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Laryn - edited this page Apr 5, 2021 · 2 revisions

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Migrating from Drupal 7's Entity API module

Migration from Drupal 7's Entity API module produces a bit of a conundrum: in Backdrop the bits of the D7 entity module that were not added to core have been moved into a new module called entity_plus and functions renamed to avoid potential future function name clashes if they are moved into core at a later date. This module doesn't formally exist in D7, so when running the upgrade process, Entity Plus is not enabled. This can cause fatal errors if an upgraded module is looking for functionality provided by Entity Plus.

Solution 1: Enable a "stub module" on Drupal 7 before upgrading

Enabling an empty module with the correct name will cause the needed module to be enabled by default during the upgrade process. See here for further information, including a sample stub module for Entity Plus.

Solution 2: Enable Entity Plus directly in the database

Entity Plus doesn't include any install hooks that need to run when the module is installed or enabled, so you can also enable it on the upgrade site after you get a fatal error, if that is easier. You need to set the value of status to 1 in the system table and then clear the cache tables as well.