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WP Notice

WP Notice plugin enable every admin to post animated announcement or messages on top of posts based on tags, categories or date. You can assign several messages for the several posts. There are several custom designs based on BootStrap styles. Along with the styles, you can also add to every message one of hundreds icons based on Font Awesome repository and also choose animation type, duration and number of repetition.

Installation and other information

For Installations, screen shots and logs, please refer to WP Notice page.

Automated testing

WP Notice can be tested by using PHPUnit with the official WordPress testing environment.

  1. Install WordPress develop and PHPUnit. You can follow those instructions
  2. Define local variable WP_TESTS_DIR with the location of WordPress develop phpunit folder. for example, put put export WP_TESTS_DIR="/var/www/html/wordpress-develop/tests/phpunit" in .bashrc (Linux)
  3. Go to the plugin main folder and run phpunit.
  4. Tests coverage report is being printed in HTML page to ./log/CodeCoverage.
  5. You may run phpunit tests with Grunt by typing grunt phpunit.

Automated coding standards tests

WP Notice is following WordPress Code Standards. The validation is done by PHP Code Sniffer Along with Code Sniffer WordPress extension. In order to use it:

  1. Install PHP Code Sniffer.
  2. Install Code Sniffer WordPress extension.
  3. Install Grunt modules by typing npm install.
  4. Run grunt phpcs and observe results.
  5. Run grunt jshint for linting JS files.

Generate auto prefix for animation

Make the changed in source_css and then run grunt postcss to output the CSS to public.css.


WordPress Plugin for displaying notices on posts based on conditions







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