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It is an OrderBook(Matching Engine). It supports

  • LIMIT and MARKET order.
  • generate execution reports and market data
  • Web interface, FIX interface and TCP interface(for better performance)
  • the highlight is performance

v1.1 performance - 5000 order/second (bg50000.100_lt1.1 via TCP) - see

v1 performance - 5000 order/second(bg50000.10_lt1.1 via FIX - persist OFF)

  • match:2.5us 95%
  • end to end(by FIX): 20ms 95%

note: matching priority - price then time.

Architecture - v2.0 (on the plan) - more for production deployment, e.g. split OMS and MDS as separate service; fault tolerance; data persistence, etc

  • OMS - order management service. Validate client connection/credit/etc; Record execution result and support query;
  • MDS - market data service.

design consideration : VertX EventBus can be considered for the communication between Matching Engine and OMS/MDS. note: why not consider ChronicleQ? Looks like only its enterprise version support tcp sync. Its communication version only support local file sync. Local file syncing does not makes sense for a distributed application. ME_2.0_architecture_20180407.png


  • replace gradle with maven - 1 day
  • manage current OrderBook with docker - 2 days
  • re-design the big picture with K8S and Cloud - 7 days
  • move the Orderbook to K8S and/or Clound step by step - ???

Architecture - v1.1(almost done) - add an interface with pure TCP without FIX store/IO overhead(ongoing)

The route of an order to matching engine

  • TCP(vertx): read bytes from socket -> Q -> vertx event loop thread for matching
  • FIX : read bytes from socket -> Q -> QFJ FIX message dispatcher -> Q (disruptor ring buffer-v1.0 or blocking Q of vertx event loop v1.1) -> disruptor thread-v1.0 or vertx event loop-v1.1 for matching

see : It is a wrong direction to reduce the Q inside. Because 1.the goal should be reduce e2e. The e2e is about 14 ms. But the Q will only cause a few us(2050). We should focus on the main part of the time cost.


One of the TCP end to end test result - Diagram of performance summary of 60,000 order per second(TCP_bg60000.10_lt1.1_600S_20180120_215413_latency_overall.png). TCP_bg60000.10_lt1.1_600S_20180120_215413_latency_overall.png

Architecture - v1.0 (released)


Why not also use Disruptor on the output Q?

  • is it required so fast for the output Q, since order has already executed?
  • guava async event bus is rather easy to use. The code is clean.

Current Performance - v1.0 - Jan 7, 2018

  • note: rate per second during test 5000 orders per second
  • note: java ArrayBlockingQueue is used as input Q. Another option is LMAX Disruptor, which is also supported.
  • note: it is tested on my ubuntu(a VM of win7 64bit). 2 cpu are assigned to this vm. Disruptor_BusySpinWaitStrategy_bg5000perSec_lt60perMin_duration600sec_20180107_102049_latency_overall.png

For more images and test data see - section: Jan 7, 2018 - add e2e measurement (release v1.0 is defined since today)

How to use

after clone, run below to build a package. Find the package at home/build/distributions, e.g.

gradle buildPackage

unzip the package, and start the it

cd scripts
bash bash

$ bash
Matching Engine APP_HOME:/c/
starting matching engine for symbols:USDJPY
jar file /c/

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::  (vv1.1_2018-01-21_215934.902)

Place order by Web

Go to below url. A simple order placing feature is provided. Both aggregated order book and detailed order book are supported.


Place order by Restful API


client_entity=BankAny, default BankA. A bank cannot match with itself
price=any price, default 126.0
qty=any number, default 5000

Check the order book(empty if you don't place order)


Check latency test summary (empty if you did not place order)


Populate OrderBook by scripts

cd test_scripts
populateOB ../jars/BaoyingOrderBookFat.jar Bid USDJPY 113 5500
populateOB ../jars/BaoyingOrderBookFat.jar Bid USDJPY 114 2500

populateOB ../jars/BaoyingOrderBookFat.jar Offer USDJPY 123 6500
populateOB ../jars/BaoyingOrderBookFat.jar Offer USDJPY 124 1500

send a market order to update the order book by scripts

cd test_scripts
sendOrders ../jars/BaoyingOrderBookFat.jar baoying.orderbook.testtool.vertx.VertxClientRoundBatch "-clientNum 1 -ratePerMinute 10 -client_prefix Bank_XYZ -symbol USDJPY -side Offer -qty 2500 -ordType Market -d 5"

Load JMeter to send test deal, and check above links

see the JMeter file - OrderBook\src\test\resources\jmeter\OrderBook.jmx