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Housecleaning for the chash module.
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kellymclaughlin committed Jul 7, 2011
1 parent 162c4f0 commit 9be33a9
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 109 deletions.
245 changes: 136 additions & 109 deletions src/chash.erl
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
%% chash: basic consistent hashing
%% Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
%% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
%% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
Expand All @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
%% coincides with SHA-1 hashes, and so any two keys producing the same
%% SHA-1 hash are considered identical within the ring.
%$ Warning: It is not recommended that code outside this module make use
%% of the structure of a chash.
%% @reference Karger, D.; Lehman, E.; Leighton, T.; Panigrahy, R.; Levine, M.;
%% Lewin, D. (1997). "Consistent hashing and random trees". Proceedings of the
%% twenty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing: 654~663. ACM Press
Expand All @@ -33,72 +36,133 @@
-author('Justin Sheehy <>').
-author('Andy Gross <>').


-define(RINGTOP, trunc(math:pow(2,160)-1)). % SHA-1 space


-type chash() :: {num_partitions(), [node_entry()]}.
%% A Node is the unique identifier for the owner of a given partition.
%% An Erlang Pid works well here, but the chash module allows it to
%% be any term.
-type chash_node() :: term().
%% Indices into the ring, used as keys for object location, are binary
%% representations of 160-bit integers.
-type index() :: binary().
-type index_as_int() :: integer().
-type node_entry() :: {index_as_int(), chash_node()}.
-type num_partitions() :: integer().

%% ===================================================================
%% Public API
%% ===================================================================

%% @doc Return true if named Node owns any partitions in the ring, else false.
-spec contains_name(Name :: chash_node(), CHash :: chash()) -> boolean().
contains_name(Name, CHash) ->
{_NumPartitions, Nodes} = CHash,
[X || {_,X} <- Nodes, X == Name] =/= [].

% @type chash() = {NumPartitions, [NodeEntry]}
% NumPartitions = integer()
% NodeEntry = {IndexAsInt, Node}
% IndexAsInt = integer()
% Node = chash_node().
% It is not recommended that code outside this module make use
% of the structure of a chash.

% @type index() = binary().
% Indices into the ring, used as keys for object location, are binary
% representations of 160-bit integers.

% @type chash_node() = term().
% A Node is the unique identifier for the owner of a given partition.
% An Erlang Pid works well here, but the chash module allows it to
% be any term.

% @doc Create a brand new ring. The size and seednode are specified;
% initially all partitions are owned by the seednode. If NumPartitions
% is not much larger than the intended eventual number of
% participating nodes, then performance will suffer.
% @spec fresh(NumPartitions :: integer(), SeedNode :: chash_node()) -> chash()
%% @doc Create a brand new ring. The size and seednode are specified;
%% initially all partitions are owned by the seednode. If NumPartitions
%% is not much larger than the intended eventual number of
%% participating nodes, then performance will suffer.
-spec fresh(NumPartitions :: num_partitions(), SeedNode :: chash_node()) -> chash().
fresh(NumPartitions, SeedNode) ->
Inc = ?RINGTOP div NumPartitions,
{NumPartitions, [{IndexAsInt, SeedNode} ||
IndexAsInt <- lists:seq(0,(?RINGTOP-1),Inc)]}.

% @doc Find the Node that owns the partition identified by IndexAsInt.
% @spec lookup(IndexAsInt :: integer(), CHash :: chash()) -> chash_node()
%% @doc Find the Node that owns the partition identified by IndexAsInt.
-spec lookup(IndexAsInt :: index_as_int(), CHash :: chash()) -> chash_node().
lookup(IndexAsInt, CHash) ->
{_NumPartitions, Nodes} = CHash,
{IndexAsInt, X} = proplists:lookup(IndexAsInt, Nodes),

% @doc Return true if named Node owns any partitions in the ring, else false.
% @spec contains_name(Name :: chash_node(), CHash :: chash()) -> bool()
contains_name(Name, CHash) ->
%% @doc Given any term used to name an object, produce that object's key
%% into the ring. Two names with the same SHA-1 hash value are
%% considered the same name.
-spec key_of(ObjectName :: term()) -> index().
key_of(ObjectName) ->

%% @doc Return all Nodes that own any partitions in the ring.
-spec members(CHash :: chash()) -> [chash_node()].
members(CHash) ->
{_NumPartitions, Nodes} = CHash,
[X || {_,X} <- Nodes, X == Name] =/= [].
lists:usort([X || {_Idx,X} <- Nodes]).

% @doc Make the partition beginning at IndexAsInt owned by Name'd node.
% @spec update(IndexAsInt :: integer(), Name :: chash_node(), CHash :: chash())
% -> chash()
update(IndexAsInt, Name, CHash) ->
{NumPartitions, Nodes} = CHash,
NewNodes = lists:keyreplace(IndexAsInt, 1, Nodes, {IndexAsInt, Name}),
{NumPartitions, NewNodes}.
%% @doc Return a randomized merge of two rings.
%% If multiple nodes are actively claiming nodes in the same
%% time period, churn will occur. Be prepared to live with it.
-spec merge_rings(CHashA :: chash(), CHashB :: chash()) -> chash().
merge_rings(CHashA,CHashB) ->
{NumPartitions, NodesA} = CHashA,
{NumPartitions, NodesB} = CHashB,
{NumPartitions, [{I,random_node(A,B)} ||
{{I,A},{I,B}} <- lists:zip(NodesA,NodesB)]}.

% @doc Given an object key, return all NodeEntries in order starting at Index.
% @spec successors(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash()) -> [NodeEntry]
%% @doc Return the entire set of NodeEntries in the ring.
-spec nodes(CHash :: chash()) -> [node_entry()].
nodes(CHash) ->
{_NumPartitions, Nodes} = CHash,

%% @doc Given an object key, return all NodeEntries in order starting at Index.
-spec ordered_from(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash()) -> [node_entry()].
ordered_from(Index, {NumPartitions, Nodes}) ->
<<IndexAsInt:160/integer>> = Index,
Inc = ?RINGTOP div NumPartitions,
{A, B} = lists:split((IndexAsInt div Inc)+1, Nodes),
B ++ A.

%% @doc Given an object key, return all NodeEntries in reverse order
%% starting at Index.
-spec predecessors(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash()) -> [node_entry()].
predecessors(Index, CHash) ->
{NumPartitions, _Nodes} = CHash,
predecessors(Index, CHash, NumPartitions).
%% @doc Given an object key, return the next N NodeEntries in reverse order
%% starting at Index.
-spec predecessors(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash(), N :: integer())
-> [node_entry()].
predecessors(Index, CHash, N) ->
Num = max_n(N, CHash),
{Res, _} = lists:split(Num, lists:reverse(ordered_from(Index,CHash))),

%% @doc Return the number of partitions in the ring.
-spec size(CHash :: chash()) -> integer().
size(CHash) ->
{_NumPartitions,Nodes} = CHash,

%% @doc Given an object key, return all NodeEntries in order starting at Index.
-spec successors(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash()) -> [node_entry()].
successors(Index, CHash) ->
{NumPartitions, _Nodes} = CHash,
successors(Index, CHash, NumPartitions).
% @doc Given an object key, return the next N NodeEntries in order
% starting at Index.
% @spec successors(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash(), N :: integer())
% -> [NodeEntry]

%% @doc Given an object key, return the next N NodeEntries in order
%% starting at Index.
-spec successors(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash(), N :: integer())
-> [node_entry()].
successors(Index, CHash, N) ->
Num = max_n(N, CHash),
Ordered = ordered_from(Index, CHash),
Expand All @@ -110,73 +174,34 @@ successors(Index, CHash, N) ->

% @doc Given an object key, return all NodeEntries in reverse order
% starting at Index.
% @spec predecessors(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash()) -> [NodeEntry]
predecessors(Index, CHash) ->
{NumPartitions, _Nodes} = CHash,
predecessors(Index, CHash, NumPartitions).
% @doc Given an object key, return the next N NodeEntries in reverse order
% starting at Index.
% @spec predecessors(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash(), N :: integer())
% -> [NodeEntry]
predecessors(Index, CHash, N) ->
Num = max_n(N, CHash),
{Res, _} = lists:split(Num, lists:reverse(ordered_from(Index,CHash))),
%% @doc Make the partition beginning at IndexAsInt owned by Name'd node.
-spec update(IndexAsInt :: index_as_int(), Name :: chash_node(), CHash :: chash())
-> chash().
update(IndexAsInt, Name, CHash) ->
{NumPartitions, Nodes} = CHash,
NewNodes = lists:keyreplace(IndexAsInt, 1, Nodes, {IndexAsInt, Name}),
{NumPartitions, NewNodes}.

% @doc Return either N or the number of partitions in the ring, whichever
% is lesser.
% @spec max_n(N :: integer(), CHash :: chash()) -> integer()
%% ====================================================================
%% Internal functions
%% ====================================================================

%% @private
%% @doc Return either N or the number of partitions in the ring, whichever
%% is lesser.
-spec max_n(N :: integer(), CHash :: chash()) -> integer().
max_n(N, {NumPartitions, _Nodes}) ->
erlang:min(N, NumPartitions).

% @doc Given an object key, return all NodeEntries in order starting at Index.
% @spec ordered_from(Index :: index(), CHash :: chash()) -> [NodeEntry]
ordered_from(Index, {NumPartitions, Nodes}) ->
<<IndexAsInt:160/integer>> = Index,
Inc = ?RINGTOP div NumPartitions,
{A, B} = lists:split((IndexAsInt div Inc)+1, Nodes),
B ++ A.

% @doc Given any term used to name an object, produce that object's key
% into the ring. Two names with the same SHA-1 hash value are
% considered the same name.
% @spec key_of(ObjectName :: term()) -> index()
key_of(ObjectName) ->

% @doc Return all Nodes that own any partitions in the ring.
% @spec members(CHash :: chash()) -> [Node]
members(CHash) ->
{_NumPartitions, Nodes} = CHash,
lists:usort([X || {_Idx,X} <- Nodes]).

% @doc Return the entire set of NodeEntries in the ring.
% @spec nodes(CHash :: chash()) -> [NodeEntry]
nodes(CHash) ->
{_NumPartitions, Nodes} = CHash,
%% @private
-spec random_node(NodeA :: chash_node(), NodeB :: chash_node()) -> chash_node().
random_node(NodeA,NodeA) -> NodeA;
random_node(NodeA,NodeB) -> lists:nth(random:uniform(2),[NodeA,NodeB]).

% @doc Return a randomized merge of two rings.
% If multiple nodes are actively claiming nodes in the same
% time period, churn will occur. Be prepared to live with it.
% @spec merge_rings(CHashA :: chash(), CHashB :: chash()) -> chash()
merge_rings(CHashA,CHashB) ->
{NumPartitions, NodesA} = CHashA,
{NumPartitions, NodesB} = CHashB,
{NumPartitions, [{I,randomnode(A,B)} ||
{{I,A},{I,B}} <- lists:zip(NodesA,NodesB)]}.

% @spec randomnode(NodeA :: chash_node(), NodeB :: chash_node()) -> chash_node()
randomnode(NodeA,NodeA) -> NodeA;
randomnode(NodeA,NodeB) -> lists:nth(random:uniform(2),[NodeA,NodeB]).

% @doc Return the number of partitions in the ring.
% @spec size(CHash :: chash()) -> integer()
size(CHash) ->
{_NumPartitions,Nodes} = CHash,
%% ===================================================================
%% EUnit tests
%% ===================================================================

update_test() ->
Node = 'old@host', NewNode = 'new@host',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,3 +243,5 @@ merge_test() ->
CHashB = chash:update(0,node_one,chash:fresh(8,node_two)),
CHash = chash:merge_rings(CHashA,CHashB),


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