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User settings

Martin Mladenov edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 7 revisions

Users can change their password and enable two-factor authentication at any time.

For security reasons, sessions are automatically terminated after 5 minutes of inactivity.

Additionally, accounts are locked out for several minutes if a wrong password has been entered too many times in a row.

Account settings

To access their account settings, users can click on the profile icon in the top right corner and choose Settings.

Account settings menu

Account settings page


Passwords must be at least 6 characters long and must contain at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter and digit.

When the user clicks on the Change password button on the Account settings page, they are asked to type their old password and choose a new one.

Change password page

Two-factor authentication

Since two-factor authentication is very important for account security, users who have not activated two-factor authentication are shown a message after login.

2FA prompt

To enable two-factor authentication, users can either do it on the Account settings page or by clicking the Enable now button on the above message after logging in.

BankSystem requires the use of Google Authenticator or a similar mobile application for generating two-factor authentication codes.

2FA enable page

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