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Experiment to pull out the simfile parsing code from Stepmania's source


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The bits of Stepmania's source code related to simfile parsing. Enough wiring is hooked up to use it as a fully-functional Stepmania file parser (though I'm not updating it anymore.)

This was an attempt to use Stepmania's real source code to make a 100% accurate simfile parsing library, but it's probably better to build one from scratch and copy paste relevant bits of code over, so this project is defunct. Still maybe interesting to look at.

I'm not a C++ programmer, I've probably made some weird choices while making this, just giving a heads-up.

Some way too extensive documentation I've put together on the SM file format is found in the wiki.

Feature list

  • SM, SSC, DWI file parsing/saving
  • JSON parsing/saving (note: buggy)
  • Song directory parsing (chooses which simfile to load from the directory)
  • .lrc parsing
  • Radar value calculation
  • Functions for editing simfiles


  • C++17 (mostly because of std::filesystem)
  • CMake (3.15 or higher)


If you know CMake you probably know what to do better than me. Intended to be built out-of-source.

cmake .. -G (generator type) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=(Release, Debug, whatever)

Stepmania CMake scripts support MSVC, APPLE, and UNIX.

More detailed info of how I compile it below.


CMake will generate a static library libsmparser.a for linking. Header files are found in the src/ directory (this mimics Stepmania's codebase style). You can call the Stepmania code directly, or included in the library are some helper functions I've written, found under the smparser prefixed files.

  • smparser.h: contains a RAII style class to initialize all the Stepmania global variables
  • smparser_SimfileLoader.h: helper class to provide a clean interface for loading/saving simfiles

Check the scripts under examples/ for sample usage.

#include <iostream>
#include "smparser.h"
#include "smparser_SimfileLoader.h"

int main() {
  SMParserLibrary smparserlibrary;  // initialize global variables
  SimfileLoader loader;
  Song s;
  bool success = loader.LoadFromFile("", s);
  if (success) {
    std::cout << s.GetMainTitle() << std::endl;
  return 0;


Global variables

Stepmania has a few global variables that have to be initialized before using the library. You can use the SMParserLibrary class found under smparser.h to manage these.

File path format

If you're calling the Stepmania code directly, there are a couple of gotchas to the filepath format:

  • All paths to the parsing library must be given in forward slashes. (path/to/file.txt, not path\to\file.txt)
  • Paths pointing to a directory must have a trailing slash. (path/to/folder/ not path/to/folder)
  • Additionally, song paths must not be relative, but audio files/images/etc. are ok to be relative.

You don't have to worry about this with SimfileLoader, it will clean paths for you, or you can use SimfileLoader::CleanPath yourself.


Songs have a TidyUpData() function which

  • Cleans filepaths, title/artist fields, ...
  • Looks through the files in the song folder and attempts to fill in image/audio tags, if the fields are blank
  • Calculates the music length by reading the audio file (this is used in radar calculations)
  • Calculates radar values

This is a potentially costly operation you may not want to do. SimfileLoader::Load or SimfileLoader::LoadFromDir will call TidyUpData by default, but you can turn this off using the tidyupdata boolean (at the cost of some parsing accuracy).

Radar value calculation

Stepmania does not parse radar values, instead it recalculates them (when TidyUpData is called). At the moment there is no way to get the parser to read the radar values, but in the future I might hack in some code to parse them and a flag to enable/disable it.

NoteData and GAMESTATE->GetProcessedTimingData

GAMESTATE->SetProcessedTimingData should be called before using a NoteData object, or you may get pointer shenanigans. This is because some Notedata functions access a TimingData instance through the GAMESTATE->GetProcessedTimingData pointer. I can't see an easy workaround for this, so unfortunately that's how it is for now.

(It's a common pattern throughout the Stepmania codebase to set GAMESTATE->SetProcessedTimingData before working with NoteData.)

void fiddleWithNoteData(Steps *s) {
  NoteData nd = s->GetNoteData();
  // nd.GetNumTapNotes()                        // this will segfault because the timing data was not set
  int numNotes = nd.GetNumTapNotes();           // now it's safe
  /* ... do stuff with nd ... */
  GAMESTATE->SetProcessedTimingData(nullptr);   // set back to null for courtesy


  • headers have using namespace std; pollution, might fix later
  • sort the CMake source lists
  • finish the dumper script
  • write documentation
  • (SimfileLoader) set Song::m_sSongDir when loading from file paths
  • add parsing radar values
  • add calculating radar values (need to get the length of the audio file... maybe could deduce length from radar values?)
  • fix NoteData::GetNumTapNotes and related functions (uses GAMESTATE->GetProcessedTimingData)
  • add the rest of the SM file formats
  • better error messages
  • add parsing options to SimfileLoader
  • add std::path support to SimfileLoader
  • lyric file parsing
  • optimize the executable size?
  • don't output RageLog messages to std::cout, or have it toggleable
  • add XML
  • add CachedObject
  • add image loading (for TidyUpData)

Adding a new file type

  • directory parsing: change NotesLoader.cpp
  • simfile parsing: change SimfileLoader::Load
  • simfile saving: change SimfileLoader::Save
  • change SimfileLoader::GetFileLoadedFromDir


I'm starting to notate where I've modified the original code, Ctrl-F barry edit to find stuff I've changed. It can get annoyingly spammy in places but I can't think of a better way and I'd rather have the comments than not.

(incomplete) List of things that have been changed:

  • Most Lua binding code has been commented out (for now)
    • Described in the details for other files
  • RageLog.h, RageLog.cpp:
    • code has been gutted
    • any log messages are written to stderr (for debug purposes)
  • global.h:
    • Most of the contents have been commented out, and I've been uncommenting stuff which is needed in the parsing code
    • the FAIL_M macro has been changed to throw an exception rather than calling sm_crash
    • ShowWarningOrTrace() only prints to stderr, does not log to a file
    • some defines which live in config.hpp (which I guess is a CMake generated file?) such as PRINTF(a,b), CONST_FUNCTION are placed in global.h and have been redefined (mostly to be blank)
  • NoteData.h, NoteData.cpp:
    • code relating to XmlFile, XNode has been commented out
    • a TimingData* member variable has been added to remove the dependency on GAMESTATE->GetProcessedTimingData() GAMESTATE has been added, implementation has been reverted to the original (though I should change this at some point)
      • (todo: test NoteData::GetNumRowsWithTap, NoteData::GetNumRowsWithTapOrHoldHead because it has some funny macro stuff)
  • TimingData.cpp
    • TimingData::GetBeatAndBPSFromElapsedTime and TimingData::GetElapsedTimeFromBeat have code commented out relating to GlobalOffsetSeconds which the parser doesn't need to worry about
  • RadarValues.h, RadarValues.cpp:
    • Lua code has been commented out
    • code relating to XmlFile, XNode has been commented out
    • Stuff relating to ThemeMetric has been commented out
  • Steps.h, Steps.cpp:
    • Lua code has been commented out
    • CachedObject<Steps> has been commented out
    • unused include #include "Grade.h" has been commented out
    • implementation of Steps::GetNoteDataFromSimfile has been removed until all the parsers have been implemented
  • GameState.h, GameState.cpp:
    • very minimal implementation of the class
    • (will probably remove all dependencies on this class in the finished version of this parser)
  • NoteDataUtil.h, NoteDataUtil.cpp:
    • NoteDataUtil::TransformNoteData() functions have been commented out due to dependency on PlayerOptions
    • NoteDataUtil::AddTapAttacks() has been commented out until Song is implemented
  • Style.h, Style.cpp:
    • Stuff relating to GameInput.h has been commented out
    • Lua code has been commented out
  • CryptManager.h, CryptManager.cpp
    • commented out everything except CryptManager::GetMD5ForString, CryptManager::GetSHA1ForString
  • Song.h, Song.cpp:
    • commented functions: ReloadFromSongDir, HasAutosaveFile, LoadAutosaveFile
    • commented stuff relating to ImageDir -- some cache-y performance stuff, not relevant to us
    • calls to FILEMAN->GetDirListingWithMultipleExtensions have been replaced with GetDirListingWithMultipleExtensions
    • added getters for the Steps* vectors
    • ReCalculateRadarValuesAndLastSecond(from_cache, true); -> ReCalculateRadarValuesAndLastSecond(from_cache, false); because false wipes the notedata
  • SongUtil.h, SongUtil.cpp:
    • Only a few functions available
  • the RageFile library has been heavily stripped down
    • RageFileDriverStd is custom code which uses the standard library for file I/O
    • RageFileBasic is unmodified
    • RageFileDriver has a couple of functions and includes commented out
    • RageFile has been changed to call RageFileDriverStd directly, rather than using the FILEMAN pointer
    • RageFile has LUA code commented out
    • RageFileManager only contains some enums and the implementations for the filesystem functions in RageUtil
    • added global function GetDirListingWithMultipleExtensions to RageFileManager (usually accessed by FILEMAN->GetDirListingWithMultipleExtensions)
  • NotesWriterSM:
    • ThemeMetric<bool> USE_CREDIT has been replaced with a plain bool and set to false. Maybe let this value be customizable in the future?
    • NotesWriterSM::WriteEditFileToMachine() removed
  • ActorUtil:
    • only left code related to GetTypeExtensionList()
  • NotesLoader:
    • limited number of filetypes currently supported
  • LyricsLoader:
    • removed dependency on theme to get the default colour, default colour can be passed in as an argument to the lyric parser
  • RageSoundReader_MP3:
    • include path changed from "mad.h" to "../extern/mad-0.15.1b/mad.h"
  • RageSoundReader_Vorbis:
    • add include to RageException
  • GameInput:
    • commented out everything except the GameButton, GameController enums and a couple of functions
  • RageUtil_CharConversions:
    • removed an include to #include "archutils/Win32/ErrorStrings.h", taking the needed function and putting it inside CharConversions
    • I don't even know if this works TBH. It compiles and executes at least.
  • NotesLoaderDWI:
    • coded DWILoader::LoadFromSimfile myself, refactored DWILoader::LoadFromDir to use LoadFromSimfile
  • JsonUtil:
    • comment out Dialog code
  • NotesLoaderJson:
    • number of tracks not correctly calculated
    • bpms/stops loaded incorrectly
  • NotesWriterJSON:
    • StepsType saved in a way the loader doesn't understand
  • PrefsManager:
    • heavily stripped down, only a few preferences available
  • StepsUtil:
    • bunch of functions commented because of reliance on SONGMAN, PROFILEMAN, UNLOCKMAN, CachedObject, ...

Compiling - more detailed

# (starting at the top-level folder)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • Say your current directory is at the top-level folder of the repository.
  • Create a build/ folder -- this isn't a necessary step, but otherwise the build files will be mixed with the source files and it's not easy to clean up
  • Change directory into the build/ folder
  • Run cmake .. -G (generator) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release. cmake will read from .. (which is the top-level directory since we're in build/) and put all the makefiles within the current directory, build/.
    • (generator) is the kind of project file/makefile you use to compile. My generator is "MSYS Makefiles" since I'm using MinGW/MSYS.
    • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is "Debug", "Release", etc. It doesn't have to specifically be Release, set it to whatever. If you're changing this you know the effects better than I do.
  • Use the generated files to compile it (I just type make).
  • I hope it works for you.


Experiment to pull out the simfile parsing code from Stepmania's source








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