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Installing Bareos Webui

\ <single: Webui> \ <single: Webui; Install>

This chapter addresses the installation process of the .

Since 15.2.0: bareos-webui is part of the Bareos project and available for a number of platforms.


  • Intuitive web interface
  • Multilinugual
  • Can access multiple directors and catalogs
  • Individual accounts and ACL support via Bareos restricted named consoles
  • Tape Autochanger management, with the possibility to label, import/export media and update your autochanger slot status
  • Temporarly enable or disable jobs, clients and schedules and also see their current state
  • Show
    • Detailed information about Jobs, Clients, Filesets, Pools, Volumes, Storages, Schedules, Logs and Director messages
    • Filedaemon, Storage- and Director updates
    • Client, Director, Storage and Scheduler status
  • Backup Jobs
    • Start, cancel, rerun and restore from.
    • Show the file list of backup jobs
  • Restore files by browsing through a filetree of your backup jobs.
    • Merge your backup jobs history and filesets of a client or use a single backup job for restore.
    • Restore files to a different client instead of the origin
  • bconsole interface (limited to non-interactive commands)

System Requirements

  • A platform, for which the bareos-webui package is available, see section-BareosPackages.
  • A working Bareos environment.
  • version >= version.
  • The can be installed on any host. It does not have to be installed on the same as the .
  • The default installation uses an Apache webserver with mod-rewrite, mod-php and mod-setenv.
  • PHP >= 5.3.23
  • On SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 you need the additional SUSE Linux Enterprise Module for Web Scripting 12.

Version < 16.2

16.2.4: bareos-webui incorporates Zend Framework 2 incorporates the required Zend Framework 2 components, no extra Zend Framework installation is required. For older versions of bareos-webui, you must install Zend Framework separately. Unfortunately, not all distributions offer Zend Framework 2 packages. The following list shows where to get the Zend Framework 2 package:

Also be aware, that older versions of do not support the section-SubdirectoryConfigurationScheme and therefore Bareos configuration resource files must be included manually.


Adding the Bareos Repository

If not already done, add the Bareos repository that is matching your Linux distribution. Please have a look at the chapter section-InstallBareosPackages for more information on how to achieve this.

Install the bareos-webui package

After adding the repository simply install the bareos-webui package via your package manager.

  • RHEL, CentOS and Fedora

    yum install bareos-webui


    dnf install bareos-webui
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), openSUSE

    zypper install bareos-webui
  • Debian, Ubuntu

    apt-get install bareos-webui

Minimal Configuration

This assumes, and are installed on the same host.

  1. If you are using SELinux, allow HTTPD scripts and modules make network connections:

    setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on

    For details, see section-webui-selinux.

  2. Restart Apache (to load configuration provided by bareos-webui, see section-webui-apache)
  3. Use bconsole to create a user with name admin and password secret and permissions defined in :configDir/Profile = webui-admin:

    *<input>configure add console name=admin password=secret profile=webui-admin tlsenable=false</input>

    Of course, you can choose other names and passwords. For details, see section-webui-console.

  4. Login to http://HOSTNAME/bareos-webui with username and password as created.

Configuration Details

Create a restricted consoles

There is not need, that itself provide a user management. Instead it uses so named :configDir/Console defined in the . You can have multiple consoles with different names and passwords, sort of like multiple users, each with different privileges.

At least one :configDir/Console is required to use the .

To allow a user with name admin and password secret to access the with permissions defined in the :configDir/Profile = webui-admin (see section-webui-profile), either

  • create a file /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/console/admin.conf with following content:

    Console {
      Name = "admin"
      Password = "secret"
      Profile = "webui-admin"
      TlsEnable = false

    To enable this, reload or restart your .

  • or use the bconsole:

    *<input>configure add console name=admin password=secret profile=webui-admin tlsenable=false</input>

    If the profile could not be found, reload or restart your .

    TLS-PSK is not available between the and the . To enable TLS with certificates, see TransportEncryptionWebuiBareosDirChapter.

For details, please read DirectorResourceConsole.

Configuration of profile resources

The package bareos-webui comes with a predefined profile for : :configDir/Profile = webui-admin.

If your is installed on another system than the , you have to copy the profile to the .

This is the default profile, giving access to all Bareos resources and allowing all commands used by the :

Profile {
  Name = webui-admin
  CommandACL = !.bvfs_clear_cache, !.exit, !.sql, !configure, !create, !delete, !purge, !sqlquery, !umount, !unmount, *all*
  Job ACL = *all*
  Schedule ACL = *all*
  Catalog ACL = *all*
  Pool ACL = *all*
  Storage ACL = *all*
  Client ACL = *all*
  FileSet ACL = *all*
  Where ACL = *all*
  Plugin Options ACL = *all*

The :configDir/Profile itself does not give any access to the , but can be used by :configDir/Console, which do give access to the , see section-webui-console.

For details, please read DirectorResourceProfile.


\ <single: SELinux; bareos-webui>

To use on a system with SELinux enabled, permission must be given to HTTPD to make network connections:

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on

Configure your Apache Webserver

\ <single: Apache; bareos-webui>

The package bareos-webui provides a default configuration for Apache. Depending on your distribution, it is installed at /etc/apache2/conf.d/bareos-webui.conf, /etc/httpd/conf.d/bareos-webui.conf or /etc/apache2/available-conf/bareos-webui.conf.

The required Apache modules, setenv, rewrite and php are enabled via package postinstall script. However, after installing the bareos-webui package, you need to restart your Apache webserver manually.

Configure your /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini

\ <single: Configuration; WebUI>

Configure your directors in /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini to match your settings.

The configuration file /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini should look similar to this:

; Bareos WebUI Configuration File
; File: /etc/bareos-webui/directors.ini

; Section localhost-dir

; Enable or disable section. Possible values are "yes" or "no", the default is "yes".
enabled = "yes"

; Fill in the IP-Address or FQDN of you director.
diraddress = "localhost"

; Default value is 9101
dirport = 9101

; Set catalog to explicit value if you have multiple catalogs
;catalog = "MyCatalog"

; TLS verify peer
; Possible values: true or false
tls_verify_peer = false

; Server can do TLS
; Possible values: true or false
server_can_do_tls = false

; Server requires TLS
; Possible values: true or false
server_requires_tls = false

; Client can do TLS
; Possible values: true or false
client_can_do_tls = false

; Client requires TLS
; Possible value: true or false
client_requires_tls = false

; Path to the certificate authority file
; E.g. ca_file = "/etc/bareos-webui/tls/BareosCA.crt"
;ca_file = ""

; Path to the cert file which needs to contain the client certificate and the key in PEM encoding
; E.g. ca_file = "/etc/bareos-webui/tls/restricted-named-console.pem"
;cert_file = ""

; Passphrase needed to unlock the above cert file if set
;cert_file_passphrase = ""

; Allowed common names
; E.g. allowed_cns = ""
;allowed_cns = ""

; Section another-host-dir
enabled = "no"
diraddress = ""
dirport = 9101
;catalog = "MyCatalog"
;tls_verify_peer = false
;server_can_do_tls = false
;server_requires_tls = false
;client_can_do_tls = false
;client_requires_tls = false
;ca_file = ""
;cert_file = ""
;cert_file_passphrase = ""
;allowed_cns = ""

You can add as many directors as you want, also the same host with a different name and different catalog, if you have multiple catalogs.

Configure your /etc/bareos-webui/configuration.ini

Since 16.2.2: /etc/bareos-webui/configuration.ini you are able to configure some parameters of the to your needs.

; Bareos WebUI Configuration File
; File: /etc/bareos-webui/configuration.ini

; Default: 3600 seconds

; Autorefresh Interval
; Default: 60000 milliseconds

; Possible values for pagination
; Default: 10,25,50,100

; Default number of rows per page
; for possible values see pagination_values
; Default: 25

; State saving - restore table state on page reload.
; Default: false

; Pooltype for label to use as filter.
; Default: none

Upgrade from 15.2 to 16.2

Console/Profile changes

The Director profile shipped with Bareos 15.2 (:configDir/Profile = webui in the file /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/webui-profiles.conf) is not sufficient to use the 16.2. This has several reasons:

  1. The handling of Acl`s is more strict in Bareos 16.2 than it has been in Bareos 15.2. Substring matching is no longer enabled, therefore you need to change :bcommand:.bvfs` to :bcommand:`.bvfs_. in your :config:option:`dir/profile/CommandAcl to have a proper regular expression. Otherwise the restore module won’t work any longer, especially the file browser.
  2. The 16.2 uses following additional commands:
    • .help
    • .schedule
    • .pools
    • import
    • export
    • update
    • release
    • enable
    • disable

If you used an unmodified /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/webui-profiles.conf file, the easiest way is to overwrite it with the new profile file /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/profile/webui-admin.conf. The new :configDir/Profile = webui-admin allows all commands, except of the dangerous ones, see section-webui-profile.


Since 16.2.0: Webui offers limited support for multiple catalogs it is possible to work with different catalogs. Therefore the catalog parameter has been introduced. If you don’t set a catalog explicitly the default :configDir/Catalog = MyCatalog will be used. Please see section-webui-configuration-files for more details.


Since 16.2 the introduced an additional configuration file besides the directors.ini file named configuration.ini where you are able to adjust some parameters of the webui to your needs. Please see section-webui-configuration-files for more details.

Additional information


\ <single: nginx; bareos-webui>

If you prefer to use on Nginx with php5-fpm instead of Apache, a basic working configuration could look like this:

server {

        listen       9100;
        server_name  bareos;
        root         /var/www/bareos-webui/public;

        location / {
                index index.php;
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

        location ~ .php$ {

                include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;

                # php5-cgi alone:
                # pass the PHP
                # scripts to FastCGI server
                # listening on

                # php5-fpm:
                fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;

                # APPLICATION_ENV:  set to 'development' or 'production'
                #fastcgi_param APPLICATION_ENV development;
                fastcgi_param APPLICATION_ENV production;



This will make the accessible at http://bareos:9100/ (assuming your DNS resolve the hostname bareos to the NGINX server).