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Page Hayley edited this page Sep 1, 2021 · 9 revisions

Filename considerations

For nigeLab, the two essential identifiers that must be parsed from the filename are:

  • AnimalID - an identifier that indicates which animal the recording was taken from
  • BlockID - a tag that identifies each unique recording

Each piece of metadata (i.e. date, recording number, etc.) should be separated by a delimiter like '_' and will become a variable in Block.m under pars.NamingConvention. A naming scheme with 'R20-01' as the animal ID and '0' as a recording ID with additional fields for year, month, and day might look like 'R20-01_2020_06_21_0'.

Importantly, the BlockID should be constructed in Block.m using the SpecialMeta parameters to produce a more specific identifier from generic metadata like date and recording ID (e.g. 2020_06_21_0).

Note: You can set up your naming convention in Block.m, but there is also a GUI that will help you rename your recordings if the names do not match the defaults set in the file

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