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node-taskmanager-api is an easy-to-use RESTFul API for a task manager that can greatly simplify your project management and improve your development efficiency.

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node-taskmanager-api is built using Nodejs and Express framework. It follows a RESTFul API design architecture. For user signup and authentication, it uses Passportjs middleware.


The project has made an effort to build a very intuitive and easy-to-use RESTFul API for a task manager that can greatly simplify your project management and improve your development efficiency. Defining tasks in node-taskmanager-api is simple and intuitive. You can specify task names and status using a user-friendly syntax. This makes it easy to organize and manage complex projects.


node-taskmanager-api is a task built using Nodejs and Express framework. It follows a RESTFul API design architecture and for user signup and authentication it uses passport-jwt

Passport is authentication middleware for Node.js. Extremely flexible and modular, Passport can be unobtrusively dropped into any Express-based web application.

passport-jwt strategy lets you authenticate endpoints using a JSON web token. A JSON Web Token, popularly known as JWT, is an open standard that defines a compact way to share information between a client and a server securely. It is intended to be used to secure RESTful endpoints without sessions.

Unlike the traditional server-side sessions — which save a session ID in memory and return it to the client — this standard creates a self-contained and digitally signed token that is verified each time a request is made.


⚙️ Installation

  • Open CMD

  • Change directory to desktop

    cd desktop

  • Clone repository

    git clone

  • Change the current directory

    cd node-taskmanager-api

  • Install packages

    npm install

  • Create a .env file in the root directory

    • Set up the MONGO_URI variable equal to the DB connection string
    • Set up the PORT variable
    • Set up the JWT_SECET variable


JWT_SECRET is a string or buffer containing the secret key for verifying the token's signature.


To avoid port collisions, in the source code, the port value is 3000

Authentication Endpoints

For the endpoints that follow, the base path is shown as /api/v1/users

POST api/v1/users/register

Call this endpoint to sign up a new user. Use the authentication token in future calls to identify the user.

  • Payload

    • username (required)
    • password (required)
  • Possible responses

200 (OK)

  "msg": "User already exists. Please try logging in"

400 (Bad Request)

  "msg": "Please provide username and password"


  "user": "username",
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2NWM2NGNlN2FkYWJlYjk4Njk4ZGZhMTQiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJuYW1lIiwiaWF0IjoxNzA3NDk0NjMyfQ.35BE1hUYA2lY3z2JOn90emY064_B3wphSl-ULW02pvc"

POST api/v1/users/login

Call this endpoint to log a user in. Use the authentication token in future calls to identify the user.

  • Payload

    • email (required)
    • password (required)
  • Possible responses

200 (OK)

    "user": "newuser1",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2NWM5ZTZlMmFmYTRiZDJlMjI3MGQxNWMiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Im5ld3VzZXIxIiwiaWF0IjoxNzA3NzMxMTI1fQ.zXO66OjcuzE7-hG_iNOJm0khJ-YasGqxRPG9O3N3-80"

401 (Unauthorized)

    "msg": "Please provide username and password"

404 (Not Found)

    "username": "jhdfhsdf",
    "password": "password"

Task API Endpoints

For the endpoints that follow, the base path is shown as /api/v1

Use the authentication token to identify the user.

  • HTTP Header

Authorization: Bearer 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b

POST api/v1/task

Call this endpoint to create a new task.

Possible responses


    "task": {
        "name": "first task",
        "completed": true,
        "_id": "65c9f0aa2ffa276952e09bb9",
        "__v": 0

400 (Bad Request)

    "msg": "Please provide a name for this task"

401 (Unauthorized)


GET api/v1/task

Call this endpoint to get all tasks

  • Possible responses
200 (OK)

    "tasks": []

401 (Unauthorized)


GET api/v1/tasks/:id

Call this endpoint to get a task with a specific id

Possible responses

200 (OK)

    "task": {
        "_id": "65c9f0aa2ffa276952e09bb9",
        "name": "first task",
        "completed": true,
        "__v": 0

401 Unauthorized


404 (Not Found)

    "msg": "No task with id: 65c9f0aa2ffa276952e09bb9"

PATCH api/v1/task/:id

Call this endpoint to update a task with a specific id

Possible responses

200 (OK)

    "task": {
        "_id": "65c9f0aa2ffa276952e09bb9",
        "name": "first task updated",
        "completed": true,
        "__v": 0

401 (Unauthorized)


404 (Not Found)

    "msg": "No task with id: 65c9f0aa2ffa276952e09bb9"

DELETE api/v1/task/:id

Call this endpoint to delete a task with a specific id

Possible responses

200 (OK)


401 (Unauthorized)


404 (Not Found)

    "msg": "No task with id: 65c9f0aa2ffa276952e09bb9"



node-taskmanager-api is an easy-to-use RESTFul API for a task manager that can greatly simplify your project management and improve your development efficiency.







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