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Sign data using symmetric-key algorithm encryption. Validate signed data and identify possible validation errors. Useful shortcut functions for signing (and validating) dictionaries.


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Lets you easily sign data, using symmetric-key algorithm encryption. Allows you to validate signed data and identify possible validation errors. Uses sha/hmac for signature encryption. Comes with shortcut functions for signing (and validating) dictionaries.

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Key concepts

Hosts, that communicate with each other, share the Secret Key, which is used to sign data (requests). Secret key is never sent around.

One of the cases is signing of HTTP requests. Each (HTTP) request is signed on the sender side using the shared Secret Key and as an outcome produces the triple (signature, auth_user, valid_until) which are used to sign the requests.

  • signature (string): Signature generated.
  • auth_user (string): User making the request. Can be anything.
  • valid_until (float or string): Signature expiration time (Unix timestamp).

On the recipient side, (HTTP request) data is validated using the shared Secret Key. It's being checked whether signature is valid and not expired.

    ┌─────────────┐           Data              ┌─────────────┐
    │   Host 1    ├────────────────────────────>│   Host 2    │
    │ ─────────── │                             │ ─────────── │
    │ secret key  │                             │ secret key  │
    │ 'my-secret' │<────────────────────────────┤ 'my-secret' │
    └─────────────┘           Data              └─────────────┘


  • Sign URLs.
  • Sign dictionaries.
  • Validate signed dictionaries.


Need ska for other languages? Check the following affiliated projects:

  • ska: ska implementation for Python. This was the first implementation from which current project originated.
  • skaphp: ska implementation for PHP (>= 7.2).

Generated signatures are intercompatible between Python, NodeJS and PHP implementations.


Latest stable version from NPM registry:

npm install skajs

Usage examples

Usage example are present for both CommonJS and ESM.


node examples.js


node examples.mjs

Basic usage

Sender side

Signing dictionaries and URLs is as simple as follows.

Required imports.


const { signatureToDict, signURL } = require("skajs");


import { signatureToDict, signURL } from "skajs";
Sign data

Sample usage, sign a dictionary:

const signatureDict = signatureToDict("user", "your-secret_key");

Sample output:

  signature: 'sf40lBWO5CquFfHr6jSXxhl2oW0=',
  auth_user: 'user',
  valid_until: '1631827551.6',
  extra: ''

Adding of additional data to the signature works in the same way:

const signatureDict = signatureToDict(
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",

Sample output:

  signature: 'B0sscS+xXWU+NR+9dBCoGFnDtlw=',
  auth_user: 'user',
  valid_until: '1631827551.6',
  extra: 'email,first_name,last_name',
  email: '',
  first_name: 'John',
  last_name: 'Doe',

Sample usage, sign a URL:

const signedURL = signURL("user", "your-secret_key", "");

Sample output:


Options and defaults:

The signatureToDict function accepts an optional options argument.

Default value for the validUntil in the options is 10 minutes from now. If you want it to be different, set validUntil in the options of the signatureToDict function.

Default lifetime of a signature is 10 minutes (600 seconds). If you want it to be different, set lifetime in the options of the signatureToDict function.

Default name of the (GET) param holding the generated signature value is signature. If you want it to be different,set the signatureParam in the options of the signatureToDict function.

Default name of the (GET) param holding the authUser value is auth_user. If you want it to be different, set authUserParam in the options of the signatureToDict function.

Default name of the (GET) param holding the validUntil value is valid_until. If you want it to be different, set the validUntilParam in the options of the signatureToDict function.

Default name of the (GET) param holding the extra value is extra. If you want it to be different, set the extraParam in the options of the signatureToDict function.

Default hashing algorithm is SHA1. If you want it to be different, set the signatureCls in the options of the signatureToDict function. Supported classes are HMACSHA1Signature (alias of Signature), HMACSHA256Signature and HMACSHA512Signature.

signedData = signatureToDict(
        email: "",
        first_name: "John",
        last_name: "Doe",
        authUserParam: "webshop_id",

Sample output:

    webshop_id: "user",
    email: "",
    extra: "email,first_name,last_name",
    first_name: "John",
    last_name: "Doe",
    signature: "nu0Un+05z/cNOFnLwQnigoW/KmA=",
    valid_until: 1631799172.0

Recipient side

Validating the signed request data is as simple as follows.

Required imports


const { validateSignedRequestData } = require("skajs");


import { validateSignedRequestData } from "skajs";
Validate signed requests

Validating the signed request data. Note, that data value is expected to be a dictionary; request.POST is given as an example.

validationResult = validateSignedRequestData(
    request.POST, // Note, that ``request.POST`` is given as example.

In case of signed URLs, it could look as follows:

validationResult = validateSignedRequestData(
    request.GET, // Note, that ``request.GET`` is given as example.

Options and defaults:

Similarly to signatureToDict function, the validateSignedRequestData also accepts a number of optional arguments (which have been described above):

  • signatureParam
  • authUserParam
  • validUntilParam
  • extraParam
  • signatureCls

With some customizations, it would look as follows:

validationResult = validateSignedRequestData(
        authUserParam: "webshop_id",


Simply type:

npm test

Code style

The Prettier is used.

npx prettier --write .




For any issues contact me at the e-mail given in the Author section.


Artur Barseghyan


Sign data using symmetric-key algorithm encryption. Validate signed data and identify possible validation errors. Useful shortcut functions for signing (and validating) dictionaries.






