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xtal-fragment is a web component that is similar to carbon-copy with one significant difference -- xtal-fragment specializes in creating a "virtual grouping" of components, rather than a nested parent/child grouping. It also eschews ShadowDOM completely, as xtal-fragment is not focused on working with style encapsulation.

The name of the component draws inspiration from React fragments, and there is perhaps a small overlap in goals between the two.


<template id=ionic-crystals>
  <li><h3>Ionic Crystals</h3></li>
  <li>potassium chloride</li>
  <li>potassium fluoride</li>

<template id=covalent-crystals>
  <li><h3>Covalent Crystals</h3></li>

  <xtal-fragment copy from=ionic-crystals></xtal-fragment>
  <xtal-fragment copy from=covalent-crystals></xtal-fragment>


  <xtal-fragment copy from=ionic-crystals style=display:none></xtal-fragment>
  <li><h3>Ionic Crystals</h3></li>
  <li>potassium chloride</li>
  <li>potassium fluoride</li>  
  <xtal-fragment copy from=covalent-crystals style=display:none></xtal-fragment>
  <li><h3>Covalent Crystals</h3></li>

Deleting the xtal-fragment element causes the "groupedSiblings" to also part middle-DOM.

NB: This component might not play well with other rendering libraries. For a rendering library to be compatible with this component, it must use the following API:

  1. If the contents "grouped" by xtal-fragment need to be moved to a new location in the DOM tree, this should be done via newDestination.appendChild($0.extractContents()) where $0 is the instance of xtal-fragment.
  2. The rendering library may need to skip over the grouped siblings when updating the DOM, via $0.nextUngroupedSibling, where $0 is the instance of xtal-fragment (unless the renderer is aware of the contents of the template xtal-fragment is copying from).

Creating references to elements in the template

<template id=ionic-crystals>
    <li><h3>Ionic Crystals</h3></li>
    <li>potassium chloride</li>
    <li>potassium fluoride</li>

  <xtal-fragment id=ionicFragment copy from=ionic-crystals -h3-element-ref></xtal-fragment>

... adds a reference to the h3 element contained inside the cloned template:

// <h3>IonicCrystals</h3>

If a non-HTML object field is set on xtal-fragment with key h3Element, that object is Object.assigned onto the binding element (h3 in this case).

Extending component

xtal-fragment also serves as the base class for sceadu-fæx, which adds limited support for slots (transclusion).

Vague Larger Problem Statement

Be able to develop a generic component like e.g. xtal-props while adhering to the goals of metamorf

For example, a key functionality for xtal-props is to be able to group properties by category.

So the natural thing is to use the native fieldset element -- that's what it is designed for.

But maybe later we want to "dependency inject" some other, more sophisticated fieldset-equivalent, that does what fieldset does, but better, following some design library "language." We want to be able to replace one for another, but without rewriting the host component (xtal-props).

We could use a general purpose fieldset wrapper element, but we end with up with deeply nested components just to signify minor enhancements and/or plug-n-play, rather than true parent child relationship. And/or too much unnecessary shadow DOM.

To give a more specific example, maybe we want an expandable fieldset, represented by a decorator:

    <legend>My Legend</legend>

How can we do the equivalent of dependency injection, where we have "interfaces" where we centralize the pain as far as mapping these interfaces to implementations?

Instead of a web component wrapper, why not use templates?:

<template id=my-field-category-holder>
  <legend><slot name=label></slot></legend>
  <slot name=field-container></slot>

<sceadu-fæx copy from=my-field-category-holder -my-grid-element-ref -my-chart-element-ref>
    <h3 slot=label>My Legend</h3>
    <my-grid slot=field-container></my-grid>
    <my-chart slot=field-container></my-chart>


<sceadu-fæx style=display:none copy from=my-field-category-holder -my-grid-element-proxy -my-chart-element-proxy></sceadu-fæx>
  <legend><h3 slot=label>My Legend</h3></legend>
  <my-grid slot=field-container></my-grid>
  <my-chart slot=field-container></my-chart>

Here the "interface" is the identifier: my-field-category-holder.

The "from" attribute can look for an id in the same shadowDOM, or it can look for a (camelCase -- myFieldCategoryHolder in this example) property of the host element, which dependency injects the desired template. The latter takes precedence.

If you delete xtal-wrap, it automatically deletes make-fieldset-expandable, fieldset.

Exposes method extractContents() for moving.

How does xtal-fragment fit in?

xtal-wrap extends xtal-fragment.

xtal-fragment just overrides appendChild, to make the children appended become siblings. No support for copy from, or proxying.

Maybe sceadu-fæx extends xtal-fragment, with support for slots, and xtal-wrap extends sceadu-fæx?

Only support one level of slotting. Would nested xtal-wrap's be able to take care of multi-level slotting?


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