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NGEngineControl is an Arduino library for eNGine Shield. The code only works with eNGine Shield.



The NGEngineControl class can controls 4 engines in cooperation with eNGine Shield.


  • NGEngineControl(int engine)

The parameter engine indicates the respective engine, possible values are ENGINE_0, ENGINE_1, ENGINE_2 and ENGINE_3. The default serialRate is DEFAULTSERIALRATE.

  • NGEngineControl(int engine, int serialRate)

The parameter engine indicates the respective engine, possible values are ENGINE_0, ENGINE_1, ENGINE_2 and ENGINE_3. ENGINE_3 controlled only speed 0(stop) or 255(fullspeed).


  • initialize()

This method initialize the engine control. The default speed is NULLSPEED.

  • initialize(int speed)

This method initialize the engine control with speed.

  • setLogging(bool logging)

This method activate or deactivate the logging.

  • setSpeed(int speed)

This method set the speed instantly with interval NULLINTERVAL.

  • setSpeed(int speed, int interval)

This method set the speed and the interval in ms.

  • run(engineDirection direction)

This method run then engine in direction edNone, edForward and edBackward.

  • stop()

This mehod stop the engine with interval NULLINTERVAL.

  • stop(int interval)

This mehod stop the engine with interval in ms.


The NGJointControl class can controls 3 joints in cooperation with eNGine Shield. A joint consists as an engine and a transducer for giving the radiant.


  • NGJointControl(int joint)

The parameter joint indicates the respective joint, possible values are JOINT_0, JOINT_1 and JOINT_2. The corresponding engine ist ENGINE_0, ENGINE_1 and ENGINE_2. The default serialRate is DEFAULTSERIALRATE.

  • NGJointControl(int joint, int engine)

The parameter joint indicates the respective joint, possible values are JOINT_0, JOINT_1 and JOINT_2 and the corresponding engine. The default serialRate is DEFAULTSERIALRATE.

  • NGJointControl(int joint, int engine, int serialRate)

The parameter joint indicates the respective jointe, possible values are JOINT_0, JOINT_1 and JOINT_2 and the corresponding engine.


  • initialize(int minRad, int maxRad, int maxSpeed)

This method initialize the joint control. The default name is NONAME.

  • initialize(char* name, int minRad, int maxRad, int maxSpeed)

This method initialize the joint control with a name.

  • setMinJointRad(int value)

This method set the minimum joint radiant. This value is given 0 between 1024.

  • getMinJointRad()

This method get back the minimum joint radiant.

  • setMaxJointRad(int value)

This method set the maximum joint radiant. This value is given 0 between 1024.

  • getMaxJointRad()

This method get back the maximum joint radiant.

  • setMaxSpeed(int value)

This method set the maximum speed of joint. This value is given 0 between 255.

  • getMaxSpeed

This method get back the maximum joint speed.

  • setLogging(bool logging)

This method activate or deactivate the logging.

  • getName()

This method give back the name of joint.

  • read()

This method give back the current radiant of joint.

  • move(int targetRad)

This method move the joint to given radiant.

  • simulate()

This method move the joint to the minimum or maximum.


The NGGripperControl class can controls a gripper in cooperation with eNGine Shield. A gripper required an engine.


  • NGGripperControl(int engine)

The parameter engine indicates the respective engine, possible values are ENGINE_0, ENGINE_1 and ENGINE_3. The default serialRate is DEFAULTSERIALRATE.

  • NGGripperControl(int engine, int serialRate)

The parameter engine indicates the respective engine, possible values are ENGINE_0, ENGINE_1 and ENGINE_3.


  • initialize(int minSpeed, int maxSpeed)

This method initialize the gripper control with min and max speed.

  • grip

This method grip the gripper. The default delay is DEFAULTGRIPDELAYONE and DEFAULTGRIPDELAYTWO.

  • grip(unsigned long delayOne, unsigned long delayTwo)

This method grip the gripper.

  • release

This method release the gripper. The default delay is DEFAULTRELEASEDELAYONE and DEFAULTRELEASEDELAYTWO.

  • release(unsigned long delayOne, unsigned long delayTwo)

This method release the gripper.




This Arduino library supports the NGEngineShield.








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