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EdgeCaffe (Ubuntu 18.04)


The EdgeCaffe project aims to run the Caffe Deep Learning framework on edge devices. The code has is targeted for Ubuntu 18.04 for both x86-64 and Raspberry Pi machines (ARMv8-A).

The main codebase is written in C++, although there are limited bindings to Python.

Additional documentation can be found at the wiki.


Please cite with the following Bibtex code:

  author={Cox, Bart and Galjaard, Jeroen and Ghiassi, Amirmasoud and Birke, Robert and Chen, Lydia Y.},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)}, 
  title={Masa: Responsive Multi-DNN Inference on the Edge}, 

You may also want to refer to our publication with the more human-friendly style:

B. Cox, J. Galjaard, A. Ghiassi, R. Birke and L. Y. Chen, "Masa: Responsive Multi-DNN Inference on the Edge," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2021, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.1109/PERCOM50583.2021.9439111.

Project organization

The project is divided in six sections:

  • ./caffe: This holds the original caffe code (includes license of bvlc/caffe).
  • ./Core: The code extension to facilitate the partial loading and execution.
  • ./networks: The networks and their descriptive files. Each model to work needs 3 files:
    • description.yml file that describes the network for EdgeCaffe
    • .prototxt file that describes the network architecture
    • .caffemodel file that holds all the trained parameters
  • ./tools: Code for the tools: ModelSplitter, ExtendNetworkDescription, NetworkDependencyGraph
  • ./analysis: This folder is empty on initialization of the project but will hold the output data of executable Exp_poisson_arrival_rv_nf.
  • ./resources: Holds the test data files.

Quick Setup

Install dependencies:

bash ./

Download and setup prepared models:



mkdir -p cmake-build-release
cd cmake-build-release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
sudo make install 

Run Example

  • Call via python script to set environment paramters
    # Move to build directory
    cd cmake-build-release
    # Use python 
    sudo python3 scripts/percom/ experiments/example/configs/2G/masa-example.yaml scripts/percom/
    # Or use 
  • Or call directly (some environment parameters are omitted)
    ./bin/Exp_poisson_arrival_rv_nf --read-config=experiments/example/configs/2G/masa-example.yaml

Manual setup

If you want to setup everything manually, instructions can be found on this wiki page.

Prepare before running

Download models

Note: This is not needed when is used.

The model files of the networks can be downloaded using the following link:

The model files needs to be placed in the networks folder in their respective network folder. For example: the file age_net.caffemodel needs to be placed as networks/AgeNet/age_net.caffemodel.

After placing the models, run cmake .. in the build folder to copy the model resources to the build directory.

Split the models

Use the modelsplitter to split the models in smaller (partial) model files. For example

./ModelSplitter ../networks/AgeNet/age_net.caffemodel ../networks/GenderNet/gender_net.caffemodel ../networks/FaceNet/face_full_conv.caffemodel ../networks/SoS/AlexNet_SalObjSub.caffemodel ../networks/SoS_GoogleNet/GoogleNet_SOS.caffemodel

Generate model statistics (optional)

The python notebook layer-satistics.exp.ipynb in the analysis folder can be used to generate estimated loading and execution times for a network. The generated files can be placed in the folder of a network (where description.yaml is located) to extend its description.

Extend the network descriptions (optional)

This is needed when running time based scheduling policies such as SJF (Shortest Job First). Additional information about scheduling can found in the wiki here.

Run the tool ExtendNetworkDescription to extend the networks with more accurate layer descriptions. For example

ExtendNetworkDescription ../../networks/AgeNet ../../networks/GenderNet



The targets can be build with Cmake. There 4 binary examples in this project:

  • Modelsplitter: A tool used to split caffemodel files in smaller model files.
    • Build: make ModelSplitter
    • Usage: ./ModelSplitter pathToModel1 [pathToModel2] ...
    • Example: ./ModelSplitter ../networks/AgeNet/age_net.caffemodel ../networks/GenderNet/gender_net.caffemodel
  • ExtendNetworkDescription: A tool used to extend the layer descriptions of the network description files with more accurate information.
    • Build: make ExtendNetworkDescription
    • Usage: ./ExtendNetworkDescription pathToNetworkDir [pathToNetworkDir2] ...
    • Example: ExtendNetworkDescription ../../networks/AgeNet ../../networks/GenderNet
  • Exp_poisson_arrival_rv_nf: Main executable for executing multiple DNN models. Note: It is important that the models are split (With the ModelSplitter) before running this executable.
    • Build: make Exp_poisson_arrival_rv_nf
    • Help: ./Exp_poisson_arrival_rv_nf --help
Exp_const_arrivals executes DNN's using the EdgeCaffe framework based on different arrivals.
Arrivals arrive at the system based on the generated inter-arrival time.
Note: some cli options are not yet implemented
  EdgeCaffe [OPTION...]

  -m, --mode arg              Mode to split and run the networks. Values
      --mem_limit arg         The memory limit given by the OS to EdgeCaffe.
                              NOTE: this does not limit the memory for this
                              process but is used in output generation and in
      --seed arg              Seed for random number generator
  -V, --verbose               Verbose
  -N, --n-arrivals arg        Number of arrivals to be generated
      --arrival-mode arg      How arrivals should be handled: batch or
  -a, --arrival-list arg      Use this arrival list to inject arrivals
                              instead of the generated one
  -p, --output-prefix arg     Prefix for all output files to make it them
                              unique for a certain run
      --output-path arg       Define the path to store all output files
      --network-path arg      Define the path to store all output files
      --resources-path arg    Define the path to store all output files
      --memory-key arg        Define the key to be used in the config for
                              reading the required memory for the network.
                              Options: one of ['valgrind', 'rss'] Default is
  -s, --sched-alg arg         The scheduling algorithm to be used: [FCFS|SJF]
  -c, --read-config arg       Use a yaml config file to configure this run
                              instead of the cli. This will overrule all other
                              arguments. Example
      --network arg           The network(s) to run
      --rho arg               Set the Rho value to use
      --mst arg               Set the mean service time to use
      --iat arg               Set the inter arrival time to use
      --n-workers arg         Set the number of workers to be used for
                              execution of the tasks. This only has effect on
                              algorithms that do not use a fixed number of workers
      --poisson-distribution  enable or disable poisson distribution as the
                              arrival process. With this flag disabled, a
                              constant distribution will be used.
  -h, --help                  Print help message
  • NetworkDependencyGraph: A tool used to generate dependency graphs for all the modes (partial|linear|bulk|deepeye) for the specified network. The NetworkDependencyGraph tool will create .dot files that can be used to generate a png or another image format. The script can be used to automate the conversion of dot files to images. The use of the dot command might require sudo apt-get install graphviz. Example of .dot files conversion: dot -Tpng -o AgeNet0-partial.png. For more informatio about dot and graphviz see
    • Build: make ndg
    • Usage: ./ndg <networkName> <pathToNetwork>
    • Example: ./ndg AgeNet ../networks/AgeNet


Add python directory (of the EdgeCaffe project) to python path

export PYTHONPATH=path/to/python_dir:$PYTHONPATH

Import EdgeCaffe into python

$ python3
>>> import edgecaffe

Python Examples

The examples folder at python/examples holds some basic python example scripts.

Memory swapping

Memory swapping is an important feature to enable to prevent EdgeCaffe from being killed when is uses too much memory. A more detailed description can be found here

Create swap file

If necessary, you can increase the size of the swap file. To check the current size of the swap file grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo.

  • Turn off swapping sudo swapoff -a
  • Resize the swap file sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=8. This example creates a file of 8GB.
  • Mark file as swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile
  • Activate the swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile
  • Enable swapping sudo swapon -a

Run process with limited memory

To constrain the process in its resources we create a new cgroup and set the memory limits for both the virtual memory and the swap memory.

# Create new cgroup
sudo cgcreate -g memory:force-swap
# Set virtual memory limit to 2 GB
sudo cgset -r memory.limit_in_bytes=2G force-swap
# Set allowed swapped memory to 8GB
sudo cgset -r memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes=8G force-swap
# Show the configuration
sudo cgget -g memory:force-swap | grep bytes

# Run procress within cgroup
sudo cgexec -g memory:force-swap <program> <program arguments>

# Delete group if needed
sudo cgdelete -g memory:force-swap


The folder analysis hold two python notebooks that can be used for analysis.

  • profile-networks.exp.ipynb: The notebook can be used to generate basic profiling information for each network. The loading and execution time of the layers are plotted, and the effects of running under memory constraints are shown.
  • layer-satistics.exp.ipynb: This notebook can be used to generate the statistic files for each network. It calculates the mean of the loading and execution times of each layer in each network and outputs this to a csv file.


EdgeCaffe welcomes all contributions. The following work-flow is used for contributions:

  • Clone repository
  • Checkout master branch: git checkout master
  • Create a new branch to work in: git checkout -b <branch-name>
  • Create a Merge Request to merge to master when done.