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OAuth example using go and google


type Credential struct {
    ID       string          `json:"id" bson:"_id"`
    Email    string          `json:"email" bson:"email"`
    Password string          `json:"password" bson:"password"`           //Salted + hashed using bcrypt
    Provider string          `json:"provider" bson:"provider"`           //GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, EMAIL
    Claims   json.RawMessage `json:"custom_claims" bson:"custom_claims"` //JWT custom claims

API Handlers

/oauth/google/login -> handler/goog/Login
/oauth/google/callback -> handler/goog/Callback

/oauth/register -> handler/v1/Register
/oauth/login -> handler/v1/Login
/oauth/logout -> handler/v1/Logout
/oauth/claims -> handler/v1/SetClaims

Google Flow

  1. User login via /oauth/google/login
  2. Redirected to google auth
  3. Callback on success to /oauth/google/callback
  4. access_token and refresh_token coookies are set
  5. X-CSRF-Token returned via headers and must be cached & sent on every request by client

In house flow

  1. User register via /oauth/register
    1. access_token and refresh_token coookies are set
    2. X-CSRF-Token returned via headers and must be cached & sent on every request by client
  2. User login via /oauth/login
    1. access_token and refresh_token coookies are set
    2. X-CSRF-Token returned via headers and must be cached & sent on every request by client

Setting JWT claims

  1. POST via /oauth/claims with JSON body
  2. access_token and refresh_token coookies are set
  3. X-CSRF-Token returned via headers and must be cached & sent on every request by client