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vy bot lol 10 hours gone

You are viewing README file for vyisbot .codename(rewrite) 0.2.0


Basically vyishere's bot.

This bot is still in development process, if something isn't working or weird stuff happens, try to download an older version or maybe fix the code yourself, then send me a feedback, I would really appreciate it.

About the volume command, it is not recommended to turn it all the way up to 300.


  • Basic commands
  • Has everything that a premium music bot have (all for free)
  • Have some fun minigames
  • RPS is a pure RNG game don't trust that
  • Moderation commands


To the internet, and baquyen, who helped me fix my weird codes and rewrite the entire bot.

alt text super cracked dev team lol
yanderedev team if else command uno game top text bottom text