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Import role & permission in Laravel into Javascript.

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Import roles & permissions data from Laravel into Javascript.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require timedoor/laravel-role-js

Don't forget to install jeremykenedy/laravel-roles package to use default setting.

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-role-js-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'generator' => timedoor\RoleJs\Generator\JeremyKenedyRoleGenerator::class,


First, publish the JavaScript files that contain logic for roles and permissions. The files will publish to resources/js/roles path.

php artisan role-js:publish

if you want to change the publish path, spesify the path in the command.

php artisan role-js:publish your/publish/path/roles

Second, run the command to generate the JavaScript file contains roles & permissions data. It will generate file data.ts in the publish path.

php artisan role-js:generate

You can also spesify the publish path in the command.

php artisan role-js:generate your/publish/path/roles


You can use the generated file in your JavaScript code.

import { HasRolePermission, useRoles } from 'resources/js/roles';

// Example user data with one role
const admin: HasRolePermission = {
    roles: 'admin',

const { hasRole, hasPermission } = useRoles(admin);

// Check if user has the given role
if (hasRole('admin')) {
    // Do something

// check if user has one of the given roles
if (hasRole(['admin', 'editor'])) {
    // Do something

// check if user has a permission
if (hasPermission('edit.users')) {
    // Do something

// check if user has one of the given permissions
if (hasPermission(['view.users', 'edit.users'])) {
    // Do something

// check if user has all of the given permissions
if (hasPermission(['view.users', 'edit.users'], true)) {
    // Do something

Custom Generator

You can create your own generator by implementing timedoor\RoleJs\Generator\GeneratorInterface interface.


namespace App\RoleJs;

use timedoor\RoleJs\Generator\GeneratorInterface;

class CustomRoleGenerator implements GeneratorInterface
     * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection<int, string>
    public function getRoles()
        return collect(['admin', 'editor']);

     * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection<int, string>
    public function getPermissions()
        return collect(['view.users', 'edit.users']);

     * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection<string, string[]>
    public function getRolePermissions()
        return collect([
            'admin' => ['view.users', 'edit.users'],
            'editor' => ['view.users'],

Then, change the generator class in the config file.

return [
    'generator' => App\RoleJs\CustomRoleGenerator::class,


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