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baffler edited this page Jul 16, 2020 · 4 revisions

Hello! First of all, thank you for using my chat overlay application. There's some common requests that I get from many of you and I'd like to share how many requests are already possible with the app. The way my app works is very similar to a browser source in OBS. This means any widget that works in OBS will also work in my app. If you are needing an event list, viewer count, even an entirely different chat besides Twitch, it's entirely possible to do that with my app. You simply just need the URL for whatever widget you are using and you can add a new window that will load this content. I will go into further detail below on how to do that.

How do I add a different type chat? I want more settings/or a different look

  • So by default my app is using KapChat ( which is typically used as an OBS widget to add chat to your OBS. But you can use any chat widget you desire.
  • For example you use the streamlabs one right here. You may even like this one better since there's a lot of options to play around with for this widget (just make sure to click Save Settings at the bottom). Once you have it setup how you like it, just copy the Widget URL. Now go back to my app, make sure to show borders and right-click the black border at the top and go to Settings. At the bottom-left enable Custom URL by checking the box and now just paste the Widget URL in the edit box at top. The bigger edit box on bottom is for Custom CSS but you can just leave this blank. Click save and now it should refresh and you'll have the new chat.

How do I get Youtube Gaming chat/any other streaming service

  • You can do this by adding any widget that displays chat (that you would normally use as an OBS source), so simply find one that works for Youtube gaming for example and copy the URL for the chat widget and follow the same steps as above. If you want both chats side by side, that is also possible.
  • To add a new widget alongside the main chat, you can copy the Widget URL for another chat widget, go to my app and make sure borders are shown. Right-click the black border on top and select New Window. Paste the URL for the widget into the popup box and press Ok. Now you can move this new window around and set it up how you like it. You can press the "o" button at top to hide the border just like the main window. This new window will be saved and launched alongside your main window each time you start the app. If you want to remove it completely, just click the "x" button on the new window and it will ask if you want to delete the settings for this window.

How do I have Twitch and Youtube chat integrated together in 1 window?

  • It's very much the same as the above steps except you will just have to find a widget that allows this. If you are streaming to both Twitch and Youtube you are probably already using restream. So you can go to this link and copy the URL under "Embed in stream".
  • Now go to my app, show borders, right-click the black border at top and select Settings. At the bottom-left enable Custom URL by checking the box and now just paste the Widget URL in the edit box at top. The bigger edit box on bottom is for Custom CSS but you can just leave this blank. Click save and now it should refresh and you'll have the new chat.

How do I show followers/subs/redemptions (or any event)

  • To use streamlabs yet again, you can go to this link. Setup this event list widget as you would like, make sure to enable/disable all the events you want. Setup how you want it to look and be sure to click Save Settings button at the bottom. Copy the URL for the widget, enable borders in my app, right-click the black border at top, select New Window and paste the widget URL in the popupbox.

How do I see current viewers? (Or pretty much any widget at this point)

  • It's very much the same as any widget mentioned above. There's a widget for viewer count that you can use from streamlabs, check out this link for all available streamlab widgets and choose the one for viewer count, if you see any other widget on this page you'd like to have, it would be the same steps to add it as well. You don't have to use streamlabs however, any OBS widget that you can find will work as well.
  • Once you find the widget you want to add, customize it on the widget page, click Save Settings, and copy the widget URL. Go to my app and show borders, right-click the black border on top, select New Window, paste the widget URL into this box and feel free to move it/resize as you wish. This new window position and size will be saved and will launch every time you start the app.