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Martin Bartlett edited this page Sep 25, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the actions-for-nautilus wiki!

Yes, the extension is for a niche use case, but for me, it is one I came to rely on both for personal workflows and for those related to my job.

Consequently, when it became evident that the nautilus-actions project was no longer maintained and could not be made to work, the only solution was to use what talents I have to fill the gap, initially just for myself.

So, I hope you enjoy using the extension. Don't hesitate to report to me problems or suggestions (even PRs!) - I am committed to getting the highest quality functionality out there for all to use.

As for this Wiki, it currently "only" presents configuration examples, but it can be expanded to other uses if you want it to be! Please just contact me if you have suggestions!

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