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Pharmaceutical companies need to submit scientific evidence and clinical trial data to support an application for a new drug or for an existing drug. The European Medicine Agency (EMA) is the central health authority in Europe and is responsible for the application process.

Following an application by a pharmaceutical company and an extensive scientific evaluation, the EMA publishes European Public Assessment Report (EPAR). EPARs are freely available and importantly contain the scientific assessment of an application and reasons leading to refusal or approval.

Pharmaceutical companies extract relevant clinical efficacies from their EPARs that evaluate the setup and parameters of clinical trials. Regulatory colleagues from the pharmaceutical companies specify the sentiment of the appropriate extractions (feedbacks), which can either be positive, negative or neutral.

This repository, therefore, strives to provide a tool to analyse the associated sentiments of the feedback above. Besides, it also provides a detailed comparison of various methods for sentiment analysis.


  • Python 3.7.0+
  • tensorflow 2.4.1+
  • Keras 2.4.3+
  • matplotlib 3.3.3+
  • numpy 1.19.5+
  • pandas 1.2.1+
  • scikit-learn 0.24.1+
  • nltk 3.5+
  • spacy 3.0.3+
  • textblob 0.15.3+
  • gradio 1.5.3+
  • click 7.1.2+
  • xgboost 1.3.3+
  • xlrd 2.0.1+
  • seaborn 0.11.1+


The dataset cannot be provided since I don't have the copyright for it.

But, you still can provide any XLSX dataset containing the following columns:

  • ID
  • Sentence
  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Neutral

The ID is the index column and the Positive, Negative and Neutral columns are one-hot encoded, that is, for every row, one of these columns contains 1 whereas the others contain 0.

The following list enumerates different classes (types) of comments -

Positive Negative Neutral


  • Clone the repository

git clone

  • Install the required libraries

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Model Classifiers

The dataset can be trained with several classifiers, including classical and deep learning models.

Currently, the following classical machine learning classifiers are implemented:

  • Naive Bayes
  • Decision Tree
  • Random Forest
  • XGBoost
  • Logistic Regression
  • Linear Support Vector
  • Kernel Support Vector Machine

And, the following deep learning classifier:

  • Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with a Bidirectional LSTM layer

Data Cleaning

  • Lower all text
  • Correct misspelled words
  • Remove punctuations
  • Remove stop words

Data Preprocessing

  • TF-IDF Vectorizer for classical machine learning models
  • Tokenize text data and used Embedding Vector` using Glove.6B for deep learning model


Navigate to the source directory to execute the following source code.

  • To train or evaluate on your own, you can list the available options in the client application:

python3 --help


To evaluate the analysis using default data (../data/sentences_with_sentiment.xlsx), you can simply execute the following:

python3 --classifier ID

This will execute the following in order (except deep learning model):

  • Train Test Validation with default split of 0.2
  • Cross-Validations
    • K-Folds Cross-Validation with default 36 splits
    • Leave One Out Cross-Validation

You can also perform the grid search on classical machine learning classifiers:

python3 --grid

This will execute the following in oder:

  • Grid Search with K-Folds Cross-Validation with default 36 splits
  • Grid Search with Leave One Out Cross-Validation

To execute the deep learning model, you can specify the associated ID, however, this will not execute K-Folds or Leave One Out cross-validations.

Alternatively, you can find the complete analysis in the notebook inside the notebook directory. To open the notebook, use either jupyter notebook or google colab or any other IDE that supports notebook feature such as PyCharm Professional.

Web Application

To run the web application locally, execute:


This will start a local server that you can access in your browser. By default, the server will be started in You can type in any sentence, choose the classifier and find out which target class the classifier determines.


Baishali Dutta (

License License

This project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0


Sentiment Analysis Tool for EPARs



Code of conduct





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