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File metadata and controls

22 lines (16 loc) · 3.07 KB


These configurable settings allow you to configure the blueprint API in Sails. Some settings (like sails.config.blueprints.populate) control the behavior of built-in blueprint actions, whereas others (like sails.config.blueprints.shortcuts) tweak the behavior of blueprint routing and/or determine whether Sails automatically binds certain kinds of blueprint routes at all.


Property Type Default Details
actions ((boolean)) true Whether routes are automatically generated for every action in your app, e.g. having a api/controllers/foo/bar.js file or a bar function in api/controllers/FooController.js would result in a /foo/bar route. When true, also generates index actions bound to the "root" URL for your app and each of its controllers, e.g. a /foo route for api/controllers/foo/index.js, or a / route for api/controllers/index.js
rest ((boolean)) true Automatic REST blueprints enabled? e.g. 'get /:model/:id?' 'post /:model' 'put /:model/:id' 'delete /:model/:id'
shortcuts ((boolean)) true These CRUD shortcuts exist for your convenience during development, but you'll want to disable them in production.: '/:model/find/:id?', '/:model/create', '/:model/update/:id', and '/:model/destroy/:id'
prefix ((string)) '' Optional mount path prefix for all blueprint routes on a controller, including rest, actions, and shortcuts, e.g. '/api/v2'. This allows you to take advantage of blueprint routing, even if you need to namespace your API methods. (This only applies to blueprint autoroutes, not manual routes from sails.config.routes.) \
restPrefix ((string)) '' Optional mount path prefix for all REST blueprint routes on a controller, e.g. '/api/v2'. (Does not include actions and shortcuts routes.) This allows you to take advantage of REST blueprint routing, even if you need to namespace your RESTful API methods. Will be joined to your prefix config, e.g. prefix: '/api' and restPrefix: '/rest' RESTful actions will be available under /api/rest.
pluralize ((boolean)) false Whether to use plural model names in blueprint routes, e.g. /users for the User model. (This only applies to blueprint autoroutes, not manual routes from sails.config.routes)
populate ((boolean)) true Whether the blueprint actions should populate model fetches with data from other models which are linked by associations. If you have a lot of data in one-to-many associations, leaving this on may result in very heavy api calls.
autoWatch ((boolean)) true Whether to subscribe the requesting socket in the find and findOne blueprint action to notifications about newly created records via the blueprint API.
defaultLimit ((integer)) 30 The default number of records to show in the response from a "find" action. Doubles as the default size of populated arrays if populate is true.