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package reshape
    import ""

    This package converts between 1D arrays (like []float32) and
    mulit-dimensional arrays (like [][][]float32), sharing underlying
    storage. Also allows to re-interpret arrays. E.g., cast a []complex128
    as a []float64 of twice the size, sharing underlying storage.

    This is often needed when passing multi-dimensional arrays as contigous
    lists to, e.g., C code.


func C3(array []complex64, size [3]int) [][][]complex64
    Re-interpret a contiguous array as a multi-dimensional array of given
    size. Underlying storage is shared.

func ContiguousD3(block [][][]float64) []float64
    Reshape the block to one contiguous list. Assumes the block's storage is

func ContiguousD4(block [][][][]float64) []float64
    Reshape the block to one contiguous list. Assumes the block's storage is

func ContiguousR3(block [][][]float32) []float32
    Reshape the block to one contiguous list. Assumes the block's storage is

func ContiguousR4(block [][][][]float32) []float32
    Reshape the block to one contiguous list. Assumes the block's storage is

func CtoR(c []complex64) []float32
    Re-interprets the slice of complex numbers as a slice of real numbers,
    twice as long. Underlying storage is shared.

func D3(array []float64, size [3]int) [][][]float64
    Re-interpret a contiguous array as a multi-dimensional array of given
    size. Underlying storage is shared.

func DtoZ(r []float64) []complex128
    Re-interprets the slice of real numbers as a slice of complex numbers,
    half as long. Underlying storage is shared.

func R3(array []float32, size [3]int) [][][]float32
    Re-interpret a contiguous array as a multi-dimensional array of given
    size. Underlying storage is shared.

func R4(array []float32, size [4]int) [][][][]float32
    Re-interpret a contiguous array as a multi-dimensional array of given
    size. Underlying storage is shared.

func RtoC(r []float32) []complex64
    Re-interprets the slice of real numbers as a slice of complex numbers,
    half as long. Underlying storage is shared.

func SizeofD3(block [][][]float64) [3]int
    Assuming the input has a block layout, return its size.

func SizeofD4(block [][][][]float64) [4]int
    Assuming the input has a block layout, return its size.

func SizeofR3(block [][][]float32) [3]int
    Assuming the input has a block layout, return its size.

func SizeofR4(block [][][][]float32) [4]int
    Assuming the input has a block layout, return its size.

func Z3(array []complex128, size [3]int) [][][]complex128
    Re-interpret a contiguous array as a multi-dimensional array of given
    size. Underlying storage is shared.

func ZtoD(c []complex128) []float64
    Re-interprets the slice of complex numbers as a slice of real numbers,
    twice as long. Underlying storage is shared.


Go functions for reshaping multi-dimensional arrays






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