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setting up hasura and graphql

check if wheather hasura and graphql instance alerady running in your docker if not

1.head to \hasuraconfig folder and open docker-compose.yaml file make sure to change all postgrespassword field with Your postgres database password

2.make sure to set HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET key with any 32 character that you want

3.make sure to set HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET to your own hasura console password cmd and change directory to \hasuraconfig

5.type docker-compose up -d and run the command hasura console in browser and head over to setting

7.Import hasura metadata name hasura_metadata_2023_01_29_13_30_51_667 found in \hasuraconfig hasura is ready

setting up golang and backend

1.head to \hahu_backend folder cmd and change directory to \hahu_backend

3.type go get and hit enter to install all required dependencies

4.head to \hahu_backend\helper and open jwt.go file and make sure to change the string passed to this method is your HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET key that we set in docker-compose.yaml file


5.type go run main.go in cmd and run command

6.your golang server start in port 8000

setting up vue js and frontend cmd and change directory to the root directory of clone github repository

2.type npm install to install all required dependencies

3.type npm run dev to start your vue js and vite server