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FitMeUp is an API, built with Ruby on Rails, provides a comprehensive and secure solution for powering your health and fitness platform. With features like user registration, trainer management, and session booking, it delivers fast, reliable results to help users achieve their fitness goals.


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Fit Me Up - Backend

📗 Table of Contents

About The Project

Fit Me Up is a revolutionary health and fitness platform that connects users with the best personal trainers in town! This is the repository for the backend API built with Ruby on Rails, designed to help users achieve their fitness goals effortlessly. With Fit Me Up, you can search for a personal trainer that fits your needs, book a session, and receive high-quality training from the comfort of your home.

Our backend API is fast, secure, and user-friendly, making it easier for you to manage your health and fitness journey. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast looking for a professional trainer or a seasoned athlete looking for a performance boost, Fit Me Up is here to help. Join the health revolution today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you!

Consumed by Fit Me Up frontend.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack


Key Features

  1. Technical
  • JWT Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Serialization
  • **API versioning
  • **Scalable database design
  1. Others
  • User registration and login
  • Trainer search and booking
  • Trainer login and booking management
  • Admin trainer creation

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🚀 Live Demo

API Live

Note: Access to data like booking and other requires access to the system( Registering | Login )

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💻 Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


In order to run this project you need:

  • Ruby and Rails to be installed on your machine
  • You need to be having postgresql database installed as well


Clone this repository to your desired folder: run the command below

    git clone


Install this project with: run the command below to install all gems for the project

    bundle install


To run the project, execute the following command: run the code below in order to start the local server

    1. rails db:create,
    2. rails db:migrate 
    3. rails db:seed
    4 and rails server (finally)


You can deploy this project using render

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👥 Authors

👨‍💻 Baraka Danny

👤 Quami Killy

👤 Muskan Gupta

👤 Kibirige John

👨‍💻 Aakash Verma

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🔭 Future Features

  • Write a documentation for our api
  • Write more tests for the api
  • Integration of nutrition tracking and meal planning
    • Daily food intake tracking
    • Setting of nutrition goals
    • Personalized meal plans based on unique nutritional needs
    • Meal planning in advance with shopping lists, recipes, and cooking instructions
    • Insight into food choices for healthier decision making
    • Holistic approach to fitness journey incorporating nutrition and exercise.

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

By giving Fit Me Up a star, you are helping to raise its visibility and bring it to the attention of others who might be interested in using it or contributing to its development.

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🙏 Acknowledgments

We give credit to Murat Korkmaz on behance for his design was essential in the implementation of this project

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  • What is the best way to test my api?
    • This is easily done using postman, a tool that can help you interact with your api.
  • Can i use both JWT and devise
    • No, you ought to choose at least after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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FitMeUp is an API, built with Ruby on Rails, provides a comprehensive and secure solution for powering your health and fitness platform. With features like user registration, trainer management, and session booking, it delivers fast, reliable results to help users achieve their fitness goals.








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