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Installation EN

liguoqiang edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 6 revisions

How To Deploy


  • BaikalDB has three components, namely baikalMeta, baikalStore and baikalDB.
  • The directory structure of each component is similar with that of most C++ programs:
    • baikal**/bin // bin directory is where the binary program resides
    • baikal**/conf // conf directory is where the configuration file gflags.conf resides
  • It is compulsory to first deploy baikalMeta, then baikalStore and finally baikalDB
  • If multiple replica for table data is required, at least three baikalStore instances should be deployed.

baikalMeta Deployment

  • copy the baikalMeta binary to ./bin
  • add configuration file(conf/gflags.conf), below is a simple configuration:
    • -meta_replica_number=1 // peer(replica) number, 1 is okay for demo, 3 is recommended for product.
    • -meta_port=8010 // instance port
    • -meta_server_bns=xx.xx.xx.xx:8010,xx.xx.xx.xx:8010,xx.xx.xx.xx:8010 // The IP+Port list of all instances,Real IP, not
  • run baikalMeta instance: nohup bin/baikalMeta &
  • check the leader address: open http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8010/raft_stat on a web browser and get the leader address of "meta_raft"
  • run initialization scripts(all scripts are in src/tools/script):
    • sh leader_ip:port
    • sh leader_ip:port // create namespace
    • sh leader_ip:port // create database
    • sh leader_ip:port // create user

baikalStore Deployment

  • copy the baikalStore binary to ./bin
  • add configuration file(conf/gflags.conf), below is a simple configuration:
    • -db_path=./rocks_db
    • -election_timeout_ms=10000
    • -raft_max_election_delay_ms=5000
    • -raft_election_heartbeat_factor=3
    • -snapshot_uri=local://./raft_data/snapshot
    • -meta_server_bns=xx.xx.xx.xx:8010,xx.xx.xx.xx:8010,xx.xx.xx.xx:8010 // list of baikalMeta instance ip+port
    • -store_port=8110
  • run baikalStore instance: nohup bin/baikalStore &

baikaldb Deployment

  • copy the baikaldb binary to ./bin
  • add configuration file(conf/gflags.conf), below is a simple configuration:
    • -meta_server_bns=xx.xx.xx.xx:8010,xx.xx.xx.xx:8010,xx.xx.xx.xx:8010 // list of baikalMeta instance ip+port
    • -baikal_port=28282
    • -fetch_instance_id=true
  • run script to create baikaldb instance meta-table:
    sh meta_leader_ip:port
  • run baikaldb instance: nohup bin/baikaldb &