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Synthetic tubular structures (vessels, axons) for NN pretraining


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Synthetic tubular structures (vessels, axons) for NN pretraining


1. Install core dependencies with conda (strongly advised)

Currently, only cppyy v2.3 is supported. Most versions of pytorch and cupy should work, although not all were exhaustively tested. PyTorch 1.13 works for sure.

CPU only

conda install -c pytorch -c conda-forge pytorch=1.13 cppyy=2.3


export CUDA_VERSION=11.1
conda install -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge \
    pytorch=1.13 pytorch-cuda=${CUDA_VERSION} \
    cupy cuda-version=${CUDA_VERSION} \

It is still unclear to me if torch and cupy need to be installed with the same cuda version. Refer to their respective installation guides if needed:

2. [Option 1] Install other dependencies with conda

conda install -c balbasty -c conda-forge \
    jittfields torch-interpol torch-distmap nibabel

2. [Option 2] Install other dependencies with pip

pip install jitfields torch-interpol torch-distmap nibabel

3. Install synthspline

pip install git+

Getting started

Synthesizing labels

The class synthspline.labelsynth.SynthSplineBlock generates random trees of cubic splines. Its parameters are defined in its defaults subclass.

from synthspline.labelsynth import SynthSplineBlock

synthesizer = SynthSplineBlock()

for _ in range(nb_samples):
    sample = synthesizer()

Each sample is a named tuple with keys ['prob', 'labels', 'levelmap', 'nblevelmap', 'branchmap', 'skeleton', 'dist']. Each key contains a tensor with a batch dimension, a (singleton) channel dimension and three spatial dimensions.

All parameters defines in SynthSplineBlock.defaults can be user-defined. Most of them take a synthspline.random.Sampler object.

from synthspline.labelsynth import SynthSplineBlock
from synthspline.random import Uniform, LogNormal, RandInt

synthesizer = SynthSplineBlock(
    nb_levels=RandInt(1, 5),

for _ in range(nb_samples):
    sample = synthesizer()

Subclasses with defaults tailored to different types of images are defined in synthspline.labelzoo.

Synthesizing images

A bunch of classes that conditionally generate an image from spline-based labels are defined in synthspline.imagezoo.

Commandline scripts

We provide scripts that generate labels (saved as nifti files) for each image type in scripts/. Their usage is typically:

    python <> [[<first>] <last>] [-o <output>] [-d <device>] [-s <shape]

    Generate synthetic spline labels indexed from <first> to <last>,
    with shape <shape>, using device <device> and and write them
    in directory <output>.

We also provide scrips that generate images conditioned on labels. Their usage is:

    python <> [<input>] [-o <output>] [-n <n>] [-s <subset>] [-d <device>]

    Generate <n> synthetic intensity volumes for each label map
    found in <input> and write them in directory <output>.
    A <subset> of label volumes can be specified as either
    a list of indices, or a range of indices ("<begin>:<end>",
    or "<begin>:" or ":<end>" or ":").


We define the following samplers in synthspline.random:

Dirac()               # default (0)
Dirac(0)              # positional variant
Dirac(value=0)        # keyword variant
Dirac(loc=0)          # alias
Dirac(mean=0)         # alias

Uniform()                   # default: (a=0, b=1)
Uniform(b)                  # default min: (a=0)
Uniform(a, b)               # positional variant
Uniform(a=0, b=1)           # keyword variant
# Aliases
Uniform(*, min=VALUE)       # Alias for a
Uniform(*, max=VALUE)       # Alias for b
Uniform(*, mean=VALUE)      # Specify mean (default width is 1)
Uniform(*, fwhm=VALUE)      # Specify width. Must also set mean or loc
Uniform(*, std=VALUE)       # Specify standard deviation
Uniform(*, var=VALUE)       # Specify variance
Uniform(*, loc=VALUE)       # Alias for mean
Uniform(*, scale=VALUE)     # Alias for std

RandInt()                   # default: (a=0, b=1)
RandInt(b)                  # default min: (a=0)
RandInt(a, b)               # positional variant
RandInt(a=0, b=1)           # keyword variant
# Aliases
RandInt(*, min=VALUE)       # Alias for a
RandInt(*, max=VALUE)       # Alias for b
RandInt(*, mean=VALUE)      # Specify mean (default width is 1)
RandInt(*, fwhm=VALUE)      # Specify width. Must also set mean or loc
RandInt(*, std=VALUE)       # Specify standard deviation
RandInt(*, var=VALUE)       # Specify variance
RandInt(*, loc=VALUE)       # Alias for mean
RandInt(*, scale=VALUE)     # Alias for std

Normal()                    # default: (mu=0, sigma=1)
Normal(sigma)               # default mean: (mu=0)
Normal(mu, sigma)           # positional variant
Normal(mu=0, sigma=1)       # keyword variant
# Aliases
Normal(*, mean=VALUE)       # Alias for mu
Normal(*, std=VALUE)        # Alias for sigma
Normal(*, var=VALUE)        # Specify variance (sigma**2)
Normal(*, fwhm=VALUE)       # Specify width (~ 2.355*sigma)
Normal(*, loc=VALUE)        # Alias for mu
Normal(*, scale=VALUE)      # Alias for sigma

LogNormal()                    # default: (mu=0, sigma=1)
LogNormal(sigma)               # default mean: (mu=0)
LogNormal(mu, sigma)           # positional variant
LogNormal(mu=0, sigma=1)       # keyword variant
# Aliases
LogNormal(*, logmean=VALUE)    # Alias for mu (mean of log)
LogNormal(*, logstd=VALUE)     # Alias for sigma (std of log)
LogNormal(*, logvar=VALUE)     # Specify variance of log (sigma**2)
LogNormal(*, mean=VALUE)       # Specify the mean
LogNormal(*, var=VALUE)        # Specify variance
LogNormal(*, std=VALUE)        # Specify the standard deviation
LogNormal(*, loc=VALUE)        # Alias for mu
LogNormal(*, scale=VALUE)      # Alias for sigma

Furthermore, sampelrs can be derived by applying determinstic functions to any existing sampler. The list of supported methods is:

exp()                   # alias: `e ** x`
sqrt()                  # alias: `x ** 0.5`
square()                # alias: `x ** 2`
pow(other)              # alias: `x ** y`
rpow(other)             # alias: `y ** x`
add(other)              # alias: `x + y`
sub(other)              # alias: `x - y`
mul(other)              # alias: `x * y`
div(other)              # alias: `x / y`
floordiv(other)         # alias: `x // y`
matmul(other)           # alias: `x @ y`
equal(other)            # alias: `x == y`
not_equal(other)        # alias: `x != y`
less(other)             # alias: `x < y`
less_equal(other)       # alias: `x <= y`
greater(other)          # alias: `x > y`
greater_equal(other)    # alias: `x >= y`
clamp(min, max)

Spline rasterization

The algorithm that encodes and rasterize splines is defined in synthspline.curves. When jitfields is installed and activated by setting synthspline.backend.jitfields = True, a fast cuda implementation is used. Otherwise, it uses a slower pytorch-based implementation.


Synthetic tubular structures (vessels, axons) for NN pretraining







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