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Let’s now look at how concurrency and transactions are handled in Ballerina.
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Let’s now look at how concurrency and transactions are handled in Ballerina.

Sequence diagram-based concurrency

Named workers

One of the key aspects of the Ballerina language is to support concurrency. With more and more applications needing to support network interaction, concurrency becomes important for handling scale. But at the same time, it introduces complexities in data handling.

One of the main ideas in Ballerina is to have a graphical view of the program. This concept is all about providing deeper insights into what the program is doing rather than spewing out the static syntax tree. Consider the three most important aspects of the Ballerina language, namely data handling, network interaction, and concurrency. Of these three features, network interaction and concurrency add a fair bit of complexity to an application. Based on common wisdom, a sequence diagram provides the most incisive view of a program involving network interaction and concurrency.

In Ballerina, concurrency-related features are built into the language as first-class citizens, and they map directly onto sequence diagrams. For example, you can define a concurrent flow of control using a named worker.

import ballerina/io;

public function main() {


    worker A {
        io:println("In worker A");

    worker B {
        io:println("In worker B");

    io:println("In function worker");

The keyword worker is used to define a named worker. In the above code example, the function main() has a default worker. Normally, a function's code belongs to the function's default worker, which has a single logical thread of control. However, a function can also declare named workers, which run concurrently with the function's default worker and other named workers. The function main() has two named workers A and B. These two workers execute concurrently with the code in the default worker of the function.

The named workers do not start executing until their declaration point. This means that the code before the named workers is always executed before the workers start. However, the variables declared before all the named workers and the function parameters are accessible within the named workers.

Sequence diagram

A function can be viewed as a sequence diagram. To translate a Ballerina function into a sequence diagram-based depiction, you can consider each worker (default and named) as a lifeline, depicted by a vertical line. Therefore, the previous code example can be regarded as a sequence diagram consisting of three lifelines, two for the named workers and one for the default worker of the function.

Additionally, if the function also has a client object to interact with a remote system, then that client object also has a lifeline. If a worker makes a remote method call on a client object, that is represented as a horizontal line between the lifelines of the worker making the call and the remote object.

Wait for workers

Named workers can continue to execute even after the function's default worker terminates and the function returns. So if you want to wait for the worker to terminate before returning from the function, you have to wait for it explicitly.

import ballerina/io;

public function main() {

    worker A {
        io:println("In worker A");

    io:println("In default worker");
    wait A;
    io:println("After wait A");

In the above code example, the wait keyword is used to wait for the named worker A before returning from the main() function.


Ballerina's way of worker-based concurrency follows a unique concept known as strands. A strand is a logical thread of control assigned to every worker, which is multitasked cooperatively instead of preemptively.

The execution of a strand switches only at specific yield points, such as doing a wait or calling a blocking system call. This approach avoids the need for locking variables accessed across multiple workers to manage tricky issues related to race conditions and deadlocks.

While a strand has a separate logical thread of control, the actual execution still happens on a common physical thread at the CPU level. However, you can use an annotation to make the strand run on a separate thread.

Named worker return values

Named workers can have a return type just like in a function, which is nil by default. You can also use check to handle errors.

function demo(string s) returns int|error {
    worker A returns int|error {
        int x = check int:fromString(s);
        return x + 1;

    int y = check wait A;
    return y + 1;

In the above code example, the worker A returns either an integer or an error. Under normal circumstances, the worker will return an integer value, and the function demo() waits for A, assigns the returned integer value to y, and returns the result of incrementing that value by one.

In case the int:fromString(s) call within the worker returns an error, the check will fail, causing the worker A to return the error. Subsequently, the check expression within demo() will also return the error. The return statement in a named worker terminates the worker and not the enclosing function.

Alternate wait

Instead of waiting on one worker, you can also wait for one of several workers.

function fetch(string url) returns string|error {

function altFetch(string urlA, string urlB) returns string|error {

    worker A returns string|error {
        return fetch(urlA);

    worker B returns string|error {
        return fetch(urlB);

    return wait A | B;


In the above code example, the function altFetch() declares two workers A and B. Both call a function fetch() passing in the parameters from altFetch(). In the end, the altFetch() function does return wait A | B. This means that it will return as soon as either A or B returns.

The return value of both the functions and workers is a union of string and error. In case an error is returned by the workers or the fetch() function, it is returned from the function altFetch() also.

Multiple wait

In case you want to wait for all the workers, Ballerina allows that too.

type Result record {
    string|error a;
    string|error b;

function multiFetch(string urlA, string urlB) returns Result {
    worker WA returns string|error {
        return fetch(urlA);
    worker WB returns string|error {
        return fetch(urlB);

    return wait {a: WA, b: WB};


Result res = multiFetch("https://…..",

In the above code example, the function multiFetch() declares two workers similar to the example in the previous section. The only difference is in the wait. In this case, it waits for both the workers WA and WB and packages their returned value in a record of type Result with the fields a and b.

Instead of explicitly constructing the record in the wait expression, you can also use the shorthand wait {X , Y} which equates to wait {X: X, Y: Y}. This works with the concept of futures also, as explained in the next section.

Named workers and futures

Workers and futures are the same. A named worker referred to as a variable becomes a future. The return type of the worker becomes the type of future.

function demo() returns future<int> {
    worker A returns int {
        return 42;
    return A;

In the above code example, the function demo() returns a future, which is the worker A. The type of the future is the return type of the worker, which is int in this case.

Alternatively, you can use the start keyword. It is a sugar for calling a function within a named worker and returning a reference to the worker as a future.

type FuncInt function () returns int;

function startInt(FuncInt f) returns future<int> {
    return start f();

future<int> c = startInt(() => 100);
int d = check wait c;

In the above code example, the function startInt() expects an argument of the FuncInt function type. When called, it starts the execution of the function on a separate strand and returns a future for it.

Inter-worker message passing

You can pass messages between workers using the -> and <- notation.

public function main() {

    worker A {
        1 -> B;
        2 -> C;


    worker B {
        int x1 = <- A;
        x1 -> function;

    worker C {
        int x2 = <- A;
        x2 -> function;

    int y1 = <- B;
    int y2 = <- C;
    int z = y1 + y2;

In the above code example, worker A sends the integer value 1 to worker B and the integer value 2 to worker C, using the -> notation. Both B and C receive the values and store them in variables x1 and x2, respectively, using the <- notation. And then, they send them to the main function’s default worker, which receives them via another set of <- and computes the addition of the two integers.

Message passing with the main() function uses the function keyword to refer to the default worker. All messages are copied using the clone() function, which also implies that immutable values are passed without copying.

The pairing of message send and receive expressions (with -> and <- notation) is done at the compile time. Thus, each pair turns into a horizontal line in the sequence diagram, thereby representing an interaction between two workers.

This way of message passing is easy to use as it avoids complex deadlocks but has limited expressiveness.

Inter-worker failure propagation

In the ideal case, pairing the sends and receives guarantees that every message sent will be received, and vice versa. But what if the sender worker has an error before passing the message to the receiver worker?

function demo() returns int|error {
    worker A returns error? {
        check foo();
        42 -> function;

    int x = check <- A;
    return x;

In the above code example, the worker A is sending an integer value to the default worker. However, before sending, it has to call another function foo() which may return an error. In that case, the send will never happen, and the error will propagate to the default worker. Consequently, either an integer value or error is received. That's why the check expression is used in the default worker along with the <- notation at the receiver side to handle the error. Panics are also propagated similarly.


Transactions are an important aspect of Ballerina's concurrency feature. The Ballerina runtime has built-in support for interacting with a transaction manager. The Ballerina runtime includes a transaction manager, and the language provides syntax for delimiting transactions.

The current transaction is part of the execution context of a strand.

Further, the transaction concept can also be combined with network interaction features to support distributed transactions.

This concept is not the same as transactional memory, where the memory space is committed or rolled back to a previous value.

transaction statement

You can define a transaction using a transaction block as follows.

transaction {

    check commit;

In the above code example, a transaction block is used to perform two function calls that must be part of the transaction. The transaction statement starts the new transaction and the commit statement must be included explicitly to commit the transaction.

It is normal for commits to fail. You can use the check expression to handle errors.

check semantics

The check expression is not merely for returning errors. When check gets an error, it fails and the enclosing block decides what to do with the error. Most blocks pass the failure up to the enclosing block and function definitions handle failure by returning the error. Alternatively, to handle the errors returned from transactions, you can use the on fail clause as part of the check semantics.

public function main() returns error? {
    do {
        check foo();
        check bar();

        if !isOK() {
            fail error("not OK");
    } on fail var e {
        return e;

In the above code example, there are two check expressions inside the do block. When there is an error, the check fails. However, instead of propagating the error, you can catch it using the on fail block. If one of the check statements fails in the do block, the control shifts to the on fail block, and then the error value is assigned to the variable e . The fail statement is like check, but it always fails.

You can say that this is very similar to exception handling, where exceptions are raised in the code and caught in a catch block. However, in Ballerina, the control flow is explicitly defined for how the error is handled.


There are four ways in which a transaction block can exit in Ballerina. Under normal cases, passing through an explicit commit or a rollback statement results in the transaction being terminated. The other two scenarios are failures resulting from a failed exit (e.g., from check) and a panic exit.

function incrementSallary(int[] salaryList) returns error? {
    transaction {
        foreach int index in 0 ..< salaryList.length() {
            salaryList[index] += 100;

        if (salaryList.reduce(function(int total, int n) returns int => total + n, 0) > 1000) {
        } else {
            check commit;

In the above code example, the incrementSalary() function defines a transaction that increments the salary for each employee by 100. If the new total salary exceeds 1000, then, the rollback statement performs a rollback on the transaction.

function transfer(Update[] updates) returns error? {
    transaction {
        foreach var u in updates {
            check doUpdate(u);

        check commit;

function doUpdate(Update u) returns error? {

In the above code example, the transfer() function defines a transaction that runs a foreach loop which calls another doUpdate() function. If the doUpdate() function returns an error, the check expression returns it. This is treated as a failure within the transaction block and results in a rollback of the transaction.

The rollback operation does not automatically restore Ballerina variables to values before the transaction. Instead, it only tells the transaction manager to roll back the execution point.

retry transaction statement

Transactional errors are often transient and may go away when retried. As a result, you can retry the transaction if it fails due to an error within the transaction block.

import ballerina/io;

public function main() returns error? {
    retry transaction {
        check doStage1();
        check doStage2();
        check commit;

function doStage1() returns error? {
    io:println("Stage1 completed");

function doStage2() returns error? {
    return error 'error:Retriable("Stage2 failed");

In the above code example, the retry keyword is used in front of the transaction statement. Using the retry keyword implicitly creates a DefaultRetryManager object, as retry<DefaultRetryManager>(3), that retries the transaction three times.

You can specify an optional type parameter, which belongs to the RetryManager object with the retry keyword when defining the transaction. If the transaction block fails with an error, the shouldRetry() method of the RetryManager object is called with the error value e. Based on this, the RetryManager decides whether to retry the transaction. The DefaultRetryManager is used in case a RetryManager object is not specified explicitly. It is part of the lang.error lang library.

The DefaultRetryManager has a predefined set of errors that are retriable. So the retry happens only if one of those error types is what caused the transaction to fail. This is in addition to the check for retry counts not exceeding the retry limit set in the RetryManager object.

This retry mechanism can be used even without transactions. So any block of code in Ballerina can be enclosed with retry.

The transactional qualifier

At compile time, Ballerina can identify the regions of the code that execute within a transactional context. Within a transaction statement, the body of the statement is a transaction context. Therefore, when executing code within the transaction context, you are guaranteed at compile-time to have a current transaction for that transaction context.

By using the transactional qualifier in a function, it is restricted to be called only in a transactional context. Moreover, the body of such a function will itself be a transactional context.

transactional function doUpdate(Update u) returns error? {


function foo(Update u) {
    if transactional {

transactional function bar(Update u) {
    io:println("Calling from a transactional context");

In the above code example, the functions doUpdate() and bar() have the transactional qualifier. Calling doUpdate() establishes a transactional context within which, calls to foo() and bar() are made. The transactional function bar( ) can be called within doUpdate() since it is also a transactional function, which results in its body being a transactional context.

The transactional expression is also used as a boolean test to check whether a current transaction is active at runtime. Using a transactional expression in a condition results in a transactional context. Inside the function foo() the if statement is used to check for a current transaction before calling the transactional function bar( ). In this way, you can check for the transactional context even inside a non-transactional function to perform transaction dependent operations.

Distributed transactions

Ballerina is designed so that transactions work together with network interactions. Therefore, the resource and remote methods of service objects and remote methods of client objects can be declared transactional. But the actual working of transactional behavior is implementation-dependent which is kept under the covers to avoid complications.

Transactions follow a branching pattern starting from a global transaction and then multiple transactions branch out from it. Therefore, the current transaction is always a branch of the global transaction. When a new transaction is created as a global transaction, the current transaction becomes the root branch.

You can also have client objects and listener objects that are transaction-aware. To communicate with remote systems in a transaction-aware way, they need to associate the network messages with a global transaction and allow the transaction manager of the Ballerina program to communicate with other transaction managers. For that, you need a protocol to communicate between the distributed programs. And this is not limited to two Ballerina programs. They can work in programs written in different languages or from Ballerina to a database, so long as both sides understand the same protocol, including industry-standard protocols such as XA. Ballerina has a micro-transaction protocol to support this interaction, and you can implement it in other programming languages.

A transaction-aware client object or Listener needs a network protocol to associate a network message with a global transaction and to allow the transaction manager of the Ballerina program to communicate with other transaction managers. There is a separate API for interfacing with the Ballerina transaction manager to enable clients and listeners.

When a transaction-aware listener determines that the request is part of a global transaction, it starts a new transaction branch for executing the service object’s resource/remote method. So that service object will have a current transaction which is a branch of the global transaction.

transactional named workers

The transactional qualifier can be applied to a named worker in a transactional function also.

transactional function exec(Update u) returns error? {
    transactional worker A {


transactional function bar() {
    io:println("bar() invoked");

In the above code example, the named worker A has the transactional qualifier. Therefore, the strand for execution of the code within A will have a new transaction that is branched from the calling transactional context within the function exec().

Commit/rollback handlers

Often, there is a need to execute additional code depending upon whether the transaction was committed or not. In Ballerina, you can check for the status of a transaction and execute additional code to handle the specific outcome of the transaction, either for commit or rollback.

One way is to do this inline within the transaction statement. However, this approach is inconvenient when handling undo changes in rollback, from a modularity perspective. Moreover, this approach also does not suit the distributed transaction interaction with another program. Therefore, commit and rollback handlers are provided as functions that run based on a transaction's respective outcome.

transactional function update() returns error? {
    check updateDatabase();

In the above code example, the function update() has a transactional context. Based on the outcome of calling the updateDatabase() function, it can either commit or rollback the transaction. The last line of the code adds the commit handler. This means that if the transaction commits successfully, the function sendEmail() is called.

This is particularly useful when the update() function is called from a remote or resource transactional method, in a service object, and is invoked by another remote Ballerina program as a result of a service invocation. The transaction manager of the Ballerina program that initiated the transaction, will send a message to the Ballerina program in which this function is running. The two transaction managers follow a two-phase commit, such that when the remote Ballerina program knows that commit is successful, it will then arrange for the transaction manager of the Ballerina program running the update() function to call the commit handler.

Concurrency safety

lock statement

The lock statement allows the access of mutable state from multiple strands running on separate threads, with well-defined results.

int n = 0;

function inc() {
    lock {
        n += 1;

In the above code example, the lock block allows the safe mutation of the variable n from multiple strands running on separate threads.

The semantics of the lock block is like an atomic section, and the execution of the outer lock blocks is not interleaved. From an implementation point of view, developers can think of this as a single global lock. The Ballerina compiler will optimize this by inferring a more fine-grain set of locks to have the same semantic with better performance characteristics.

Service concurrency

Ballerina's main goal for service concurrency is to achieve decent performance and a decent level of safety.

Decent performance means that the Listener can have multiple threads serving incoming requests concurrently. Similarly, a decent level of safety boils down to the expectation that there are no undetected data races that lead to wrong results. However, certain errors that cannot be detected at compile-time may be detected at runtime. It is difficult to do it entirely at compile time since it would entail a more complex and restrictive system.

You can expect Ballerina to figure out the code and tell whether the program is safe for strands to be executed on separate threads or not. In case it is safe, it is guaranteed that there will not be any undetected data races.

The lock statement is not enough to achieve this safety since it is left to the developer to use it. Therefore, there are additional provisions in Ballerina that provide the level of protection that is in line with the expected safety, as stated above.

isolated functions

To achieve the intended goals of safety, Ballerina offers the concept of isolated functions. An isolated function is a function that is concurrency safe if its arguments are safe. So it is not unconditionally safe, but if called with the right arguments, it is safe.

An isolated function is allowed to access a mutable state only through its parameters. Further, it can only call a function that is isolated.

type R record {
    int v;

isolated function set(R r) returns R {
    r.v = 1;
    return r;

In the above code example, the set() function is an isolated function. Given the right input parameter, it will be concurrency safe.

The constraints for isolated functions are applied at compile time. This concept of isolated functions is a weaker version of the pure function concept found in the D programming language.

readonly type

In Ballerina, you have a readonly type that represents immutable values. This is represented as a type to which values belong only if they are immutable.

// The type of `s` is an immutable `string`` array.
// The value is also constructed as an immutable value.
readonly & string[] s = ["foo", "bar"];
type Row record {
    // Both the field and its value are immutable.
    readonly string[] k;

    int v;

In the above code example, the string array s is declared as read-only using the type intersection operator &. The type of s is both an array of strings and readonly, which means that it is an immutable array. This is enforced at compile-time to ensure that the values of the array s are immutable. Therefore, it is safe to pass it as an argument to an isolated function.

This concept is different from the const keyword in C. So a const char s in C is not the same as readonly & string[] s in Ballerina, because here you are making the values of the type immutable whereas, in the case of C the const identifier refers to a variable whose value can be assigned to another variable with the const qualifier.

If the readonly keyword is used within a structured type, it makes both the field and the value immutable. In the above code example, the field k of the Row record type has the readonly qualifier. This means that the field k cannot be assigned a new value, and the values of the field cannot be mutated by changing the array s.

readonly and isolated

readonly ensures safety in accessing data, and isolation provides a safe execution environment for a function. These two concepts can be combined to build a robust concurrency safety mechanism within a Ballerina program. Isolated functions can access final variables of the readonly type without locking.

type Entry map<json>;

type RoMap readonly & map<Entry>;

final RoMap m = loadMap();

function loadMap() returns RoMap {

isolated function lookup(string s) returns readonly & Entry? {
    return m[s];

In the above code example, there are two map types declared at the top, Entry and RoMap. RoMap is also a subtype of readonly. The loadMap( ) function loads a map from a file and assigns it to m which is of type RoMap.

This variable m is final, which means that it cannot be set again. It is also readonly, which means that its value is deeply immutable. Because of that, it is completely safe to access m from multiple threads. Therefore, when it is accessed in the isolated function lookup() without a lock statement. It returns a value of the Entry type which is also readonly type, thereby ensuring complete concurrency safety.

In this way, the readonly type complements isolated functions. If such a function is part of a method for service listeners where it has to read or write data and execute some code, the isolated specifier provides information about the function’s execution context, and readonly specifier provides information about immutability of the data.

Combine isolated function with lock

To keep things from getting overly complex, you can combine isolated functions with lock statements to access mutable module-level state.

A module-level mutable variable follows the concept of an isolated root. It is an isolated island that guards access to the variable. For example, a value r is an isolated root if the mutable state reachable from r cannot be reached from outside except through r.

Similarly, an expression is an isolated expression if it follows rules that guarantee that its value will be an isolated root. As an example, an expression of a type that is a subtype of readonly is always isolated. Similarly, an expression [E1, E2] is isolated if E1 and E2 are isolated. Also, an expression f(E1, E2) is isolated if E1 and E2 are isolated, and the type of f is an isolated function.

Isolated variables

You can extend the concept of isolated functions to module-level variables. When a module-level variable is declared as isolated, the compiler guarantees that it is an isolated root and is accessed only within a lock statement.

isolated int[] stack = [];

isolated function push(int n) {
    lock {

isolated function pop() returns int {
    lock {
        return stack.pop();

In the above code example, stack is an isolated variable. Therefore, it can only be accessed within lock statements, as shown in the functions push() and pop( ). Both functions are isolated functions.

There are certain constraints with respect to defining isolated variables. They can be declared only at the module level and have to be initialized with isolated expressions. Isolated variables cannot be public.

Additionally, more constraints apply to the usage of isolated variables. A lock statement can access only one isolated variable. Within a lock statement that accesses an isolated variable, only isolated functions can be called. Moreover, isolated expressions have to be used to transfer values in and out of the lock statement. Isolated functions are allowed to access isolated module-level variables as long as they adhere to the above constraints.

Isolated methods

The concept of isolation can also be applied to object methods. An isolated object method is the same as an isolated function. It has an implicit reference to self, which is treated as a parameter.

An isolated method is concurrency-safe if both the object and the arguments are safe. But this is not quite enough for service concurrency. When a listener makes a call to a remote or resource method, it controls the parameters that are passed to the methods. Therefore, it can ensure the safety of the remote methods and ensure that the arguments to the method are safe. However, it cannot ensure the safety of the service object as the object may contain mutable fields.

Therefore, just having isolated methods alone does not guarantee complete concurrency safety.

Isolated objects

To bridge this concurrency gap in isolated methods, you can also define isolated objects. An isolated object is just like a module with isolated module-level variables.

isolated class Counter {

    private int n = 0;

    isolated function get() returns int {
        lock {
            return self.n;

    isolated function inc() {
        lock {
            self.n += 1;

In the above code example, Counter is an isolated object. Mutable fields of an isolated object must be private. In addition, fields must be initialized with an isolated expression and can be accessed only within a lock statement. The lock statement follows the same rules for self as for an isolated module-level variable. An object field is mutable unless it is final and has a type that is a subtype of readonly.

This approach makes the service objects fully concurrency safe when accessed from within a Listener to call remote methods. The isolated root concept treats the isolated objects as opaque. Additionally, isolated functions can access a final variable whose type is an isolated object.

Inferring isolated

The whole concept around isolation is quite confusing for an application developer to understand. It is a complex feature, but you do not have to worry about it because the compiler can figure it out for you most of the time.

A typical Ballerina application consists of a single module that imports multiple library modules. With a single module, the compiler can infer isolated qualifiers. For example, if there is a service object without mutable fields, then it is inherently isolated.

The application programmer must use the lock statement responsibly wherever it is needed to safeguard the mutability of the data. This is applicable to both accessing self in a service object with mutable state and accessing mutable module-level variables. Additionally, the Ballerina compiler can warn the developer where missing locks are preventing a service object or method from being isolated.