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Conversion of Stripe BalanceTransactions to a Paypal like "monthly statement"-report.

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mvn clean verify -DskipTests && java -jar target/stripe2paypal-csv.jar \
   --stripe-api-key SECRET \
   --output-dir target \
   --report-style monthly-statement \
   --start-date-and-time 2018-07-01T00:00:00 \
   --duration P14D

Commandline usage

usage: java -jar stripe2paypal-csv.jar
 -d,--duration <arg>              a duration (format ISO-8601) given as
                                  PnDTnHnMn.nS; e.g. P14D -> 14 days.
 -k,--stripe-api-key <arg>        the STRIPE API key to use; see:
 -o,--output-dir <arg>            a directory to write the output files to
 -r,--report-style <arg>          the style of the report to create;
                                  available reports: monthly-statement
 -s,--start-date-and-time <arg>   a local start date and time e. g.

setup docs