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Demoscene testing

Marco Bortolin edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 2 revisions
Demo Year Video Audio Audio method Audio emu status Video emu status Notes
Copper 1992 2048 VGA AdLib AdLib ok almost ok Was designed for ET4000AX rev. TC6058AF and needs proper PS bit bug emulation (supported). Horizontal screen wobble effect needs CRTC scanline timings emulation (not supported).
Cronologia 1991 3868 VGA SB Direct DAC ok ok Audio is a bit wobbly as rate is irregular.
Crystal Dream 1992 463 VGA SB Single Cycle DMA PCM ok ok Ignores SB IRQ, uses DSP busy cycle monitoring with 1 or 2 bytes DMA transfers and 0xffff DMA counter.
Sholiday 1989 Text, CGA PC-Speaker PWM ok ok
Megademo 1990 3972 EGA PC-Speaker PWM, tone ok ok
Chaos 3D 1992 4175 VGA SB Direct DAC ok ok
EKB 1992 69286 VGA SB Single Cycle DMA PCM ok broken Skull screen ok, EKB title fading flickers, scroller’s background is broken
Internal Damage 1992 4182 VGA SB Single Cycle DMA PCM ok ok Needs IRQ 7, uses DMA reversed memory order
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