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A 3D multiplayer shooter.


Full video:


  1. Dependencies

Install Rust as per

On Ubuntu/Debian, install:

sudo apt install libasound2-dev pkgconf
  1. Clone
git clone
  1. Edit your preferences in config.json. In particular, chose a nickname and a server address.
cd scathanna-3d
$EDITOR config.json
	"server": "",   <== set host:port here
	"name": "Nameless Frog",      <== chose a nickname
	"avatar": "hamster",          <== chose frog|panda|turkey|pig|hamster|chicken|bunny
	"movement_keys": "wasd",      <== configure keys (arrow keys always work, too)
	"mouse_sensitivity": 100,
	"window_width": 1024,
	"window_height": 768,
	"window_resizable": false,
	"fullscreen": false,
	"vsync": true,
	"max_fps": 200,
	"msaa": 4,
	"alpha_blending": true
  1. Optional: run your own game server if you like.
cargo run --release --bin scathanna_server deck

(where "deck" is the name of a map found in assets/maps).

  1. Play
cargo run --release --bin scathanna

Client options

These are the most options to set in config.json:

  • "server": "host:port" game server to connect to
  • "name": "MyName" sets your nickname
  • "avatar": frog|panda|turkey|pig|hamster|chicken|bunny sets how you look

Graphics/input options

The most useful options are:

  • "mouse_sensitivity": 100 Set mouse sensitivity (100 = normal speed).
  • "movement_keys": "wasd" Choose other movement keys (up, left, down, right). Arrow keys always work regardless of this setting.
  • "vsync": false Use this on disable vertical sync on slow hardware if your FPS counter runs below 60 FPS.
  • "msaa":4 Set anti-aliasing quality (0,1,2,4,8,...). Useful on slow hardware.
  • "fullscreen": true Run in borderless fullscreen mode.


  • Ray-traced lightmaps with indirect illumination
  • Network multiplayer games (deathmatch / team deathmatch)
  • Voxel-based map editor


Rendering stack

glutin Top-level event loop
gl_client Game specific logic (draw_player, draw_effect...)
engine High-level primitives (draw_model, Material, set_camera...)
gl_obj Ergonomic GL types: Texture, Shader, ... (impl Drop, !Send,...)
gl_safe Safe GL bindings (pub fn create_texture...)
gl unsafe GL bindings (unsafe fn create_texture...)


This is a small personal hobby project. I may not have much time to work on issues or pull requests.
