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Package for creating terminal applications


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A terminal voice, 05:06 am on 8th of October 2020

Pixels. I don't like pixels. Some people call them cells. Like prison cells... They are all just abstraction, while me, a terminal, I'm real.

My author here, attempted to write me better. He likes channels. He is more suitable to work on Danube-Black Sea channel. Or just get a life, instead of using Go channels to experiment on me.

He reaped the work of a lifetime from other people for that. Just a bunch of constants and concepts and patterns, if you ask me.

He thinks that something goes faster if you have less allocation. We will see in the end. He also thinks in separation of concerns, whatever that means. It's probably abstraction too. Just like pixels, and I don't like pixels.

What is this?

Well, everything started while playing with tcell. I've asked myself why there is no separation of concerns inside of it. I mean, the problem it's simple: we have a file reader - for reading input from keyboard and mouse - and a file writer to display stuff. Everything else are just rules and functionality which terminals provide, a bunch of predefined []byte which are used to send commands.

While thinking about separation of concerns, I've asked myself about context.Context : is it or it is not for cancellation? It seems that in this context, the context.Context is suitable for cancellation usage. The Application will provide a cancellable context.Context and upon shutdown (think CTRL+Q or double ESC), it will cancel it.

Package info

This holds various terminal specific commands, which are registered and looked up by the core. For using as little allocation as possible, I've created []byte slices for each and every used command, so instead of passing string around, we're just using those slices to write to output. Also, there are caches for goto and colors, so []byte required to be written in output is cached. Despite the fact that is has public methods and properties, it's not intended for direct usage, being core's responsibility to orchestrate the writes to output.

Package core

Creates key, event and resize dispatchers. All events are passed via channels, to avoid allocations.

The core constructor supports functional options : NewCore(termEnv string, options ...Option).

Possible options are :

  • WithFinalizer - for the case when Application want to execute a function prior shutdown.
  • WithWinSizeBufferedChannelSize - Application can set the size of the buffered channel. Defaults to runtime.NumCPU().
  • WithRunesFallback - Application can set the runes fallback upon constructing.
  • WithTrueColor - a functional option so Application can send "disable" to disable true color


  • offers information about terminal (size, colors, has mouse, charset, keys)
  • registers/unregister listeners for term.Pixel changes
  • registers/unregister Mouse and Key handlers
  • registers/unregister Resize event handlers
  • offers ability to show or hide the cursor
  • the core exists for the whole Application lifecycle

Constructor returns an interface. The Engine interface:

  • DyingChan() chan struct{} - it's a channel that needs to be listened inside Application, to allow gracefully shutdowns.
  • Start(ctx context.Context) error - the Application call this method with a cancellable context, so core will shutdown upon cancellation.
  • ResizeDispatcher() ResizeDispatcher - exposes the resize dispatcher, so Components can Register themselves to listening events.
  • KeyDispatcher() KeyDispatcher - exposes the key dispatcher, so Components can Register themselves to listening events.
  • MouseDispatcher() MouseDispatcher - exposes the mouse dispatcher, so Components can Register themselves to listening events.
  • CanDisplay(r rune, checkFallbacks bool) bool - checks if the rune can be displayed in terminal.
  • CharacterSet() string - returns the current char set.
  • SetRuneFallback(orig rune, fallback string) - sets the fallback for a rune.
  • UnsetRuneFallback(orig rune) - forgets the fallback set above.
  • NumColors() int - returns the number of colors that terminal supports.
  • Size() *Size - returns the current size of the window.
  • HasTrueColor() bool - returns the terminal support for true colors.
  • Palette() []color.Color - returns the terminal palette
  • Colors() map[color.Color]color.Color - returns the terminal color map.
  • ActivePixels(pixels []PixelGetter) - used by Application to orchestrate pixels. Pages will be able to have their own set of pixels.
  • Redraw(pixels []PixelGetter) - temporary exposed for Application to force draw.
  • ShowCursor(where *term.Position) - displays input cursor at coordinates.
  • HideCursor() - hides input cursor.
  • Cursor() *term.Position - returns current input cursor position.
  • Clear() - clears the screen.
  • Style() Style - returns the terminal styles and palette. Style is an interface.
  • HasMouse() bool - returns true if there is mouse support available.

ResizeEvent is an interface has only one method Size() Size and Size has - of course - Width and Height properties.

Application must call Start(ctx context.Context) error with a cancellable context, in order to use ActivePixels(pixels []PixelGetter) registration.

Package geom

A Pixel is an interface which is known by both Application and Engine. The setters will write to a channel, so core can receive the draw request, when a property of the pixel has changed.

A Pixel constructor accepts the following functional options:

  • WithBackground - presets the background color.
  • WithForeground - presets the foreground (text) color.
  • WithPoint - is required, and sets the position of the pixel (column and row).
  • WithRune - presets the rune.
  • WithUnicode - presets the unicode (optional, for that reason it is a pointer).
  • WithAttrs - presets the style.Mask of the Pixel.

The Pixel interface (includes PixelGetter and PixelSetter interfaces):

  • DrawCh() chan Pixel - the channel used by core to listen redraw request.
  • PositionHash() int - the position hash of the Pixel.
  • Style() (color.Color, color.Color, style.Mask) - colors and attributes of the Pixel, expanded as foreground, background and attributes
  • Rune() rune - rune.
  • Width() int - rune and Unicode width.
  • HasUnicode() bool - exposes if Unicode is a nil pointer or not.
  • Unicode() Unicode - Unicode if declared.
  • Set(r rune, fg, bg color.Color) - setter for rune and colors. If any of them changed, redraw request gets triggered.
  • SetFgBg(fg, bg color.Color) - setter for colors. If any of them changed, redraw request gets triggered.
  • SetForeground(c color.Color) - setter just for foreground.
  • SetBackground(c color.Color) - setter just for background.
  • SetAttrs(m style.Mask) - setter for style.Mask.
  • SetUnicode(u Unicode) - setter for Unicode.
  • SetRune(r rune) - setter for rune.
  • SetAll(bg, fg color.Color, m style.Mask, r rune, u Unicode) - setter for everything. If any of them changed, redraw request gets triggered.

Package key

  • Register(r KeyListener) - used by Components to register to events listening. Events come via a channel (listener must implement KeyListener interface).
  • LifeCycle(ctx context.Context) - used by core upon Start(ctx context.Context) error call.
  • HasKey(k Key) bool - checks if terminal supports the key provided as parameter.
  • DyingChan() chan struct{} - core listens to this channel to check if dispatcher has finished shutdown, upon context cancellation.
  • InChan() chan []byte - core uses this channel to send input from terminal.

Package mouse

  • Register(r MouseListener)- used by Components to register to events listening. Events come via a channel (listener must implement MouseListener interface).
  • LifeCycle(ctx context.Context, out *os.File)- used by core upon Start(ctx context.Context) error call.
  • Enable() - enables mouse support
  • Disable() - disables mouse support
  • ResizeListen() chan ResizeEvent - core uses this channel to send resize events.
  • DyingChan() chan struct{} - core listens to this channel to check if dispatcher has finished shutdown, upon context cancellation.
  • InChan() chan []byte - core uses this channel to send input from terminal.

Package style

  • Palette() []color.Color - returns the known palette
  • Colors() map[color.Color]color.Color - returns all colors map


Package for creating terminal applications







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