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Bareos Webui

single: Webui single: Webui; Install

Since 15.2.0: bareos-webui is part of the Bareos project and available for a number of platforms.


  • Intuitive web interface
  • Multilingual
  • Can access multiple directors and catalogs
  • Individual accounts and ACL support via Bareos restricted named consoles
  • Tape Autochanger management with the possibility to label, import/export media and update your autochanger slot status
  • Temporarly enable or disable jobs, clients and schedules and also see their current state
  • Show
    • Detailed information about Jobs, Clients, Filesets, Pools, Volumes, Storages, Schedules, Logs and Director messages
    • Filedaemon, Storage- and Director updates
    • Client, Director, Storage and Scheduler status
  • Backup Jobs
    • Start, cancel, rerun and restore from
    • Show the file list of backup jobs
  • Restore files by browsing through a filetree of your backup jobs
    • Merge your backup jobs history and filesets of a client or use a single backup job for restore
    • Restore files to a different client instead of the origin
  • bconsole interface (limited to non-interactive commands)

System Requirements

  • A platform for which the bareos-webui package is available, see section-BareosPackages
  • A working Bareos environment
  • version and version must match (major need to be identical)
  • The can be installed on any host. It does not have to be installed on the same as the .
  • The default installation uses PHP-FPM with Apache HTTP webserver having mod-rewrite and mod-fcgid enabled.
  • PHP 7 or newer is recommended.
  • On SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 you need the additional SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12 and additional repository Package Hub to satisfy apache2-mod-fcgid requirement.


Adding the Bareos Repository

If not already done, add the Bareos repository that is matching your Linux distribution. Please have a look at the chapter section-InstallBareosPackages for more information on how to achieve this.

Install the bareos-webui package

After adding the repository simply install the bareos-webui package via your package manager.

  • RHEL, CentOS and Fedora

    yum install bareos-webui


    dnf install bareos-webui
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), openSUSE

    zypper install bareos-webui
  • Debian, Ubuntu

    apt-get install bareos-webui

Because php-fpm support is not automatically added to Apache2 on Debian like platforms, you have to issue those commands to enable it. Replace php8.1-fpm by the version you have installed.

a2enmod proxy_fcgi setenvif
a2enconf php8.1-fpm
systemctl reload apache2

Minimal Configuration

This assumes, and are installed on the same host.

  1. If you are using SELinux, see section-webui-selinux.
  2. If you are using AppArmor, see section-webui-apparmor.
  3. Restart Apache, see section-webui-apache.
  4. Use bconsole to create a user with name admin and password secret and permissions defined in :configDir/Profile = webui-admin:

    *<input>configure add console name=admin password=secret profile=webui-admin tlsenable=false</input>

    Of course, you can choose other names and passwords. For details, see section-webui-console.

    Or rename /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/console/admin.conf.example to .conf and reload configuration.

  5. Login to http://HOSTNAME/bareos-webui with username and password as created.


Upgrade from Bareos 21 or lower to Bareos 22

now requires php-fpm instead of Apache mod-php.

Usually this should be automatically handled by the packagemanager while updating.

Please consider the following remarks below according to your operating system of choice if auto upgrading does not work for you.

If the is not reachable after upgrading, make sure that:

  • Apache mod-php is disabled or has been removed
  • php-fpm* usage is configured properly in Apache
  • php-fpm service is enabled and has been restarted
  • Apache service has been restarted
  • SELinux or AppArmor configuration are done

Debian, Ubuntu, Univention

Please use apt instead of apt-get to upgrade automatically.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), openSUSE

Before upgrading
  • Disable or remove any PHP module in Apache2
After upgrading
  • Ensure a php.ini file is in place (e.g. /etc/php7/fpm/php.ini or /etc/php8/fpm/php.ini)
  • Configure PHP-FPM to your needs (e.g. /etc/php7/fpm/php-fpm.conf and /etc/php7/fpm/php-fpm.d/www.conf)
  • Configure mod_fcgid to your needs /etc/apache2/conf.d/mod_fcgid.conf

A minimal example may look like following.

<IfModule fcgid_module>
     DirectoryIndex index.php
     <FilesMatch "\.php$">
             SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://"
             #CGIPassAuth on
  • Restart Apache2 and PHP-FPM
systemctl restart apache2 php-fpm

Console/Profile changes

The restore form now accepts a plugin options string in the restore form for plugin restores. Therefore, the Director profile :configdir/profile = webui-admin has been extended by the directive :configdir/profile/PluginOptionsACL = *all* in Bareos 22.0.0: PluginOptionsACL = *all* added to profile webui-admin. To make use of that feature in , a proper configured :configdir/profile/PluginOptionsACL is required.

Additional detailed information

Create a restricted consoles

There is no need, that itself provide a user management. Instead it uses so named :configDir/Console defined in the . You can have multiple consoles with different names and passwords, sort of like multiple users, each with different privileges.

At least one :configDir/Console is required to use the .

To allow a user with name admin and password secret to access the with permissions defined in the :configDir/Profile = webui-admin (see section-webui-profile), either

  • create a file /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/console/admin.conf with following content:

    Console {
      Name = "admin"
      Password = "secret"
      Profile = "webui-admin"
      TlsEnable = false

    To enable this, reload or restart your .

  • or use the bconsole:

    *<input>configure add console name=admin password=secret profile=webui-admin tlsenable=false</input>

    If the profile could not be found, reload or restart your .

    TLS-PSK is not available between the and the . To enable TLS with certificates, see TransportEncryptionWebuiBareosDirChapter.

For details, please read DirectorResourceConsole.

Configuration of profile resources

The package bareos-webui comes with a predefined profile for : :configDir/Profile = webui-admin.

If your is installed on another system than the , you have to copy the profile to the .

This is the default profile, giving access to all Bareos resources and allowing all commands used by the :

Profile {
  Name = webui-admin
  CommandACL = !.bvfs_clear_cache, !.exit, !.sql, !configure, !create, !delete, !purge, !sqlquery, !umount, !unmount, *all*
  Job ACL = *all*
  Schedule ACL = *all*
  Catalog ACL = *all*
  Pool ACL = *all*
  Storage ACL = *all*
  Client ACL = *all*
  FileSet ACL = *all*
  Where ACL = *all*
  Plugin Options ACL = *all*

The :configDir/Profile itself does not give any access to the , but can be used by :configDir/Console, which do give access to the , see section-webui-console.

For details, please read section-webui-access-control-configuration and DirectorResourceProfile.


single: SELinux; bareos-webui

To use the on a system with SELinux enabled, permission must be given to HTTPD to make network connections:

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on


single: AppArmor; bareos-webui

To use the on a system with AppArmor enabled, some permissions must be given to php-fpm.

The following example can be saved to /etc/apparmor.d/local/php-fpm. You have to adapt the path of your php-fpm configured session.save_path.

cat > /etc/apparmor.d/local/php-fpm <<<"# Site-specific additions and overrides for 'php-fpm'
# bareos-webui
/usr/share/bareos-webui/** r,
/etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini r,
/etc/bareos-webui/configuration.ini r,
/var/lib/php8/sessions/** w,
systemctl reload apparmor.service

You can use tools like aa-logprof to check if any other AppArmor restriction are raised during webui usage. You can then add the needed resource to the profile.


single: Transport Encryption; bareos-webui

See the dedicated chapter and section TransportEncryptionWebuiBareosDirChapter.

Configure your Apache Webserver

single: Apache; bareos-webui

The package bareos-webui provides a default configuration for Apache. Depending on your distribution, it is installed at /etc/apache2/conf.d/bareos-webui.conf, /etc/httpd/conf.d/bareos-webui.conf, /etc/apache2/available-conf/bareos-webui.conf or similar.

The required Apache modules, fcgid and rewrite are enabled via package postinstall script. However, after installing the bareos-webui package, you need to restart your Apache webserver manually.

Configure your /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini

single: Configuration; WebUI

Configure your directors in /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini to match your settings.

The configuration file /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini should look similar to this:

; Bareos WebUI Configuration File
; File: /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini

; Section localhost-dir

; Enable or disable section. Possible values are "yes" or "no", the default is "yes".
enabled = "yes"

; Fill in the IP-Address or FQDN of you director.
; E.g., or [::1]
diraddress = "localhost"

; Default value is 9101
dirport = 9101

; Set catalog to explicit value if you have multiple catalogs
;catalog = "MyCatalog"

; TLS verify peer
; Possible values: true or false
tls_verify_peer = false

; Server can do TLS
; Possible values: true or false
server_can_do_tls = false

; Server requires TLS
; Possible values: true or false
server_requires_tls = false

; Client can do TLS
; Possible values: true or false
client_can_do_tls = false

; Client requires TLS
; Possible value: true or false
client_requires_tls = false

; Path to the certificate authority file
; E.g. ca_file = "/etc/bareos-webui/tls/BareosCA.crt"
;ca_file = ""

; Path to the cert file which needs to contain the client certificate and the key in PEM encoding
; E.g. ca_file = "/etc/bareos-webui/tls/restricted-named-console.pem"
;cert_file = ""

; Passphrase needed to unlock the above cert file if set
;cert_file_passphrase = ""

; Allowed common names
; E.g. allowed_cns = ""
;allowed_cns = ""

; Section another-host-dir
enabled = "no"
diraddress = ""
dirport = 9101
;catalog = "MyCatalog"
;tls_verify_peer = false
;server_can_do_tls = false
;server_requires_tls = false
;client_can_do_tls = false
;client_requires_tls = false
;ca_file = ""
;cert_file = ""
;cert_file_passphrase = ""
;allowed_cns = ""

You can add as many directors as you want, also the same host with a different name and different catalog, if you have multiple catalogs.

Configure your /etc/bareos-webui/configuration.ini

Some parameters of the can be configured in /etc/bareos-webui/configuration.ini:

; Bareos WebUI Configuration File
; File: /etc/bareos-webui/configuration.ini

; Session timeout in seconds
; Default:

; Autorefresh Interval in milliseconds
; Default:

; Possible values for pagination
; Default:

; Default number of rows per page
; for possible values see pagination_values
; Default:

; State saving - restore table state on page reload.
; Default:

; Name of the pool used to label and assign new media, e.g. Scratch.
; Default:

; Restore filetree refresh timeout in milliseconds
; Default:

; Possible values: default, sunflower
; Default:

; Configuration resource graph
; Default:

Configure updating the Bvfs cache frequently

The restore module in the makes use of the Bvfs API and for example the .bvfs_update command to generate or update the Bvfs cache for jobs that are not already in the cache.

In case of larger backup jobs with lots of files that are not already in the cache, this could lead to timeouts while trying to load the filetree in the . That is why we highly recommend to update the Bvfs cache frequently.

This can be accomplished by the Run Script directive of a Job Resource.

The following code snippet is an example how to run the cache update process in a RunScript after the catalog backup.

Job {
  Name = "BackupCatalog"
  Level = Full
  Fileset = "Catalog"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  WriteBootstrap = "|/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bareos) " -s "Bootstrap for Job %j" root@localhost"
  Priority = 100
  run before job = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/make_catalog_backup MyCatalog"
  run after job = "/usr/lib/bareos/scripts/delete_catalog_backup MyCatalog"
  Run Script {
    Console = ".bvfs_update"
    RunsWhen = After
    RunsOnClient = No


We do not provide a list of Jobs specified in the JobId command argument so the cache is computed for all jobs not already in the cache.

As an alternative to the method above the Bvfs cache can be updated after each job run by using the Run Script directive as well.

Job {
  Name = "backup-client-01"
  Client = ""
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Run Script {
    Console = ".bvfs_update jobid=%i"
    RunsWhen = After
    RunsOnClient = No


We do provide a specific JobId in the JobId command argument in this example. Only the JobId given by the placeholder %i will be computed into the cache.


single: nginx; bareos-webui

If you prefer to use on Nginx with php-fpm instead of Apache, a basic working configuration could look like this:

server {

        listen       9100;
        server_name  bareos;
        root         /var/www/bareos-webui/public;

        location / {
                index index.php;
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

        location ~ .php$ {

                include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;

                # php5-cgi alone:
                # pass the PHP
                # scripts to FastCGI server
                # listening on

                # php5-fpm:
                fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;

                # APPLICATION_ENV:  set to 'development' or 'production'
                #fastcgi_param APPLICATION_ENV development;
                fastcgi_param APPLICATION_ENV production;



This will make the accessible at http://bareos:9100/ (assuming your DNS resolve the hostname bareos to the NGINX server).

php.ini settings

  • The relies on date functions. Set the date.timezone directive according to the timezone of your .

    ; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
    date.timezone = Europe/Berlin

Command ACL Requirements

The following tables show which commands are required and optional for each module of the .

Optional commands may be denied by :configdir/profile/CommandACL settings to limit specific functionality. If you deny a required command, the module will not work.


The commands .api, .help and use are essential commands and should never be denied by :configdir/profile/CommandACL settings in your :configdir/console or :configdir/profile resources.

Client Module

Dashboard Module

Director Module

Fileset Module

Job Module

Volume/Media Module

Pool Module

Restore Module

Schedule Module

Storage Module

Analytics Module

A complete overview of bconsole command usage in the can be found in the Developer Guide chapter "section-dev-webui-command-usage-in-modules".

Access Control Configuration

Access Control is configured in :configdir/profile, :configdir/console or :configdir/user resources.

Below are some example profile resources that should serve you as guidance to configure access to certain elements of the to your needs and use cases.

Full Access

No restrictions are given by :configdir/profile, everything is allowed. This profile is included in the package.

Profile {
   Name = "webui-admin"
   CommandACL = *all*
   JobACL = *all*
   ScheduleACL = *all*
   CatalogACL = *all*
   PoolACL = *all*
   StorageACL = *all*
   ClientACL = *all*
   FilesetACL = *all*
   WhereACL = *all*

Limited Access

Users with the following profile example have limited access to various resources but they are allowed to run, rerun and cancel the jobs backup-bareos-fd and backup-example-fd.


Access to depending resources for the jobs set in the :configdir/profile/JobACL needs also be given by :configdir/profile/ClientACL, :configdir/profile/PoolACL, :configdir/profile/StorageACL and :configdir/profile/FileSetACL settings.

Users of this profile are also able to do a restore from within the by having access to the RestoreFiles job resource, the required Bvfs API commands and the restore command itself.

Profile {
   Name = "webui-user"
   # Multiple CommandACL directives as given below are concatenated
   CommandACL = .api, .help, use, version, status, show
   CommandACL = list, llist
   CommandACL = run, rerun, cancel, restore
   CommandACL = .clients, .jobs, .filesets, .pools, .storages, .defaults, .schedule
   CommandACL = .bvfs_update, .bvfs_get_jobids, .bvfs_lsdirs, .bvfs_lsfiles
   CommandACL = .bvfs_versions, .bvfs_restore, .bvfs_cleanup
   JobACL = backup-bareos-fd, backup-example-fd, RestoreFiles
   ScheduleACL = WeeklyCycle
   CatalogACL = MyCatalog
   PoolACL = Full, Differential, Incremental
   StorageACL = File
   ClientACL = bareos-fd, example-fd
   FilesetACL = SelfTest, example-fileset
   WhereACL = *all*

Read-Only Access

This example profile resource denies access to most of the commands and additionally restricts access to certain other resources like :configdir/Job, :configdir/Schedule, :configdir/Pool, :configdir/Storage, :configdir/Client, :configdir/Fileset, etc.

Users of this profile would not be able to run or restore jobs, execute volume and autochanger related operations, enable or disable resources besides other restrictions.

Profile {
  Name = "webui-user-readonly-example-1"

  # Deny general command access
  CommandACL = !.bvfs_clear_cache, !.exit, !configure, !purge, !prune, !reload
  CommandACL = !create, !update, !delete, !disable, !enable
  CommandACL = !show, !status

  # Deny job related command access
  CommandACL = !run, !rerun, !restore, !cancel

  # Deny autochanger related command access
  CommandACL = !mount, !umount, !unmount, !export, !import, !move, !release, !automount

  # Deny media/volume related command access
  CommandACL = !add, !label, !relabel, !truncate

  # Deny SQL related command access
  CommandACL = !sqlquery, !query, !.sql

  # Deny debugging related command access
  CommandACL = !setdebug, !trace

  # Deny network related command access
  CommandACL = !setbandwidth, !setip, !resolve

  # Allow non-excluded command access
  CommandACL = *all*

  # Allow access to the following job resources
  Job ACL = backup-bareos-fd, RestoreFiles

  # Allow access to the following schedule resources
  Schedule ACL = WeeklyCycle

  # Allow access to the following catalog resources
  Catalog ACL = MyCatalog

  # Deny access to the following pool resources
  Pool ACL = !Scratch

  # Allow access to non-excluded pool resources
  Pool ACL = *all*

  # Allow access to the following storage resources
  Storage ACL = File

  # Allow access to the following client resources
  Client ACL = bareos-fd

  # Allow access to the following filset resources
  FileSet ACL = SelfTest

  # Allow access to restore to any filesystem location
  Where ACL = *all*

Alternatively the example above can be configured as following if you prefer a shorter version.

Profile {
  Name = "webui-user-readonly-example-2"

  # Allow access to the following commands
  CommandACL = .api, .help, use, version, status
  CommandACL = list, llist
  CommandACL = .clients, .jobs, .filesets, .pools, .storages, .defaults, .schedule
  CommandACL = .bvfs_lsdirs, .bvfs_lsfiles, .bvfs_update, .bvfs_get_jobids, .bvfs_versions, .bvfs_restore

  # Allow access to the following job resources
  Job ACL = backup-bareos-fd, RestoreFiles

  # Allow access to the following schedule resources
  Schedule ACL = WeeklyCycle

  # Allow access to the following catalog resources
  Catalog ACL = MyCatalog

  # Allow access to the following  pool resources
  Pool ACL = Full, Differential, Incremental

  # Allow access to the following storage resources
  Storage ACL = File

  # Allow access to the following client resources
  Client ACL = bareos-fd

  # Allow access to the following filset resources
  FileSet ACL = SelfTest

  # Allow access to restore to any filesystem location
  Where ACL = *all*

For more details, please read DirectorResourceProfile.


By default when running a restore in the the most recent version of all files from the available backups will be restored. You can change this behavior by selecting the merge strategy and specific job selections in the fields described below. The allows you to restore multiple files or specific file versions.

Available restore parameters


A list of available backup clients.

Backup jobs

A list of successful backup jobs available for the selected client.

Merge all client filesets

Determines if all available backup job filesets for the selected client should be merged into one file tree. This is helpful i.e. if multiple backup jobs with different filesets are available for the selected client. When you are just interested in a specific backup job, disable merging here and make the appropriate selection of a backup job.

Merge all related jobs to last full backup of selected backup job

By default all most recent versions of a file from your incremental, differential and full backup jobs will be merged into the file tree. If this behaviour is not desirable and instead the file tree should show the contents of a particular backup job, set the value to "No" here. Select a specific backup job afterwards to browse through the according file tree which has been backed up by that job.

Restore to client

In case you do not want to restore to the original client, you can select an alternative client here.

Restore job

Sometimes dedicated restore jobs may be required, which can be selected here.

Replace files on client

Here you can change the behaviour of how and when files should be replaced on the backup client while restoring.

  • always
  • never
  • if file being restored is older than existing file
  • if file being restored is newer than existing file

Restore location on client

If you like to restore all files to the original location then enter a single / here but keep the settings of "Replace files on client" in mind.

In case you want to use another location, simply enter the path here where you want to restore to on the selected client, for example /tmp/bareos-restore/.

Plugin options

Provide a plugin options string here if required. The field is only shown if a fileset using a plugin is detected.

Restore multiple files

Restore a specific file version



Restoring NDMP backups is currently not supported by Bareos WebUI. Please use the bconsole instead.