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This is initiation golang project starter.


Dependencies Documentation (Please read these dependencies docs)

  • Go >= 1.21.4
  • ORM GORM = v1.25.5
  • Cache Management Redis (extending sequelize function with cache feature)
  • Database Migration Golang Migrate

How To Install

  • Open your project folder
  • run go mod tidy
  • run cp env.example .env
  • adjust .env file with you local machine
  • how to run the project
    go run .
    go run main.go
    make run


Modular architecture, often referred to as modular design or modularity, is an architectural approach that involves breaking down a system into smaller, self-contained, and interchangeable modules. These modules encapsulate specific functionality, and the interactions between them are well-defined and limited. Each module can be developed, tested, and maintained independently, providing a more scalable, maintainable, and understandable structure for a software system.


The provider is main gateway to register features on the app, you can make your own provider and register it on bootstrap/app.go, you add the config on this provider, provider has 2 main function Boot() and Register(), Boot() will be execute first and Register() after. default provider for the app.

  • app.provider.go

    you can add any setting for the app from this provider, for example we can setting default timezone for the app.

  • config.provider.go

    config the app from here, like db, redis, app name, etc.

  • console.provider.go

    we can make our own console, and register it in this provider.

  • queue.provider.go

    create queue for executing data and you can register the queue on this provider.

  • scheduler.provider.go

    sometimes we need process run on the background in the specific time, you can make it and, register it on this provider

  • server.provider.go

    this is controller for register, you want to use which protocol on your apps, http or grpc




Register you HTTP module. you can start the http server with this script in main.go.

go func() {


you can start the grpc server with this script in main.go.

go func() {
    go app.Server.Grpc().Run(app.Config.GetString(""));

Custome Validation

You can add custome validation rule by implement the interface of Validation

type Validation interface {
	Signature() string
	Handle(validator.FieldLevel) bool

and register it on server.provider.go



for ORM we use GORM, for the detail GORM Docs you can see it here.


we use Golang Migrate for our base migration, but we extend that for simplify reason. migration file will be located in database/migrations.

  • create

    to make new file migration you just can run go run . gtime migrate:create --name=user

  • up

    for run migration you just need to run go run . gtime migrate:up

  • down

    for undo the migration run. go run . gtime migrate:down you can add step=4 for undo the migration


set env for mongo first to use MongoDB, for mongo instance you can access app.DB.Mongo() and other function on go Mongo here the example how to use it:

  • Insert
collection := app.DB.Mongo.Database("catfact").Collection("facts")
_, err := collection.InsertOne(context.TODO(), map[string]any{
    "breed": "Persian",
    "fact":  "Cats are the most popular pet in the United States: There are 88 million pet cats and 74 million dogs.",

if err != nil {
  • Read
collection := app.DB.Mongo.Database("catfact").Collection("facts")

query := bson.M{}
cursor, err := collection.Find(context.TODO(), query)
if err != nil {

var results []bson.M
if err = cursor.All(context.TODO(), &results); err != nil {


you can use this function to manage cache on the system

type Cache interface {
	Push(string, any) error
	Retrieve(string) []string
	Remove(string, int)
	Pop(string) []string
	Get(string, any) any
	Has(string) bool
	Set(string, any, time.Duration) error
	Pull(string, any) any
	Add(string, any, time.Duration) bool
	Remember(string, time.Duration, func() any) (any, error)
	RememberForever(string, func() any) (any, error)
	Forever(string, any) bool
	Forget(string) bool
	Flush() bool

example code


app.Cache.Add("test_add", "update", time.Minute * 300);
app.Cache.Push("key", "value here");



you can add scheduler file on src/cmd/schedules and register the file in schedule provider.

func (log *ScheduleServiceProvider) Register() {
	app.Schedule = schedule.BootSchedule([]contracts.ScheduleEvent{
		// register you schedule here

schedule example

import (

	schedule ""

type ExampleSchedule struct{}	

func (s *ExampleSchedule) Signature() string {
	return "example:schedule"

func (m *ExampleJob) Options() []asynq.Option {
	return []asynq.Option{
		asynq.ProcessIn(5 * time.Second),

func (s *ExampleSchedule) Schedule() string {
	return "@every 3s"

func (s *ExampleSchedule) Handle() {
	fmt.Println("Cron job executed at:", time.Now())

and for run the schedule call this code on main.go

go func() {


you should create a new queue with your own name, then use it to send message or receive message, you can make your own queue file at src/cmd/jobs, job file example

import (


type ExampleJob struct{}

func (m *ExampleJob) Signature() string {
	return "example:job"

func (m *ExampleJob) Options() []asynq.Option {
	return []asynq.Option{
		asynq.ProcessIn(5 * time.Second),

func (j *ExampleJob) Handle(ctx context.Context, t *asynq.Task) error {
	// data := json.Unmarshal(t.Payload())
	fmt.Println("job example is run")

	return nil

you can put setting the queue on the options function for example you want to delay the queue. To add a task to the queue, simply create an instance of your job type and pass it, and call this code to add the task

app.Job.Queue(&jobs.ExampleJob{}, map[string]any{
	"ID":       1,
	"Username": "john_doe",
	"Email":    "",
	"Age":      25,


you can make your own shell command to exec something you need to run just in time or it needed. you just need to make new console file on the src/cmd/console, example code:

import (


type ExampleCommand struct{}

func (m *ExampleCommand) Signature() string {
	return "example"

func (m *ExampleCommand) Flags() []cli.Flag {
	return []cli.Flag{}

func (m *ExampleCommand) Handle(c *cli.Context) (err error) {
	fmt.Println("Hello World From Example Command!")

	return nil

and register it on console.provider.go

func (p *ConsoleServiceProvider) Register() {
		// new comment here

and console ready to fire, you can call your command with this prefix shell

go run . gtime your_command_signature


gtime framework already support for email send, you can easily send email, first you need to create instance email on src/_common/mail, example code:

package email

import (

type ExampleMail struct {
	SendTo      mail.SendTo
	Attachments []*email.Attachment

func (m *ExampleMail) From() string {
	return "Edwin Diradinata <>"

func (m *ExampleMail) View() string {
	return "example.html"

func (m *ExampleMail) Content(data any) mail.Content {
	return mail.Content{
		Subject: "Awesome Subject {Data Here}",
		ReplyTo: []string{""},
		Text:    []byte("Text Body is, of course, supported!"),
		HTML:    []byte("<h1>Fancy HTML is supported, too!</h1>"),

if you want to use template for the email you can add this code to your email instance

func (m *ExampleMail) View() string {
	return "example.html"

this view instance automatically pointing to folder src/view/mail and you can add your template there. for the detail you can see the docs here

Send Email Example

	SendTo: mail.SendTo{
		To: []string{""},
}, map[string]any{
	"name": "Edwin",


starter golang project






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