for parameters that must be set, as they are documented along each templates. A generic example would be :

inherit      = <powerline-something>
<parameter1> = <background-color>
<parameter2> = <foreground-color>

In this library, you will find two categories of objects to inherit from : powerline-templates and powerline-modules. powerline-templates are meant to be inherited by your own modules, which mean you have to set the template parameters and the parameters of your module (such as graphical properties, labels, formatting, …). powerline-modules are stand-alone modules that you only have to inherit from and set their parameters.

Real parameters will be explained along the following examples.

Simple Powerline bar

Let take a look back at the first example (corresponding configuration file is samples/1_simple-left-to-right.config):


This bar is made out of 4 components (from left to right):

  • user-defined “logo” item (“Polybar” here, but your favorite distribution’s logo will work fine)
  • CPU load monitor module
  • RAM usage monitor module
  • Current window title display

To build one of the first three item (those Powerline fancy things), you only need to know the background color you want for this item, and the background color of the next (in line direction) item.

The template used in this example is powerline-templates/left-to-right-item. First, make your module inherit from the template inside their configuration section.

inherit        = powerline-templates/left-to-right-item

And add the needed background colors: background is the background for the current item, and background-next is the background of the next item (or bar’s background for the last item).

background      = <insert-current-item-background-color>
background-next = <insert-next-item-background-color>

Once this is explained and looking back at the sample, here’s the code to build each of its Powerline modules:

  • Logo module

; Powerline-for-Polybar settings
inherit            = powerline-templates/left-to-right-item
background         = ${}
background-next    = ${colors.yellow}

; Other settings
type               = custom/text
content-background = ${self.background}
content-foreground = ${}
content            = " Polybar "
  • CPU module

; Powerline-for-Polybar settings
inherit           = powerline-templates/left-to-right-item
background        = ${colors.yellow}
background-next   = ${}

; Other settings
type              = internal/cpu
format-background = ${self.background}
format-foreground = ${}
label             = " CPU: %percentage%% "
  • RAM module

; Powerline-for-Polybar settings
inherit           = powerline-templates/left-to-right-item
background        = ${}
background-next   = ${root.background}

; Other settings
type              = internal/memory
format-background = ${self.background}
format-foreground = ${}
label             = " RAM: %percentage_used%% "

Special case: as the RAM module is the last Powerline item of its line, background-next shall be set to the bar’s background color (which can be easily reached using ${root.background}).

And finally, add a Powerline-supporting font and modules lists in your bar configuration:

height = 20
font-X = "Inconsolata for Powerline:pixelsize=15:antialias=true;3"
modules-left   = logo cpu memory
modules-center = xwindow

TADA! You should now have a bar looking more or less like this first sample, assuming you got your colors/fonts configuration right.

Note that template is also available in right-to-left, using corresponding template names. For right-to-left lines, consider the rightmost item is the starting item while the leftmost is the ending one. The sample configuration file for the right-to-left equivalent of this example is samples/3_simple-right-to-left.config.


Separator-including Powerline bar

Another, slightly more complicated example, is a Powerline bar including separators between items (corresponding configuration file is samples/4_separated-left-to-right.config):


The template used in this example is powerline-templates/left-to-right-item-with-separator. Expected keys are background for the current item background, and separator corresponding to the separator color.

There are two subtle things with this template :

  • For the first item of the line (leftmost in this case), you have to use a specific template: powerline-templates/left-to-right-starting-item-with-separator. This template uses the same parameters as above.
  • At the end of the line, you have to insert a small module inheriting from the standalone module powerline-modules/left-to-right-end-of-line-separator, which only needs a background value.

In order to build this sample, here’s the code:

  • Bar settings
height = 20
font-X = "Inconsolata for Powerline:pixelsize=15:antialias=true;3"
modules-left   = logo cpu memory end-of-line
modules-center = xwindow
  • Logo module (using the starting item template)

; Powerline settings
inherit            = powerline-templates/left-to-right-starting-item-with-separator
background         = ${}
separator          = ${}

; Other settings
type               = custom/text
content-background = ${self.background}
content-foreground = ${}
content            = " Polybar "
  • CPU module

; Powerline settings
inherit            = powerline-templates/left-to-right-item-with-separator
background         = ${colors.yellow}
separator          = ${}

; Other settings
type               = internal/cpu
format-background  = ${self.background}
format-foreground  = ${}
label              = " CPU: %percentage%% "
  • RAM module

; Powerline settings
inherit            = powerline-templates/left-to-right-item-with-separator
background         = ${}
separator          = ${}

; Other settings
type               = internal/memory
format-background  = ${self.background}
format-foreground  = ${}
label              = " RAM: %percentage_used%% "
  • End-of-line separator

; Powerline settings
inherit            = powerline-modules/left-to-right-end-of-line-separator
separator          = ${}

You should now have something like this (samples/6_separated-left-to-right-noborder.config):


In case you forget to use the powerline-templates/left-to-right-starting-item-with-separator for the first module, this is what to expect, but might be intended (samples/5_separated-left-to-right-nostarting-noborder.config):


My opinion being that separator-including lines look far better with borders, let’s add them to finish building up our current example :

border-left-size   = 2
border-top-size    = 2
border-right-size  = 2
border-bottom-size = 2
border-color       = #ffffff


Again, right-to-left equivalent is available (samples/7_separated-right-to-left.config):


Workspaces display

As of now, designing a workspaces display area in your bar requires specific settings because of two reasons : (1) no prefix/suffix formatting is actually possible (2) it depends on your windows manager.

Being an exclusive user of i3, i’ll only explain the needed configuration for this window manager only.


For technical reasons i won’t explain in here, you must include a separator between your workspaces for the best visual appearance. Thus, you need to choose the colors you’ll use from here (you should have the #rrggbb hexadecimal format) :

  • general background color, which will be the color of your separators,
  • background and foreground color of your mode indicator,
  • background and foreground color of focused workspace,
  • background and foreground color of unfocused workspace,
  • background and foreground color of visible workspace,
  • background and foreground color of urgent workspace.

I won’t explain in details how to build your own, things are pretty simple and straightforward. Just take a look at my configuration, cleaned of any “non-relevant to this scenario” settings.

Chosen colors :

  • General background color : #000000
  • Mode indicator : #802929 (background) and #000000 (foreground)
  • Focused workspace : #427241 (background) and #ffffff (foreground)
  • Unfocused workspace : #303030 (background) and #999999 (foreground)
  • Visible workspace : #4f6a5a (background) and #ffffff (foreground)
  • Urgent workspace : #802929 (background) and #ffffff (foreground)
type            = internal/i3
format          = "<label-state><label-mode>"

label-mode-padding          = 0
label-mode                  = "%{B#802929 F#000000}  %mode%  %{B#000000 F#802929}"

label-focused-padding       = 0
label-focused               = "%{B#427241 F#000000}%{B#427241 F#ffffff}  %name%  %{B#000000 F#427241}"

label-unfocused-padding     = ${self.label-focused-padding}
label-unfocused             = "%{B#303030 F#000000}%{B#303030 F#999999}  %name%  %{B#000000 F#303030}"

label-visible-padding       = ${self.label-focused-padding}
label-visible               = "%{B#4f6a5a F#000000}%{B#4f6a5a F#FFFFFF}  %name%  %{B#000000 F#4f6a5a}"

label-urgent-padding        = ${self.label-focused-padding}
label-urgent                = "%{B#802929 F#000000}%{B#802929 F#ffffff}  %name%  %{B#000000 F#802929}"

And the final result (of course, to be included inside a well-configured poly-power-bar, see above). The first following sample shows workspaces display only, and the second one shows workspaces display with a prepended i3 mode indicator.



Reference sheet


Future works

  • Add support for workspaces, maybe through user-redefined template. A bit conky, but we can’t do best ‘til prefix/sufix for independant workspace is released (will it?).


A utility set of pre-configured Polybar module templates to build fancy Powerline-style bars







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