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beerriot committed Apr 4, 2011
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* mapred_verify
** Overview
=mapred_verify= is a collection of unit tests for Riak's MapReduce

** Quick Start

*** Prerequisites

The mapred_verify tests use Riak's native Erlang interface, and
the paths to the beams implementing that interface are described
in terms of the Riak source tree. So, you will need a copy of
Riak checked out and built locally in order to use mapred_verify.

You will also need Erlang OTP R13B04 or later installed.

*** Building

Before using mapred_verify, you'll need to compile it. Simple
type =make= at the commandline. The compilation should produce an
executable script named =mapred_verify=.

*** Usage

To use mapred_verify, run the script with two command line
parameters: =-s= specifying the Erlang node name of the Riak node
to connect to, and =-c= specifying the base directory of your Riak
source tree:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell
$ RIAK_NODE=riak@
$ RIAK_SRC=/Users/foobar/riak
$ ./mapred_verify -s $RIAK_NODE -c $RIAK_SRC

If running =mapred_verify= as above, with no other commandline
arguments, runs without error, then you have built everything and
specified arguments correctly. If you see errors printed, please
consult the [[Troubleshooting]] section.

The mapred_verify script has two phases: populate (=-p=) and run
(=-j=). The first time you run mapred_verify, you must populate
the dataset on which the tests will run by specifying =-p true= on
the command line:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell
$ ./mapred_verify -s $RIAK_NODE -c $RIAK_SRC -p true
Clearing old data from <<"mr_validate">>
Populating new data to <<"mr_validate">>

A successful population run should produce output similar to that
given above: two messages about clearing and populating data,
including the bucket name being used.

Once the sample dataset has been loaded, you may run the tests by
specifying =-j true=:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell
$ ./mapred_verify -s $RIAK_NODE -c $RIAK_SRC -j true
Verifying map/reduce jobs
Running "Erlang/Erlang"
Testing discrete entries...OK (102)
Testing full bucket mapred...OK (234)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...OK (218)
Testing missing object...OK (1)
Running "JS/JS"
Testing discrete entries...OK (2293)
Testing full bucket mapred...OK (1040)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...OK (826)
Testing missing object...OK (3)
Running "JS/Erlang"
Testing discrete entries...OK (2190)
Testing full bucket mapred...OK (981)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...OK (654)
Testing missing object...OK (1)
Running "Erlang/JS"
Testing discrete entries...OK (93)
Testing full bucket mapred...OK (230)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...OK (214)
Testing missing object...OK (2)
Running "JS/Erlang/JS"
Testing discrete entries...OK (1579)
Testing full bucket mapred...OK (918)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...OK (598)
Testing missing object...OK (2)
Running "Erlang/JS/Erlang"
Testing discrete entries...OK (96)
Testing full bucket mapred...OK (230)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...OK (208)
Testing missing object...OK (2)
Running "Erlang/JS/JS"
Testing discrete entries...OK (102)
Testing full bucket mapred...OK (241)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...OK (190)
Testing missing object...OK (2)
Running "Erlang map"
Testing discrete entries...Got 490, Expecting: 490...OK (83)
Testing full bucket mapred...Got 1000, Expecting: 1000...OK (215)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...Got 200, Expecting: 200...OK (195)
Testing missing object...Warning: 1 Map Result?OK (1)
Running "JS map"
Testing discrete entries...Got 479, Expecting: 479...OK (1342)
Testing full bucket mapred...Got 1000, Expecting: 1000...OK (1042)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...Got 200, Expecting: 200...OK (562)
Testing missing object...Warning: 1 Map Result?OK (1)
Running "Link prev"
Testing discrete entries...Got 477, Expecting: 477...OK (3528)
Testing full bucket mapred...Got 1000, Expecting: 1000...OK (7406)
Testing filtered bucket mapred...Got 200, Expecting: 200...OK (1540)
Testing missing object...Got 0, Expecting: 0...OK (1)

You do not need to repopulate the dataset between tests, unless
you delete your Riak data.

When all tests pass, output should look similar to the capture
above. Each test case is run in four different ways:

* specifying a specific list of bucket/key pairs ("discrete entries")
* processing an entire bucket ("full bucket")
* using keyfilters ("filtered bucket")
* specifying a non-existent bucket/key pair ("missing object")

Passing tests should print "OK" and an execution time (in
milliseconds), while failing tests will print "FAIL".

** Options

The mapred_verify script accepts three options, in addition to
those described in the [[Quick Start]].

The first option is =-k=, the "key count". In the populate phase,
this option specifies the number of objects to create. In the
test-running phase, this option specifies the size of the available
input set. It is generally a good idea to specify the same =-k=
for your populate and test-run phases -- the full-bucket and
filtered-bucket tests will fail validation if you do otherwise.
This option should be specified as an integer, and it defaults to

The next option is =-b=, the "object size". This option is only
used in the populate phase. It specifies how large the value of
each object should be. It is specified as an integer number of
bytes or kilobytes, with the suffix, either =b= or =k=, determining
which unit to use (e.g. "100b" means 100 bytes, with "48k" means 48

The final option is =-f=, the "test filename". This option allows
you to specify which file defines the tests to run. The test
definition file is an Erlang-format file, ready for use with
=file:consult/1=. Each entry should be of the form
={Name::string(), {MapReduceQuery::list(), VerificationFunction::atom()}}.=.
This option is specified as a path, and defaults to "priv/tests.def".

** Troubleshooting

*** ERROR: Path for ... not found or doesn't point to a directory

mapred_verify was unable to find the compiled Erlang files that
implement Riak's native interface. Check the path you provided in
the =-c= command line parameter. The directory you provided
should include =deps/riak_core/ebin=, =deps/riak_kv/ebin=, and
=deps/luke/ebin=, each containing many =*.beam= files.

*** escript: exception error: ... {could_not_reach_node,'...'}

mapred_verify was unable to connect to your Riak node. Check the
node name you provided in the =-s= command line parameter. Your
Riak node should be running, and using that name.

mapred_verify also assumes that your node is using the cookie
'=riak='. If that is incorrect, please edit
=src/mapred_verify.erl= (search for the line with
=erlang:set_cookie=) and recompile, or change the cookie for your
Riak node.

** Contributing
We encourage contributions to =mapred_verify= from the community.

1) Fork the =mapred_verify= repository on
2) Clone your fork or add the remote if you already have a clone of
the repository.
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
git clone
# or
git remote add mine
3) Create a topic branch for your change.
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
git checkout -b some-topic-branch
4) Make your change and commit. Use a clear and descriptive commit
message, spanning multiple lines if detailed explanation is
5) Push to your fork of the repository and then send a pull-request
through Github.
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
git push mine some-topic-branch
6) A Basho engineer or community maintainer will review your patch
and merge it into the main repository or send you feedback.

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