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Data Producers for Smoothstack Scrumptious

Setup Python Virtual Environment


$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

# To deactivate the virtual env run
(.venv) $ deactivate


C:\> python -m venv .venv
C:\> .\.venv\Scripts\activate.bat
(.venv) C:\> pip install -r requirements.txt

# To deactivate the virtual env run
(.venv) C:\> deactivate

Setup MySQL Database

Start up the Docker container

MySQL database is run in a Docker container. You should have Docker installed on your development machine.

$ docker-compose up

Check the connection

A MySQL container should now be running. You can test that you can connect to it if you have the MySQL client configured

$ mysql -h -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Verify setup

Make sure the schema is set up correctly

mysql> use scrumptious;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_scrumptious |
| address               |
| category              |
| category_menuItem     |
| customer              |
| customer_address      |
| delivery              |
| driver                |
| menuItem              |
| menuItem_order        |
| menu_category         |
| order                 |
| orderPayment          |
| order_restaurant      |
| restaurant            |
| restaurant_category   |
| restaurant_owner      |
| tag                   |
| tag_menuItem          |
| user                  |
19 rows in set (0.00 sec)

NOTE: With this docker-compose setup, persistent volumes will be setup to save data. The SQL init scripts will only be run one time. If you make any changes to the scripts and want them re-run, you will need to delete the volumes and run docker-compose up again.

$ docker volume ls
local     ss-scrumptious-data-producers_mysql_config
local     ss-scrumptious-data-producers_mysql_data
$ docker volume rm ss-scrumptious-data-producers_mysql_config
$ docker volume rm ss-scrumptious-data-producers_mysql_data

Shutdown MySQL Container

# CTRL-C out of the running container then run
$ docker-compose down

Run Producer Python Application

Test database connection

(.venv) $ python app/

Run producers

Example commands to run producer programs

User Producer

(.venv) $ python -m app.producers.users --help
(.venv) $ python -m app.producers.users --custs 10
(.venv) $ python -m app.producers.users --custs 10 --admins 2 --emps 5
(.venv) $ python -m app.producers.users --csv <path-to-csv-file>

Order Producer

To create new Orders, there needs to be customers and deliveries in the database. If there are none, the program can be used to create some dummy data.

(.venv) $ python -m app.produders.items --help
(.venv) $ python -m app.produders.items --count 10 --active 5

Order dependency data

To create dependency data for Orders, you can use the program.

(.venv) $ python -m test.testdata --help
(.venv) $ python -m test.testdata --all 5

The last command will create 5 customers, addresses, deliveries, and drivers. It will also create 10 users, 5, customer users and 5 driver users.

Run tests

Make sure the Python virtual environment is set up. Make sure Java runtime is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable is set up. Test files should end with Tests will be run using an H2 database.

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(.venv) $ test/

To use H2, the tests require two environment variables, ENV_FILE and CLASSPATH.

  • ENV_FILE - the .env file used for environment variables.
  • CLASSPATH - the Java classpath to find classes required for the JVM

The test/ file sets these environment variables. If you are running individual tests, instead of the entire test suite, you will need to set these

(.venv) $ ENV_FILE='./test/.env.test';CLASSPATH='./db/h2/lib/*' \
 pytest test/producers/

Test files should end with Tests will be run using an H2 database.

Run in Production

$ export DATABASE_USERNAME='<username>'
$ export DATABASE_PASSWORD='<password>'
$ export DATABASE_URL='jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/scrumptious'
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(.venv) $ python -m app.producers.users --admins 5 --custs 5


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