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This repository contains a simple command that simulates several censorship conditions using ooni/netem and measures them using ooni/probe-engine. We intend to use this code in a laboratory to explain to young students how internet censorship works.

Build and run

You need to build this code using Go 1.20.4. Assuming you are on Linux (or another Unix-like system), and you have already installed a recent version of Go, you can install Go 1.20.4 by running these two commands:

go install
~/go/bin/go1.20.4 download

Then, to run the program used in this laboratory, use:

~/go/bin/go1.20.4 run .

Uncensored Simulation

We simulate the following scenario:

  state "client@" as client
  state "internet" as internet
  state "dnsServer@" as dnsServer
  state "twitter@" as twitter

  client --> internet: 15 ms
  internet --> client: 15 ms

  dnsServer --> internet: 1ms
  internet --> dnsServer: 1ms

  twitter --> internet: 1ms
  internet --> twitter: 1ms

There is a client with a private IP address. The client is connected to the internet. On the internet, we also have: (1) a DNS server using the IP address; (2) a web server for twitter using the IP address.

When you run:

~/go/bin/go1.20.4 run .

the client (1) uses the DNS server to obtain the IP address for and then (2) creates a TCP connection to the returned IP address, performs a TLS handshake, and fetches a webpage.

The code in probe.go is normal code that we would use in ooniprobe. The rest of the codebase uses ooni/netem to simulate all the required servers and to steal the traffic produced by probe.go to use the simulation instead of the real internet.

DNS Censorship

If you run this command:

~/go/bin/go1.20.4 run . -dpi dns

you additionally use ooni/netem to simulate DNS censorship. We simulate a "middle box" that reads DNS requests and sends spoofed DNS responses to the client when the domain is The spoofed responses contain invalid addresses to which the probe.go will fail to connect.

TCP Censorship

If you run this command:

~/go/bin/go1.20.4 run . -dpi tcp

you additionally use ooni/netem to simulate TCP censorship. We simulate a "middle box" that drops outgoing SYN segments for the IP address, thus causing probe.go to timeout when connecting.

TLS Censorship

If you run this command:

~/go/bin/go1.20.4 run . -dpi tls

you additionally use ooni/netem to simulate TLS censorship. We simulate a "middle box" that filters outoing ClientHello TLS records and, if the SNI is, it forges a RST segment that causes the connection to reset.

Packet Captures

Each invocation of the program captures packets traveling through ooni/netem and writes them inside the client.pcap file. The repository already includes a PCAP file for each possible configuration of the simulation.


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