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AWS Fargate Scheduled Task Terraform Module

Terraform module for scheduling Fargate tasks with CloudWatch Event Rules.

terraform v0.12.x


module "fargate-scheduled-task" {
  source  = "baikonur-oss/fargate-scheduled-task/aws"
  version = "v2.0.2"

  name                = "dev-batch-foo"
  schedule_expression = "cron(40 1 * * ? *)"
  is_enabled          = "true"

  target_cluster_arn = "dev"

  task_definition_arn = aws_ecs_task_definition.ecs_task_definition.arn
  task_role_arn       = module.iam_ecs_tasks.arn
  task_count          = "1"

  subnet_ids         = ["subnet-***1", "subnet-***2"]
  security_group_ids = ["sg-***1", "sg-***2"]

module "iam_ecs_tasks" {
  source  = "baikonur-oss/iam-nofile/aws"
  version = "2.0.0"
  type    = "ecs-tasks"
  name    = "dev-batch"

  policy_json = <<EOF
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

Version pinning

Terraform Module Registry

Use version parameter to pin to a specific version, or to specify a version constraint when pulling from Terraform Module Registry (source = baikonur-oss/aws-fargate-scheduled-task/aws). For more information, refer to Module Versions section of Terraform Modules documentation.

GitHub URI

Make sure to use ?ref= version pinning in module source URI when pulling from GitHub. Pulling from GitHub is especially useful for development, as you can pin to a specific branch, tag or commit hash. Example: source =

For more information on module version pinning, see Selecting a Revision section of Terraform Modules documentation.


Name Description Type Default Required
execution_role_arn ARN of IAM Role for task execution (see: ) string n/a yes
iam_ecs_run_task_resource Field for overriding ecs:RunTask resource identifier in Events IAM role (defaults to task_definition_arn) string "" no
is_enabled Rule enabled flag string "true" no
name CloudWatch Event Rule name string n/a yes
schedule_expression CloudWatch schedule expression (see: ) string n/a yes
security_group_ids List of security group ids for Fargate task ENI list(string) n/a yes
subnet_ids List of subnet ids for Fargate task ENI list(string) n/a yes
assign_public_ip Assign public ip for Fargate task ENI string "false" no
target_cluster_arn Target ECS cluster ARN string n/a yes
task_count Number of tasks to execute at once string "1" no
task_definition_arn ARN of Task Definition to run string n/a yes
task_role_arn ARN of IAM Role for task (see: ) string n/a yes
platform_version Platform version string "1.4.0" no


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brew install pre-commit terraform terraform-docs

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pre-commit install