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Actions: ballerina-platform/ballerina-dev-website

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180 workflow run results
180 workflow run results

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Generate Proposal MD
Generate Proposal MD #278: Scheduled
May 7, 2023 00:18 17m 32s master
May 7, 2023 00:18 17m 32s
Close stale pull requests
Close stale pull requests #606: Scheduled
May 6, 2023 19:32 10s master
May 6, 2023 19:32 10s
Generate Proposal MD
Generate Proposal MD #277: Scheduled
May 6, 2023 00:15 17m 37s master
May 6, 2023 00:15 17m 37s
Close stale pull requests
Close stale pull requests #605: Scheduled
May 5, 2023 19:32 15s master
May 5, 2023 19:32 15s
Generate Proposal MD
Generate Proposal MD #276: Scheduled
May 5, 2023 00:16 17m 54s master
May 5, 2023 00:16 17m 54s
Close stale pull requests
Close stale pull requests #604: Scheduled
May 4, 2023 19:32 15s master
May 4, 2023 19:32 15s
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand #207: Manually run by praneesha
May 4, 2023 17:24 11m 31s master
May 4, 2023 17:24 11m 31s
Publish gh-pages to prod
Publish gh-pages to prod #68: Manually run by sm1990
May 4, 2023 17:19 4m 8s master
May 4, 2023 17:19 4m 8s
pages build and deployment
pages-build-deployment #761: by praneesha
May 4, 2023 17:03 8m 44s
May 4, 2023 17:03 8m 44s
Deploy website
Link Checker #6765: Pull request #6834 opened by sm1990
May 4, 2023 17:02 36s sm1990:pre54-2
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand #206: Manually run by praneesha
May 4, 2023 16:51 12m 34s master
May 4, 2023 16:51 12m 34s
Update single-level pages on the learn left nav
.github/workflows/add_reason_labels.yml #715: Issue #6827 closed by sm1990
May 4, 2023 12:54 3s
May 4, 2023 12:54 3s
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand #205: Manually run by praneesha
May 4, 2023 12:00 11m 56s master
May 4, 2023 12:00 11m 56s
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand #203: Manually run by praneesha
May 4, 2023 11:39 12m 5s master
May 4, 2023 11:39 12m 5s
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand #202: Manually run by praneesha
May 4, 2023 10:36 8m 14s master
May 4, 2023 10:36 8m 14s
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand #201: Manually run by praneesha
May 4, 2023 09:55 12m 30s master
May 4, 2023 09:55 12m 30s
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand #200: Manually run by praneesha
May 4, 2023 09:47 5m 47s master
May 4, 2023 09:47 5m 47s
Update Ballerina Standard Library Specifications #147: Repository dispatch triggered by ballerina-bot
May 4, 2023 06:04 33s
May 4, 2023 06:04 33s
Generate Proposal MD
Generate Proposal MD #275: Scheduled
May 4, 2023 00:16 17m 35s master
May 4, 2023 00:16 17m 35s
Close stale pull requests
Close stale pull requests #603: Scheduled
May 3, 2023 19:32 11s master
May 3, 2023 19:32 11s
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand #199: Manually run by sm1990
May 3, 2023 17:19 10m 10s master
May 3, 2023 17:19 10m 10s
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand
Create a PR for new Swan Lake BBE pages on demand #198: Manually run by sm1990
May 3, 2023 09:50 9m 42s master
May 3, 2023 09:50 9m 42s
Update Ballerina Standard Library Specifications #146: Repository dispatch triggered by ballerina-bot
May 3, 2023 09:30 48s
May 3, 2023 09:30 48s
Add Featured Books on the Community Page
.github/workflows/add_reason_labels.yml #714: Issue #3194 closed by praneesha
May 3, 2023 04:57 3s
May 3, 2023 04:57 3s
Generate Proposal MD
Generate Proposal MD #274: Scheduled
May 3, 2023 00:17 17m 47s master
May 3, 2023 00:17 17m 47s