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Checks TODO comments and informs about missing Jira ticket mentions


npm install eslint-plugin-jira-ticket-todo-comment --save-dev


Add jira-ticket-todo-comment to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin- prefix:

    "plugins": [

Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section.

    "rules": {
        "jira-ticket-todo-comment/jira-ticket-todo-comment": "error"

Rule Details

This rule aims to enforce consistent style of TODO comments making it easier for developer teams to quickly see if a TODO comment is already in JIRA.


This rule has an optional object option.

  • "projectKey": "TP" (default MP) sets a specific project key which is used in your JIRA project; when not provided the rule will check against the default regex; can NOT be set together with "regex" option
    "rules": {
        "jira-ticket-todo-comment/jira-ticket-todo-comment": ["error", { "projectKey":  "TP" }]
  • "regex": "^TODO\\s[A-Z]_[A-Z]{1,9}-\\d+\\s?.*" (default ^TODO\\s[A-Z]{2,255}-\\d+(\\s.*)?) allows you to override the default regex which is used to check for the JIRA ticket format; can NOT be set together with "projectKey" option
    "rules": {
        "jira-ticket-todo-comment/jira-ticket-todo-comment": ["error", { "regex":  "^TODO\\s[A-Z]_[A-Z]{1,9}-\\d+\\s?.*" }]
  • "message": "Please replace this TODO with a JIRA reference." allows you to override the default message that appears when a TODO is detected without any JIRA key.
    "rules": {
        "jira-ticket-todo-comment/jira-ticket-todo-comment": ["error", { "message":  "Please replace this TODO with a JIRA reference." }]