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Archive No.2 API

Archive No.2 API is a RESTful API created with Node.js and Express, providing essential functionality for managing blog posts, comments, and user authentication.


  • A straightforward and adaptable API facilitating effortless interaction with your blog's data.
  • Enables CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) actions for posts, comments, and tags.
  • Authentication and authorization measures to ensure restricted access for authorized users.
  • Robust error handling and validation mechanisms to guarantee the accuracy and security of your data.


Endpoint Method Description
/login POST Login as user
/signup POST Create a new user account
/check-token GET Check session token validity
/posts/all GET Retrieve all posts
/posts/unpublished GET Retrieve all unpublished posts (admin only)
/posts/:post_id GET Retrieve a specific post by ID
/posts/new-post POST Create a new post
/posts/:post_id DELETE Delete an existing post by ID
/posts/:post_id PUT Update an existing post by ID
/posts/:post_id/comments GET Retrieve all comments under a specific post
/posts/:post_id/new-comment POST Create a new comment under a specific post
/posts/:post_id/:comment_id DELETE Delete a specific comment under a post
/tags GET Retrieve all tags
/tags/:tag_id GET Retrieve all posts under an existing tag
/tags/new-tag POST Create a new tag
/tags/:tag_id DELETE Delete a specific tag by ID
/tags/:tag_id PUT Update a specific tag by ID

Content Management System

The Content Management System (CMS) allows for an efficient management of blog posts and comments. The source code for the Content Management System can be found at


The codebase for the frontend of the blog client is accessible on


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine
  2. Install the required dependencies: npm install
  3. Start the development server: npm run dev

Environment Variables

  • MONGODB_URI: The URI for the MongoDB database
  • SECRETKEY_TOKEN: The secret key for JWT Authentication
  • TOKEN_EXPIRESIN: How long the JWT is valid for
  • ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Trusted domains separated by comma


  1. Setup .env with the environment variables defined above.
  2. Utilize your preferred tool or library (such as Postman) to initiate HTTP requests to the API endpoints.
  3. Authenticate your requests accordingly by incorporating JSON Web Tokens as necessary.
  4. Create, retrieve, update, and delete data as necessary.


  • Async - A library aiding in managing asynchronous operations effectively.
  • Bcryptjs - A library optimized for JavaScript, specifically tailored for password hashing.
  • Compression - A middleware designed for compressing HTTP responses.
  • Cookie-Parser - A middleware dedicated to parsing HTTP cookies.
  • Cors - A middleware facilitating Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
  • Dotenv - A module with zero dependencies, responsible for loading environment variables from a .env file.
  • Express - A Node.js framework used for building the API.
  • Express-Validator - A set of express.js middlewares wrapping validator.js functions for validation and sanitization.
  • Http-errors - A module focused on handling HTTP errors.
  • Helmet - A collection of middlewares specializing in managing HTTP headers.
  • Jsonwebtoken - A library for handling JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
  • Luxon - A library providing comprehensive date and time manipulation capabilities.
  • Mongoose - An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB.
  • Morgan - A middleware employed for logging HTTP requests.
  • Passport - An authentication middleware for Node.js.
  • Passport-Jwt - A Passport strategy dedicated to authenticating with JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
  • Passport-Local - A Passport strategy designed for authentication using a username and password.


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