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JDBC Wrapper for the JT400 driver to connect to an AS400 using JDBC.


  1. Require the module:

    const jdbc = require('dh-400jdbc');
  2. Initialize the connection:

    // build the config.
    let config = {
      host: 'String',
      libraries: <String>,
      username: <String>,
      password: <String>,
      initialPoolCount: <Number>, // Optional, Defaults to 1.
      logger: <Logger Reference> // Optional, Defaults to console.
    // initialize the module.
    jdbc.initialize(config, (err) => {
      // Do Something.
  3. Execute a SQL query:

    jdbc.executeSqlString('SELECT * FROM TABLENAME', (err, results) => {
      // Do Something.
  4. Execute a prepared statement query. Note: parameters is an array of values:

    jdbc.executePreparedStatement(sql, parameters, (err, results) => {
      // Do Something.
  5. Execute an update prepared statement. Note: parameters is an array of values:

    jdbc.executeUpdatePreparedStatement(sql, parameters, (err, results) => {
      // Do Something.
  6. Executing a stored procedure. Note: the parameters array is an array of stored procedure parameter objects.

    • You can create the objects in this format:

        type: <'in' or 'out'>,
        fieldName: <String>,
        dataType: <String from sql types constants property>,
        value: <any type>
    • Or use the convenience functions:

      let inputParameter = jdbc.createSPInputParameter(value);
      let outputParameter = jdbc.createSPOutputParameter(sqlDataType, fieldName);
    • Execute the statement:

      jdbc.executeStoredProcedure(sql, parameters, (err, result) => {
        // Do Something.
    • Note: The result object is a key value object where the keys are the output parameter field names.

        <field name 1> : <output param value 1>,
        <field name 2> : <output param value 2>,
        <field name 3> : <output param value 3>,
    • Note: If your stored procedure returns 1 or more result sets you can access them through the result objects resultSets property. The resultsSetsProperty is an array of arrays where each array is a single result set:

        outputParam1: <value>,
        outputParam2: <value>,
        resultSets: [