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This is part of a BS in computer engineering at NTNU, Trondheim. Written for the end user to input handwritten mathematics to a server for classification.


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Predictor client is a frontend library intended to handle common canvas use cases.

Symbol Canvas

The library includes a SymbolCanvas class, which handles most of the communication with the canvas. Its features are:

  1. Drawing lines between coordinates.
  2. Drawing filled circles (for erasing)
  3. Converting touch - and mouse events to normalized coordinates.
  4. Clearing the canvas.


The SymbolCanvas class exposes four public methods, as well as three events.


  * @param   element The element drawing should be made on
  * @returns {void}
  constructor(element: HTMLCanvasElement) : void

Draw line

 * @param fromCoords   The coordinates to draw from
 * @param toCoords     The coordinates to draw to
 * @param color        The color to draw the line, defaults to #A0A3A6
 * @param lineWidth    The width of the line, default to 5
 * @returns {void}
drawLine(fromCoords: Coordinates2D, toCoords: Coordinates2D, color = "#A0A3A6", lineWidth = 5) : void

Draw circle

 * @param coords     The coordinates in the center of the circle
 * @param radius     The radius of the circle, default to 10
 * @param fillStyle  The color to fill the circle, defaults to white
 * @returns {void}
drawCircle(coords: Coordinates2D, radius = 10, fillStyle = "white") : void

Clear canvas

 * @description Removes all color and drawings from the canvas.
clearCanvas() : void

Event emitters

 * @name        click
 * @description Emits when the canvas was clicked.
 * @param       {Coordinates2D} clickedCoords The coordinates where the canvas was clicked
 * @name        draw
 * @description Emits when a user has drawn one step forward. 
 * @param {Coordinates2D} currentCoords The coordinates where the user drew to
 * @param {Coordinates2D} prevCoords    The coordinates the user drew from. 
 *                                      Can be null if there are no previous coords.
 * @name           release
 * @description    Emits when a user has released the canvas. If the user did not draw. Click will be dispatched
 *                 instead of release.

Canvas controller

The canvas controller class handles the communication between the canvas and your application, as well as common utility operations. Its features are:

  1. Keeps a datastructure of coordinates in the format the server expects.
  2. Validates touch events, in the case that a user clicked unintentionally.
  3. Emits an event with the current trace buffer when a user is done drawing (on release if there is a valid buffer). This can be sent directly to the server.
  4. Emits an event with the clicked trace if a user presses the canvas within a certain distance from a trace.
  5. Can mark specific traces with a specified color (used for marking a group of traces)


The CanvasController class exposes four public methods, as well as three events.


 * @param canvas                                 A canvas with a similar interface to SymbolCanvas
 * @param {Object}   options                     Options for how the controller should work. 
 * @param {bool}     options.isErasing           Whether buffer should be removed or drawn. 
 *                                               Can be accessed from symbolCanvas.options.isErasing
 * @param {number}   options.eraseRadius         Number for the circle radius when erasing
 * @param {number}   options.minTraceCount       How many samplings in a trace before it is valid
 * @param {number}   options.minTraceDistance    The minimum distance a trace can be to be valid
 * @param {string}   options.canvasColor         The color of the canvas
 * @param {string}   options.canvasSelectedColor The color a selected symbol should have
 * @param {number}   options.strokeWidth         The width of each stroke
 * @param {string}   options.strokeColor         The color of the drawn lines
 * @param {bool}     options.validateTrace       If traces should be validated before being included in buffer. 
 *                                               If false, minTraceCount and minTraceDistance will not be used.
 * @returns {void}
constructor(canvas: SymbolCanvas, options: ControllerOptions) : void

Redraw buffer

 * @description Clears the canvas and redraws the buffer.
 * @returns {void}
drawLine() : void

Mark trace groups

 * @description Draws traces in buffer at specified indexes. Uses default values from options.
 * @param traceGroupIndexes: The indexes for traces in buffer that should be drawn
 * @param color:             The color of the drawn traces. Defaults to value in options
 * @param strokeWidth:       The width of the drawn traces. Defaults to value in options
 * @returns {void}
markTraceGroups(traceGroupIndexes: number[], color, strokeWidth): void

Event emitters

 * @name               release
 * @description        Emits when the canvas was released, and at least one valid trace has been drawn.
 * @param {number[][]} buffer The current buffer at the time of release. Includes a list of traces.
 * @name               symbolclick
 * @description        Emits when the canvas was clicked, and a trace was within range of the click. 
 * @param {number}     overlappingIndex The index of the closest trace to the click.



<!DOCTYPE html>
 <canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas")
const symbolCanvas = new SymbolCanvas(canvas);
const canvasController = new CanvasController(symbolCanvas);

canvasController.on("release", buffer => {
    // Send buffer to server
canvasController.on("symbolclick", traceIndex => {
  // Find which trace group the index is in
  const traceGroup = findTraceGroupByIndex(traceIndex) // Returns list of the traces' indexes
  canvasController.markTraceGroup(traceGroup, "red") // Paint the symbol (trace group) red.

A full example can be found in symbol predictor server.


This is part of a BS in computer engineering at NTNU, Trondheim. Written for the end user to input handwritten mathematics to a server for classification.








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