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B2 Browser Upload

This example demonstrates using the b2_upload_file Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage API from a web browser to upload a file directly from a web browser to the B2 bucket, without the file contents having to go through a web server you control.

This is similar to using techniques with other cloud storage providers such as AWS's presigned URLs and GCP's signed URLs, and was inspired by and borrows from Matt Welke's upload-file-to-backblaze-b2-from-browser-example. Many thanks to Matt for writing and publishing that code!

In this example, a Node.js back end app renders the upload URL and authorization token into the web page containing the file upload element. JavaScript on the front end uses the fetch() API to POST the file directly to Backblaze B2.


The example has two components:

  1. An Express back end to call the b2_get_upload_url and render the resulting upload URL and authorization token into the web page as hidden form fields without exposing the B2 application key to the browser.
  2. A front end JS app to retrieve the rendered values to upload a selected file from the browser. Uses SubtleCrypto to perform SHA1 hashing.

Preparing Backblaze B2 bucket

Create a bucket and use the B2 CLI to apply custom CORS rules. The contents of the b2CorsRules.json file in this repo can be used as an example. The policy allows downloads and uploads from any origin. If you're using bash, or a similar shell, you can use command substitution ($(...)) to reference the JSON file with the CORS policy:

b2 update-bucket --corsRules "$(cat b2CorsRules.json)" yourBucketName

You should see your CORS policy in the output from the b2 command:

% b2 update-bucket --corsRules "$(cat b2CorsRules.json)" metadaddy-public
    "accountId": "15f935cf4dcb",
    "bucketId": "f1f51fb913357c4f74ed0c1b",
    "bucketInfo": {},
    "bucketName": "metadaddy-public",
    "bucketType": "allPublic",
    "corsRules": [
            "allowedHeaders": [
            "allowedOperations": [
            "allowedOrigins": [
            "corsRuleName": "downloadFromAnyOriginWithUpload",
            "exposeHeaders": null,
            "maxAgeSeconds": 3600
    "defaultRetention": {
        "mode": null
    "defaultServerSideEncryption": {
        "mode": "none"
    "isFileLockEnabled": false,
    "lifecycleRules": [],
    "options": [
    "replication": {
        "asReplicationDestination": null,
        "asReplicationSource": null
    "revision": 8

Make a note of the bucketId value - you'll need that in the next step.

Running back end

Run npm install.

Set the following environment variables:

  • B2_APPLICATION_KEY_ID - Your B2 application key id
  • B2_APPLICATION_KEY - Your B2 application key
  • B2_BUCKET_ID - The ID of the B2 bucket you're uploading files into.

Run the app with DEBUG=b2-browser-upload:* npm start.

Choose file and upload:

upload screenshot


Demonstrates calling the b2_upload_file Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage API from a web browser using fetch().







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