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The Ballerina connector to perform operations on PagerDuty SaaS incident response platform.


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Module Overview

The ballerinax/pagerduty module allows you to work with PagerDuty users, escalationPolicies, extensions, services, schedules, and incidents through the PagerDuty Rest API.

The following sections provide you details on how to use the pagerduty.


Ballerina Language Swan Lake Preview1
PagerDuty REST API v2

Feature Overview

The following collections are provided by Ballerina to interact with different API groups of the PagerDuty REST API.

  • pagerDuty:Account - The Account, which is used to initiate the contact with the PagerDuty API and create all the associated sub groups with the operations.
  • pagerDuty:UserClient - The UserClient, which will be used to create/get/delete the Users/Contact methods/ Notification rules.
  • pagerDuty:EscalationPolicyClient - The EscalationPolicyClient, which will be used to create/get/update/delete the escalation policies.
  • pagerDuty:ScheduleClient - The ScheduleClient, which will be used to create/get/delete the schedules.
  • pagerDuty:ServiceClient - The ServiceClient, which will be used to create/update|delete the services/integrations.
  • pagerDuty:ExtensionClient - The ExtensionClient, which will be used to create/get/update/delete the extensions.
  • pagerDuty:IncidentClient - The IncidentClient, which will be used to create/get/update/manage/delete/snooze the incidents and add notes into that.

Getting Started


Note: According to the account's role permission, the user API token can support all the available functionality. However, the account API token can't access the operations, which need the from email Id. They are createUser, createIncident, createEscalationPolicy, createSchedule, manageIncidents, updateIncident, and addNote.

Pull the Module

Execute the below command to pull the pagerDuty module from Ballerina Central:

$ ballerina pull ballerinax/pagerduty


The following is a simple Ballerina program, which is used to receive notifications on configuring the profile.

import ballerina/io;
import ballerinax/pagerduty;
import ballerina/time;

public function main() {
    pagerduty:Account pagerduty = new("API_TOKEN");
    pagerduty:UserClient userClient = pagerduty.getUserClient();
    pagerduty:EscalationPolicyClient escalationClient = pagerduty.getEscalationPolicyClient();
    pagerduty:ScheduleClient scheduleClient = pagerduty.getScheduleClient();
    pagerduty:ServiceClient serviceClient = pagerduty.getServiceClient();
    pagerduty:ExtensionClient extensionClient = pagerduty.getExtensionClient();
    pagerduty:IncidentClient incidentClient = pagerduty.getIncidentClient();
    string userId = "";
    pagerduty:User user =  { 'type: "user", name: "Abisayan", email: "", role: "admin" };
    pagerduty:ContactMethod contactMethod = { 'type: "sms", summary: "Home", label: "home", countryCode: 1,
                                               address: "5766792895" };
    pagerduty:EscalationPolicy createdPolicy = { 'type: "sms", id: "", name: "", escalationRules: [] };
    pagerduty:Service createdService = { name: "service", escalationPolicy: createdPolicy };
    pagerduty:ContactMethod createdContactMethod = { 'type: "sms", address: "5766792895" };
    pagerduty:User createdUser =  { 'type: "user", name: "", email: "" };

    // Creates a new user
    pagerduty:Error|pagerduty:User output = userClient->createUser(user);
    if (output is pagerduty:Error) {
        io:println("Error " + output.toString());
    } else {
        userId = output.get("id").toString();
        createdUser = output;
        io:println("User id " + userId);

    // Creates a new contact method
    pagerduty:Error|pagerduty:ContactMethod createdMethod = userClient->createContactMethod(userId, contactMethod);
    if (createdMethod is pagerduty:Error) {
        io:println("Error " + createdMethod.toString());
    } else {
        createdContactMethod = createdMethod;
        io:println("Contact method id " + createdContactMethod.get("id").toString());

    // Creates a new notification rule
    pagerduty:NotificationRule rule = { startDelayInMinutes: 1, contactMethod : createdContactMethod, 
                                        urgency: "high", 'type: "assignmentNotificationRule" };
    pagerduty:Error|pagerduty:NotificationRule createdRule = userClient->createNotificationRule(userId, rule);
    string result = createdRule is pagerduty:Error ? ("Error " + createdRule.toString()) : ("Notification rule id " + createdRule.get("id").toString());

    // Creates a new escalation policy
    pagerduty:EscalationPolicy escalationPolicy = { 'type: "escalationPolicy", name: "Escalation Policy for Test",
                                                     escalationRules: [{ escalationDelayInMinutes: 30,
                                                     targets: [{id: userId, 'type: "user"}]}]
    pagerduty:EscalationPolicy|pagerduty:Error response = escalationClient->create(escalationPolicy);
    if (response is pagerduty:Error) {
        io:println("Error " + response.toString());
    } else {
        createdPolicy = response;
        io:println("EscalationPolicy id " + response.get("id").toString());

    // Creates a new schedule
    time:Time time = time:currentTime();
    pagerduty:Schedule schedule = { 'type: "schedule", timeZone: "Asia/Colombo",
                                    scheduleLayers: [{ 'start: time, rotationTurnLengthInSeconds: 86400,
                                                        rotationVirtualStart: time, users: [createdUser]
    pagerduty:Schedule|pagerduty:Error createdSchedule = scheduleClient->create(schedule);
    result = createdSchedule is pagerduty:Error ? ("Error " + createdSchedule.toString()) : ("Schedule id " + createdSchedule.get("id").toString());

    // Creates a new service
    pagerduty:Service serv = { name: "New services", escalationPolicy: createdPolicy,
                               alertCreation:"createAlertsAndIncidents" };
    pagerduty:Service|pagerduty:Error resp = serviceClient->createService(serv);
    if (resp is pagerduty:Error) {
        io:println("Error " + resp.toString());
    } else {
        createdService = resp;
        io:println("Service id " + resp.get("id").toString());


    // Creates a new extension
    pagerduty:Extension extension = { 'type: "extension", name: "webhook",
                                       endpointUrl: "",
                                       extensionSchema: {id: "PJFWPEP", 'type: "extensionSchemaReference",
                                       summary: "Generic V2 Webhook"}, services: [createdService]
    pagerduty:Extension|pagerduty:Error createdExtension = extensionClient->create(extension);
    result = createdExtension is pagerduty:Error ? ("Error " + createdExtension.toString()) : ("Extension id " + createdExtension.get("id").toString());

    // Creates a new incident
    pagerduty:Incident incident = { 'type: "incident", title: "Test", 'service: createdService };
    pagerduty:Incident|pagerduty:Error createdIncident = incidentClient->createIncident(incident);
    result = createdIncident is pagerduty:Error ? ("Error " + createdIncident.toString()) : ("Incident id " + createdIncident.get("id").toString());


The Ballerina connector to perform operations on PagerDuty SaaS incident response platform.








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