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Parcel Plug

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  • Set name
  • Select advertiser
  • Add line items

Line Items

  • Set name
  • Select inventory
    • Can contain ad units, deployments, or publishers
  • Select priority (1 - 5)
    • Higher number will serve before lower number
  • Select days/dates to display
    • Can be individual days
    • Can be a date range (all days within it)
  • Set status
    • Enable a way to pause/stop a line item, or leave it in draft
  • Add ads


  • Set name
  • Set width/height
  • Set click URL
  • Upload image asset

Request Params


Ad Status


Deleted (deleted: true|false) Defaults to false. Determines if the ad has been outright deleted from the system. Ads can be deleted via the interface.

Paused (paused: true|false) Defaults to false. Determines if the ad is paused Ads can be paused via the interface.

Ready (ready: true|false) Defaults to false. Determines if the ad is ready to be delivered. Is controlled (and saved) by the backend. Is not toggleable in the interface. Is true when:

  • The image ratio is compatible with the ad width and height fields


This field is not saved directly on the model and, instead, is calculated using flags. In priority order (acts like a switch block):

  • Deleted
    • When deleted: true
  • Incomplete
    • When ready: false
  • Paused
    • When paused: true
  • Active
    • When all of the above criteria are not met

Line Item Status


Deleted (deleted: true|false) Defaults to false. Determines if the line item has been outright deleted from the system. Line items can be deleted via the interface.

Ready (ready: true|false) Defaults to false. Determines if the line item is ready to be delivered. Is controlled (and saved) by the backend. Is not toggleable in the interface. Is true when:

  • The dates.start and dates.end values are both set, or dates.days is set and not empty.
  • The targeting value has a least one id set (for either ad units, deployments, or publishers).
  • The line item has at least one Active ad.

Paused (paused: true|false) Defaults to false. Is directly toggleable in the interface.


This field is not saved directly on the model and, instead, is calculated using flags. In priority order (acts like a switch block):

  • Deleted
    • When deleted: true
  • Finished
    • When dates.end or the newest/greatest value is less than or equal to now
  • Incomplete
    • When ready: false
  • Paused
    • When paused: true
  • Running
    • When dates.start or the oldest/least value is less than or equal to now
  • Scheduled
    • When all of the above criteria is not met

Cascading Updates


On change, the advertiserName will be updated on related

  • orders
  • lineitems
  • ads


On change, the orderName will be updated on related

  • lineitems
  • ads

On order.advertiserId change, the advertiserId and advertiserName will be updated on related

  • lineitems
  • ads

On order.advertiserId change, the advertiserId will be updated where === orderId on

  • events

Line Item

On change, the lineitemName will be updated on related

  • ads

On lineitem.orderId change, the orderId, orderName, advertiserId, and advertiserName will be updated on related

  • ads

On lineitem.orderId change, the orderId will be updated where === lineitemId on

  • events


On ad.lineitemId change, the lineitemName, orderId, orderName, advertiserId, and advertiserName will be updated on itself

On ad.lineitemId change, the lineitemId, orderId and advertiserId will be updated where === adId on

  • events

On ad.lineitemId change, the lineitemId will be updated where === adId on

  • correlators


On change, the publisherName will be updated on related

  • deployments
  • adunits


On change, the deploymentName will be updated on related

  • adunits

On deployment.publisherId change, the publisherId and publisherName will be updated on related

  • adunits

On deployment.publisherId change, the publisherId will be updated where === deploymentId on

  • events

Ad Unit

On adunit.deploymentId change, the deploymentName, publisherId, and publisherName will be updated on itself

On adunit.deploymentId change, the publisherId and deploymentId will be updated where === adunitId on

  • events