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Baking Bad team glad to introduce shooter demo game build with Unity and Tezos Unity SDK

Gamers readme

The game is single-player shooter with survival elements. The game process starts with authentication through Tezos wallet or Kukai embed social login.

After connected, the user will be prompted to sign game-generated payload in order to make sure that user have access to his address private keys.

Signing process

Step-by-step signing process looks like:

  1. Unity client on startup performs get query with Tezos address public_key on /payload/get/
  2. Game backend generates random payload string here: and receives corresponding payload string.
  3. Once payload string received, Unity game client calls SDK RequestSignPayload method
    TezosManager.Instance.Wallet.RequestSignPayload(SignPayloadType.micheline, payload);
    with received payload.
  4. User signs payload with his Tezos wallet.
  5. After PayloadSigned event occurs
    private void PayloadSigned(SignResult payload)
    Unity game client performs checking of returned SigningResult through /payload/verify/
  6. Game backend performs signature validation with provided public_key and signature parameters.
  7. After success signature validation user can start game.

Backend API

Full game backend API specs can be found in All corresponding handlers for each HTTP endpoint can be found here

Game description

Player spawns with one low-DPS default weapon (Walky, #1). The goal of the game is to survive as long, as possible.

Controls list:

Type Type
Moving W, A, S, D
Shot Left mouse
Swap gun E
Acceleration Space
Pause menu Esc

Once in 4 seconds player can use acceleration, cooldown displays in #2. Current player HP displays on top left corner (#3). There's a certain chance of falling out some drop after killing a mob: additional HP, shield (damage immunity) and various ammo. Additionally, to common creeps at every 10 waves Boss will be spawned - mega creep with increased HP, current level of which you can see on #4. After killing a boss, there's a chance on drop another more powerful weapons and NFT. All NFT's are FA2 tokens and has their own different drop chances, because all of them can enhance player in-game stats. For example Armor reduces the damage received by the player by 10%. Here is the full list of all available NFT's with their drop chances:

Token Type Description Drop chance
Armor Armor Increases armor level by 10%. Drops 1 time from first boss
Viper Gun Advanced light caliber handgun. Features increased fire rate and clip capacity. 7.55%
Claw Gun A heavy assault pistol. High recoil and one-off damage. 7.55%
Defender Shotgun A weighted version of the basic shotgun. increased ammunition. 7.55%
DoomGuy Shotgun A good old demon-killing gun. 7.55%
Peacock SMG A perfect tool to destroy predators. Or to become the one of. 3.77%
Sealer SMG High-tech space marine assault rifle. Perfect firepower and ergonomic performance. 3.77%
ZOOOKA Explosive The big bad boom is a proven way to get rid of demons. 1.89%
Roaster Explosive A scaled down version of the standard mines. Provides more ease of use. 1.89%
Haste 1 Module Improved servo drives for the armored suit. Increases movement speed level by 5%. 11.32%
Haste 2 Module Improved servo drives for the armored suit. Increases movement speed level by 10%. 7.55%
Haste 3 Module Improved servo drives for the armored suit. Increases movement speed level by 15%. 3.77%
Robust Module Vitality module for the armored suit. Increases the initial health level by 10%. 11.32%
Robust 2 Module Vitality module for the armored suit. Increases the initial health level by 15%. 7.55%
Robust 3 Module Vitality module for the armored suit. Increases the initial health level by 20%. 3.77%
Precise 1 Module Combat module for the armored suit. Increases damage by 5%. 7.55%
Precise 2 Module Combat module for the armored suit. Increases damage by 10%. 3.77%
Precise 3 Module Combat module for the armored suit. Increases damage by 15%. 1.89%

After player killed boss and NFT dropped from him, claim rewards button will appear in main menu with total NFT's amount available.

After click on claim and solving captcha, game server will send NFT to player's Tezos address and after approximately 30 seconds player will be notified that token-transfer operation successfully completed with hash:

Players can copy provided operation hash and see more details about it on{operationHash}

Next, players will be able to see all their NFT's on inventory page and enhance players stats by equipping tokens with drag and drop from inventory tab to left. Note: equipped state did not persistently saved after game tab reloading, so make sure that all your tokens are equipped after such cases.

When equipped, players can see how this tokens enhance players properties in effects tab.

And last tab - players own all-time stats.

NFT's managing

Game NFT tokens contract: This token contract is FA2. Contract administrator is All NFT's pre-minted in amount 1000 of each other (total supply of Armor token for example can be found here When user click on Claim Reward button on the main menu, game client performs HTTP request to with solved captcha and his Tezos address. After this backend side calls transfer entrypoint on Game token contract from contract administrator (whose private key stores on backend side) to the user's address.

Developers docs

This section will describe how core features was developed using Tezos Unity SDK. First of all, we connected SDK through Unity package manager using git url:

After waiting a while for the dependencies to be resolved we need to drag and drop 2 prefabs on our game scene: TezosManager and TezosAuthenticator which are located in Runtime/Prefabs SDK directory.

Adding TezosManager on our scene creates TezosManager singleton object which is entrypoint to whole SDK features. For example here in UserDataManager we are subscribing to SDK events:

  • WalletConnected
  • WalletDisconnected
  • PayloadSigned
  • ContractCallCompleted

TezosManager.Instance.Wallet.EventManager.WalletDisconnected += WalletDisconnected;
TezosManager.Instance.Wallet.EventManager.WalletConnected += WalletConnected;
TezosManager.Instance.Wallet.EventManager.PayloadSigned += PayloadSigned;
TezosManager.Instance.Wallet.EventManager.ContractCallCompleted += OperationCompleted;

UserDataManager also is a game singleton object that stores all user-specific data in game, for example:

  • List of user tokens
  • List of contract tokens
  • List of rewards (Nft's that user able to claim)

So, this collections filling in with appropriate values after WalletConnected, ContractCallCompleted SDK events in LoadGameNfts method.

TezosManager.Instance.Tezos.API.GetTokensForOwner(tbs =>
TezosManager.Instance.Tezos.API.GetTokensForContract(tokens =>

Also, this game implement transfer token feature, which is executed when double-clicking on tokens in inventory tab:

This actions performs easily with next SDK code:


That's pretty much it, more detailed SDK docs available here.