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This project is Rick and Morty fan app. With the announcement of R&M Season 4 coming this fall, there's a lot of excitement around it's hotly anticipated release. This app is designed to be a endorsement piece; an attempt to keep up the excitement for the upcoming season. There's a bit of gamification, a bit of shameless plugging of Adult Swim, …

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Richard and Mortimer


This project is Rick and Morty fan app. With the announcement of R&M Season 4 coming this fall, there's a lot of excitement around it's hotly anticipated release. This app is designed to be a endorsement piece; an attempt to keep up the excitement for the upcoming season. There's a bit of gamification, a bit of shameless plugging of Adult Swim, and a LOT of 80's computer styling. Check out the app live here!

Project Successes

This project actually has quite a bit going on behind the scenes. Fetching, typewriter fonts, react-router, 404 error warnings, redux, both functional and class React components, external linking to curated google searches, sorting, filtering, seaching, enzyme testing, etc. But with all of that happening in the background, I think my biggest success was making everything actually WORK together. With so macny moving parts, it felt like a real accomplishment to actually pull everything together.

Project Challenges

As always, writing modular code required careful planning and strategic architecture. This was also true for my Redux store. Thinking critically about what needed to live in the Redux store vs. local state is always a challenge, as there are pros and cons to both. But in the end, I intentionally sent most data to the store, as not needing local state could keep my components and containers as small and DRY as possible.

Project Extensions/Issues

  • Would love to add R&M specific sounds on click and pn page load.
  • Create a bounty system where the user can take a bounty (favorite) out on a character.
  • The search currently only works for the 'show all' category.

Project Tech Emphasis

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • React Router
  • Redux
  • Jest
  • Enzyme
  • PropTypes
  • API fetches
  • NPM
  • Git and GitHub
  • React Typist
  • PropTypes

Project Management

I used GitHub issues to manage workflow.

Available Scripts

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

Test Coverage

Test Coverage

Project Comps:


Intro Page

All Characters Display

All Characters

Filter Deceased

Filter by deceased

Search Characters


Focused Character Display

Focused Character

404 Page

404 Page






Jev Forsberg


This project is Rick and Morty fan app. With the announcement of R&M Season 4 coming this fall, there's a lot of excitement around it's hotly anticipated release. This app is designed to be a endorsement piece; an attempt to keep up the excitement for the upcoming season. There's a bit of gamification, a bit of shameless plugging of Adult Swim, …






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