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This is my version of API made up in #BackEndChallengeAlura.

This API was created at the Back-End-Challenge of Alura. The bottom line of this challege is made up an API to provide a basic CRUD (create, retrive, update and delete) application where the main concern is "movies". Through these API you can keep a list of your favorite movies.

Let's check it out these project.


Get Started

First of all, you need to clone this repository to your machine and install the dependencies (you need to make sure that you have NodeJs and Redis installed).

# git clone
# cd shareflix-api-alurachallenge
# npm install

Also, you need to create a configurations file, see next topic to do it.

Configuration file

You need to create a .env file and set up your configuration. You migth copy the .env.example if you want it.

# cp -av .env.example .env

Making up the database

Created the configurations file as above, you can run npx sequelize-cli db:migrate to execute the migrations and to make up the tables. Once created the database, you can populate it with sample data, running npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all


Now, you must run the application with npm start and have fun!

Api Documentation endpoint

After start de project with npm start, you can see the documentation about this API using that bellow endpoint

GET /api-docs
  • There are some end points not documented yet.
  • There is a route that you can try without autentication GET /videos/free
  • Some routes needs that user has a admin role
  • Anyone can create your acount using POST /users, but before this, it's necessery confirm the email to able your login


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