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Azure.Helpers is a set of utility classes that make working with Azure Storage easier. There are currently classes for Blob and Table storage.


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##BlobUtility ###BlobUtility.#ctor(System.String,System.String)

Constructor takes a connection string as a string and a container name





Tracks the container name


Put (create or update) a blob from a memory stream.


stream: Memory stream to put to a blob

blobPath: Path to the blob

contentType: Content type of the blob

permissions: Blob Container Permissions for the blob


Put (create or update) a blob from a string.


content: Content to put to the blob

blobPath: Path to the blob

contentType: Content type of the blob

permissions: Blob Container Permissions for the blob


Retrieve the specified blob


blobAddress: Address of blob to retrieve


Copy a blob.


sourceBlobName: Source blob

destBlobName: Destination blob


Delete a blob.


blobName: Name of blob to delete from container


Checks if a blob exists in the current container


blobPath: Path to the blob


Renames a blob


origBlobName: Original blob name

newBlobName: New blob name


Read-only property for retrieving the blob container

##StorageBase ###StorageBase.ConnectionString

Tracks the connection string for the Cloud Storage Account


Property for setting the Cloud Storage Account

##TableUtility ###TableUtility.ContainerName

Tracks the current container name for the Blob Client


Constructor takes a connection string to an Azure Storage Account


connectionString: Connection string for an Azure Storage Account


Get a table reference from the container


tableName: Name of table to fetch


Read-only property for accessing the Table Client. Uses the connection string passed in from the constructor


C# Helper classes for dealing with all things Azure.







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