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TinyVNC 0.9 beta

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@badda71 badda71 released this 22 Sep 19:25
· 89 commits to master since this release

This is the first beta release of TinyVNC, the VNC-viewer for Nintendo 3DS.
Installation: Put the .3dsx file in directory /3ds/TinyVNC on your SD card and run with HBL

During first start, TinyVNC will write its config files to the SD card. You can customize the file /3ds/TinyVNC/keymap to customize button mappings. Preconfigured button mappings are:
A: a-key
B: b-key
X: x-key
Y: y-key
L, R: q, w-keys
ZL, ZR: 1, 2-keys
C-Pad: Cursor up, down, left, right
D-Pad: t, g, f, h-keys
C-Stick: i, k, j, l-keys
SELECT: Escape-key
START: Disconnect

The touch screen acts as a touchpad for mouse control (tap-to-click, double-tap-to-double-click, tap-and-drag)